Good News on 24 Month Checkup

Josephg Member Posts: 493 Member
edited July 2015 in Prostate Cancer #1



Hi Folks,


I just received my PSA test results, and I wanted to share it with you.


The result for PSA was <0.015.


The timing of this test is approximately 23 months after my 2nd and last Lupron shot (two 3-month dosages), and also approximately 23 months after my last radiation treatment (38 visits, 68 Greys).


While I recognize that I have only traveled a short distance on this long road, I do feel encouraged that the bandit may still be currently holed up in some remote part of my body, hiding and patiently biding its time.


In the meantime, I will celebrate this six month renewal of my lease on life with a glass or three of wine this evening, and I continue to give thanks to all of you who have supported and coached me on this journey.

Please join me this evening in your time zone in a virtual toast.


Related History and Data:


Post-Robotic Prostate Removal Surgery Pathology Report 

A.  Lymph nodes, right pelvic:  Two (2) lymph nodes; negative for metastasis.

B.  Lymph nodes, left pelvic:  Two (2) lymph nodes; negative for metastasis.

C.  Prostate, radical resection:

   1.  Prostatic adenocarcinoma, Gleason grade 4+3=7, involving both lobes, at least 2.1cm and occupying 15% of the prostate by volume.

   2.  No lymphatic/vascular invasion is present.

   3.  Perineural invasion is present.

   4.  Invasive carcinoma focally extends into extraprostatic soft tissue adjacent to the left posterior prostate (C20).

   5.  The Seminal vesicles are free of carcinoma.

   6.  The inked margins are free of carcinoma.

   7.  High-grade PIN is present.

   8.  Necrotizing granulomas are present within the prostate parenchyma; stains for microorganisms will be performed and reported in an addendum.

D.  Left mid margin:  Fibrovascular tissue; negative for tumor.

Diagnosis Comment:  AJCC:  pT3a NO


Robotic Prostate Removal Surgery



AUS 800 Artificial Sphincter Implant Surgery



Hormone Therapy (Lupron tri-monthly and Casodex daily)

Started 5/4/2013

Stopped 11/6/2013 (2nd and last 3-month dosage shot given on 8/6/2013)


Radiation Therapy (38 visits, 68 Grays)

Started 6/4/2013

Stopped 8/9/2013


PSA History

5.22 - 6/28/2011 (59 years old)

0.05 - 12/22/2011

0.05 - 3/25/2012

0.05 - 6/22/2012

0.06 - 10/13/2012

0.08 - 12/31/2012

0.11 - 3/30/2013

0.13 - 4/23/2013

0.02 - 8/6/2013

0.02 - 11/26/2013

<0.015 - 7/28/2014

<0.015 - 1/3/2015

<0.015 - 7/7/2015


Previous Related Posts (Mostly artificial sphincter and hormone/radiation experiences): - 5 postings - 3 postings




  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member


    These are good news and a good reason for a glass of red. Let’s celebrate.

    Your T is back to normal levels (245 ~ 800) and the PSA maintains the lowest levels. This is Remission.

    I like posts reporting Zeros. Best wishes for continued good results.


  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 493 Member


    These are good news and a good reason for a glass of red. Let’s celebrate.

    Your T is back to normal levels (245 ~ 800) and the PSA maintains the lowest levels. This is Remission.

    I like posts reporting Zeros. Best wishes for continued good results.


    Good News on 18 Month Checkup

    I had my 18 month post-radiation/hormone treatments PSA check review with my Oncologist this morning, and the results are the same as they were for the 12 month check:  <0.015

    So, another 6 months of freedom.  And, a few glasses of wine tonight in celebration.

    I again thank all of you who have been so supportive to me on my journey.

  • rappa
    rappa Member Posts: 6
    Josephg said:

    Good News on 18 Month Checkup

    I had my 18 month post-radiation/hormone treatments PSA check review with my Oncologist this morning, and the results are the same as they were for the 12 month check:  <0.015

    So, another 6 months of freedom.  And, a few glasses of wine tonight in celebration.

    I again thank all of you who have been so supportive to me on my journey.

    18 month check

    very well done, keep positive and you will be fine, i am 4years in come may this year 2015, and still 0.1 psa , thats as low as there machine goes! have had 0.05 at another one but who cares as long as it stays the same, yours is excellent news , all the very best wishes from london england.    rappa.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    rappa said:

    18 month check

    very well done, keep positive and you will be fine, i am 4years in come may this year 2015, and still 0.1 psa , thats as low as there machine goes! have had 0.05 at another one but who cares as long as it stays the same, yours is excellent news , all the very best wishes from london england.    rappa.

