An Update - Yesterday's visit to the Doctor

Sandi1 Member Posts: 277

So, yesterday my husband had a visit with the doctor.  This doctor is incredible; he addressed all sorts of issues we had. But first let me tell you that we were waiting in the waiting room and there were a man and lady there before us, the man went in and i said to the lady is the doctor on time today? She said no, my appt was at 4:30 and i got here at 4, when i asked her it was 5:10pm.  The man came out at 5:30 and they called the lady in, she said - i will be fast so you don't have to wait to long.  I said, please you take as long as you need, it's your appointment.  She went in, and a minute later she came out - and said to us, you go ahead of me, i can wait. I said you don't need to do that, we are ok. She said i insist, please go. I am completely overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of people! Thank you mystery lady, you make me believe in the good of people again!

Ok so back to our visit, as i said this doctor is incredible.  Our onc told my husband, that you are dying so go home and have quality time with your family and friends.  i don't know about you, but sleeping and being in pain and not able to go to the bathroom by yourself or clean yourself is NOT quality time. And frankly, i'm exhausted trying to do it all. Yesterday, my husband apologized to me, saying i shouldn't have to do this. I said, would you do this for me if i was sick? He said yes, because i am the husband and that's what im supposed to do, look after and protect you. I said that is nonsence, i can look after you and it's my privledge to take care of you, you deserve it.  Anyway, he told the doctor that I (me) is tired and i am killing myself looking after him, he said to the doctor, can we get some help in for her? Again, my husband who is terminally ill, is still taking care of me. No wonder i love this man.  So, the doctor said, if thats what you want to my husband, we will do whatever you want. So he will arrange for in home hospice care while i am at work, and he explained that this does not mean end of life care, this is to give  your wife a break and make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable.  So, onto the next issue - pain.  I told the doctor that the Oxycodone is giving my husband terrible dreams and hallucinations, he said ok, lets try a fentyl pain patch and see if that helps. We put one on last night and so far seems to have helped with the pain - he was sleeping very soundly this morning when i got up, my mother in law is staying with us right now and she said you go to work, i will wake him up around 10. she did, but he went back to sleep, then about 1/2 hour ago, i got a text from my husband saying that he is up, he had his lunch, and cleaned himself up (sponge bath) all by himself, changed his clothes and is now resting comfortably.  I'd say the pain patch worked.  I was a little worried when he was still sleeping when i left, but i'm better now.  Now the next issue - i was a little scared to bring it up to the doctor, and when i did mention Cannabis Oil, he didn't even blink and said, you know i have never tried prescribing that before, but lets go for it.  He said he would research it for us and speak to the Governor if he had to to get it for my husband. I explained all the things i have read about it, and that we can't NOT try it, i mean what if it works then we have a miracle on our hands, if it doesn't work then, at least he will be comfortable for his remaining days.  My mother in law was so impressed with this doctor she started crying.  The doctor said, we are going to get you all fixed up so you are feeling better.  Now hows that for a doctor?  I am feeling much more confident now, and now that the Cannabis oil will be regulated by the doctor, i don't have to worry about giving him too much or not enough.

i will tell you one thing, during the progress of this disease i have learned to never underestimate my husband! He has beaten all the odds and made it this far, i'm confident that he will not go without a damn good fight.

thank you for all your prayers, keep them coming!




  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Good News

    Thank you for the update...very glad to hear that you are both feeling better.

    He has grerat insight as you do and asking for help was brilliant.

    Please keep us updated on you and your husband's progress.



  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Thank goodness for


    Thank goodness for kindhearted, compasionate and intelligent doctors - they really do exist!  ;)   But seriously, it seems as if you found just the right one to contine care for your dear husband.  And I'm so very glad that he prescribed the Fentyl Patch; being pain free will make all the difference in the world regarding his quality of life.  Best of luck with the C. oil too, I hope it works wonders.  :)

    All my best,


  • esk2poo
    esk2poo Member Posts: 25

    Thank goodness for


    Thank goodness for kindhearted, compasionate and intelligent doctors - they really do exist!  ;)   But seriously, it seems as if you found just the right one to contine care for your dear husband.  And I'm so very glad that he prescribed the Fentyl Patch; being pain free will make all the difference in the world regarding his quality of life.  Best of luck with the C. oil too, I hope it works wonders.  :)

    All my best,


    Thank God

    So glad your husband has decided to let someone come in to help. It is really more for you than him. Jus the peace of mind alone while you are at Work will make things so much better and I really hope the oil helps in more ways than one.

    Good luck,


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    That is all good news Sandi.

    That is all good news Sandi. Your husband is a lucky man to have such a loving wife and caring open minded oncologist.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    You guys are...

    ...a Super Couple. No matter what happened, no matter what's gonna happen, you are both blessed with each other. 

    I wish you strength to get trough all this. 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Deep sigh of relief

    I am so happy to hear that your Doctor is working so hard to make your husband comfortable, and that your husband is open to having help come into the home, so that you can catch your breath. 

    It is a true blessing when you find a Doctor who works with you. 

    I will pray that all continues to go well. I know that sounds weird, considering the circumstance, but if your husband needs to be comfortable, and of course, we all pray for that miracle. 

    Thank you so much for taking the time out of your very busy life to keep us updated. 


  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Deep sigh of relief

    I am so happy to hear that your Doctor is working so hard to make your husband comfortable, and that your husband is open to having help come into the home, so that you can catch your breath. 

