Hysterectomy leakage

mbarnes Member Posts: 2

I am new at this so sorry , I just had a hysterectomy on July 8 2014 , today 7-15-14 I started leaking fluid this evening . The first of any issue . I have no blood in urine I have had no bleeding in general , it has my attention and concern I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow to find out what kind of cancer I have, and I will address this concern to her but does any one have Any suggestions ?  has any one ever experienced this concern ? 





  • ovarian_support
    ovarian_support Member Posts: 44
    Maybe this will help

    My mother had the same thing a week or two after her hystorectomy, we were all set to go to the ER while we were on hold with the hospital that did the surgery.  They said leakage was normal in her case.  Your doctor can tell you more tomorrow I'm sure.  Best of luck to you.

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member

    Maybe this will help

    My mother had the same thing a week or two after her hystorectomy, we were all set to go to the ER while we were on hold with the hospital that did the surgery.  They said leakage was normal in her case.  Your doctor can tell you more tomorrow I'm sure.  Best of luck to you.

    Hi Michelle

    I don't remember how long it lasted but for at least several days after my surgery (which included a total hysterectomy) I too had leaking.  I remember being undressed in the bathroom and seeing a steady trickle of liquid going down my leg.  I had to make sure I was always wearing a pad or Depends.  My gyn-oncology surgeon said not to worry about it.

    I know you must be very anxious about your appointment tomorrow.  Sending lots of positive thoughts and energy your way. 
