Topic for Newbies and Radiation

cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member

With all the new people coming to the breast boards here on CSN, I thought it would be helpful for us to give hints, tips, basic information on how to handle radiation and the related drugs given during radiation, side effects tips, nutritional information etc.

I have been seeing quite a few new people coming into the chat room (not necessarily just bc'ers) and thought it would be helpful to have an updated topic about this. (Then I could direct people to this topic in the chat room as well. I didn't have radiation, so I rely on passing on information I learn from everyone here).

Would you all be so kind as to write out your tips for radiation again here?


  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    bumping up hoping someone can

    bumping up hoping someone can help out here!!

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I honestly had NO side

    I honestly had NO side effects (NO burning, fatiuge, tired etc) BUT I am sure other will post great suggestions.



  • alameda88
    alameda88 Member Posts: 1 Member

    A little bit about my story first. I am 67 yrs. old, and was in perfect health before I noticed a round disc shape on my right nipple. Long stoty short I has a double mascectomy and had 36 rounds of radiation. It has been a little over a year. My side effects are I can't taste food, I have a hard time remembering things, my right side is still numb, depression, poor appetite, my whole body aches [ it hurts to stand, squat, sit, lay down, lift things, even driving hurts my bones or muscles. I'm not sure if it's the medication I'm on, my age, the weather or all the above.