    It is a true blessing when you find a Doctor who works with you. 

    I will pray that all continues to go well. I know that sounds weird, considering the circumstance, but if your husband needs to be comfortable, and of course, we all pray for that miracle. 

    Thank you so much for taking the time out of your very busy life to keep us updated. 


    This doctor sound


    This doctor sound like a compassionate, caring human being. Congrats for being such a good advocate. Every cancer patient needs a 'Sandi' on the team. Your husband and you both put the other first...real love.

    May you have many blessed days together.


  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member


    I can hear the relief in your writing. I am so glad that your husband's doctor is compassionate and understands your family's needs at this time.  It is also so good to hear that the patch is working.  Praying for some peaceful times for you.



  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    great doctor

    Sandi - You and your husband hit the jackpot with that doctor!  He sounds wonderful, compassionate and helpful.  Although at first your husband was very resistant to having anyone come over to help, he obviously thought about your concerns and need for a break and asked for help.  What a wonderful guy you have!  Hopefully the patch will give your husband the quality time the doctor talked about.  Good luck with the cannibas oil.  

  • Sandi1
    Sandi1 Member Posts: 277
    Thank you all so much.  Yes,

    Thank you all so much.  Yes, we are relieved, hopefully he can have some quality time, and maybe, just maybe the cannabis oil will work and give him some more time with us.  So, today i went to the lab to drop off my husband's stool sample and "all" the techs there came in the room i was in to ask how my husband was doing.  Apparently my husband has made friends all over this town and everyone likes him.  They are all concerned for him and told me if there was anything i needed to just ask them.  Again, i am overwhelmed by the generosity and caring of people.  Just when i thought that no one has a heart, up pops these people.  My husband is the lucky one, they all like him and treat him like a king, even when we go to the hospital - the nurses are falling over themselves to help him.  I always say to my husband, "is that one of your many girlfriends"?  they all laugh and my husband so seriously says yes, so you better watch out - they can draw my blood faster than you can look at me!  Even through his pain and prognosis, he still has a sense of humor. 

    Today is our wedding anniversary - we are celebrating 15 yrs of the most perfect years of my life!  I know he doesn't have a gift for me and he apologized last night for that, i told him the only gift i want this year is you, right here with me.  I don't need gifts, never have - i have always just wanted him! Hopefully, i can have him for a while longer.  15 years is just not long enough.

    Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, and keep the prayers coming - we need all we can get.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Sandi1 said:

    Thank you all so much.  Yes,

    Thank you all so much.  Yes, we are relieved, hopefully he can have some quality time, and maybe, just maybe the cannabis oil will work and give him some more time with us.  So, today i went to the lab to drop off my husband's stool sample and "all" the techs there came in the room i was in to ask how my husband was doing.  Apparently my husband has made friends all over this town and everyone likes him.  They are all concerned for him and told me if there was anything i needed to just ask them.  Again, i am overwhelmed by the generosity and caring of people.  Just when i thought that no one has a heart, up pops these people.  My husband is the lucky one, they all like him and treat him like a king, even when we go to the hospital - the nurses are falling over themselves to help him.  I always say to my husband, "is that one of your many girlfriends"?  they all laugh and my husband so seriously says yes, so you better watch out - they can draw my blood faster than you can look at me!  Even through his pain and prognosis, he still has a sense of humor. 

    Today is our wedding anniversary - we are celebrating 15 yrs of the most perfect years of my life!  I know he doesn't have a gift for me and he apologized last night for that, i told him the only gift i want this year is you, right here with me.  I don't need gifts, never have - i have always just wanted him! Hopefully, i can have him for a while longer.  15 years is just not long enough.

    Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, and keep the prayers coming - we need all we can get.



    Happy Anniversary!

    It seems odd to say Happy, considering the stress you are both going through and the life and death challenges that you are facing, but I pray you can find that happiness on your special day, and on all days. Your man sounds like a darling, and I do so hope the cannabis offers you both more time together. 


  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Sandi1 said:

    Thank you all so much.  Yes,

    Thank you all so much.  Yes, we are relieved, hopefully he can have some quality time, and maybe, just maybe the cannabis oil will work and give him some more time with us.  So, today i went to the lab to drop off my husband's stool sample and "all" the techs there came in the room i was in to ask how my husband was doing.  Apparently my husband has made friends all over this town and everyone likes him.  They are all concerned for him and told me if there was anything i needed to just ask them.  Again, i am overwhelmed by the generosity and caring of people.  Just when i thought that no one has a heart, up pops these people.  My husband is the lucky one, they all like him and treat him like a king, even when we go to the hospital - the nurses are falling over themselves to help him.  I always say to my husband, "is that one of your many girlfriends"?  they all laugh and my husband so seriously says yes, so you better watch out - they can draw my blood faster than you can look at me!  Even through his pain and prognosis, he still has a sense of humor. 

    Today is our wedding anniversary - we are celebrating 15 yrs of the most perfect years of my life!  I know he doesn't have a gift for me and he apologized last night for that, i told him the only gift i want this year is you, right here with me.  I don't need gifts, never have - i have always just wanted him! Hopefully, i can have him for a while longer.  15 years is just not long enough.

    Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, and keep the prayers coming - we need all we can get.



    Congratulations on your


    Congratulations on your 15th! :)  May you have many more quality days together, he seems like a real sweetheart. 

    All my best,


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Happy anniversary!

    I hope you have many, many more together!
