Dry Mouth and Cavities.



    FRONT AND CENTER Member Posts: 29

    Wonder if a chin support designed for Cpap would help

    Found this on Amazon. Reading the comments under the product written by Amazon customers is helpful.  This particular product is not expensive so maybe worth a try.  This is just an image of the product ... you would need to do a search on Amazon using the product name if you might be interested in considering such a device.  I have no personal experience with this type of device so I don't know if it would help with night-time dry mouth associated with loss of salivary gland function. I hope it is okay to post this image ... I am not promoting this product ... it just looked like a device that might help those having difficulty with dry mouth from breathing through an open mouth while sleeping.  If posting this is against csn policy, then please delete it.  Apparently the "Extra Large size fits most adults better than the Small Thru Large and it seems to have velcro adjustments.


    CareFusion Ruby Adjustable Chin Strap


    CareFusion Strap

    That looks like the compression garment I wear at night to flatten the lymphemdema in my neck.  My mouth still gets dry at night and my teeth stain easily (every 2 months I get gum-line stains) because of lack of salivia.  

    Someone told me to try Biotene products for dry mouth.  Not much help when I need it which is also at night.

    Thanks.  Kelly