    Let's celebrate

    Joseph and Rappa

    Your results are super. I will join you with a glass of Portuguese Esporao red.

    Many here may be eager in knowing your experiences. Joseph’s AUS and Rappa’s Pennile pump. Here are the links;


    RADIATION HOPEFUL Member Posts: 218

    i just received mypsA TEAT RESULTS & THEY WENT UP?????  FROM A LOW OFO.O62 TO 1.14  CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY?

    RADIATION HOPEFUL Member Posts: 218


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,601 Member



    I strongly suggest

    a retest.

    If it confirms the jump, some of us might be able to form an hypothesis.

  • HeatherHa
    HeatherHa Member Posts: 22
    Where were you treated?

    We are looking for a good urology center. Can you state which center you were treated at? Was your biopsy done with the new MRI guided procedure?

  • Josephg
    Josephg Member Posts: 493 Member
    HeatherHa said:

    Where were you treated?

    We are looking for a good urology center. Can you state which center you were treated at? Was your biopsy done with the new MRI guided procedure?

    Good News on 24 Month Checkup

    Hi Folks,


    I just received my PSA test results, and I wanted to share it with you.


    The result for PSA was <0.015.


    The timing of this test is approximately 23 months after my 2nd and last Lupron shot (two 3-month dosages), and also approximately 23 months after my last radiation treatment (38 visits, 68 Greys).


    While I recognize that I have only traveled a short distance on this long road, I do feel encouraged that the bandit may still be currently holed up in some remote part of my body, hiding and patiently biding its time.


    In the meantime, I will celebrate this six month renewal of my lease on life with a glass or three of wine this evening, and I continue to give thanks to all of you who have supported and coached me on this journey.



    Please join me this evening in your time zone in a virtual toast.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,601 Member
    Josephg said:

    Good News on 24 Month Checkup

    Hi Folks,


    I just received my PSA test results, and I wanted to share it with you.


    The result for PSA was <0.015.


    The timing of this test is approximately 23 months after my 2nd and last Lupron shot (two 3-month dosages), and also approximately 23 months after my last radiation treatment (38 visits, 68 Greys).


    While I recognize that I have only traveled a short distance on this long road, I do feel encouraged that the bandit may still be currently holed up in some remote part of my body, hiding and patiently biding its time.


    In the meantime, I will celebrate this six month renewal of my lease on life with a glass or three of wine this evening, and I continue to give thanks to all of you who have supported and coached me on this journey.



    Please join me this evening in your time zone in a virtual toast.

    Great news!

    I will think about you with my next beer...

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Josephg said:

    Good News on 24 Month Checkup

    Hi Folks,


    I just received my PSA test results, and I wanted to share it with you.


    The result for PSA was <0.015.


    The timing of this test is approximately 23 months after my 2nd and last Lupron shot (two 3-month dosages), and also approximately 23 months after my last radiation treatment (38 visits, 68 Greys).


    While I recognize that I have only traveled a short distance on this long road, I do feel encouraged that the bandit may still be currently holed up in some remote part of my body, hiding and patiently biding its time.


    In the meantime, I will celebrate this six month renewal of my lease on life with a glass or three of wine this evening, and I continue to give thanks to all of you who have supported and coached me on this journey.



    Please join me this evening in your time zone in a virtual toast.


    Always great to hear a good report from another PCa survivor.  Will definitely tip a glass in your direction this evening!

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Josephg said:

    Good News on 24 Month Checkup

    Hi Folks,


    I just received my PSA test results, and I wanted to share it with you.


    The result for PSA was <0.015.


    The timing of this test is approximately 23 months after my 2nd and last Lupron shot (two 3-month dosages), and also approximately 23 months after my last radiation treatment (38 visits, 68 Greys).


    While I recognize that I have only traveled a short distance on this long road, I do feel encouraged that the bandit may still be currently holed up in some remote part of my body, hiding and patiently biding its time.


    In the meantime, I will celebrate this six month renewal of my lease on life with a glass or three of wine this evening, and I continue to give thanks to all of you who have supported and coached me on this journey.



    Please join me this evening in your time zone in a virtual toast.

    Always glad to hear great results.



    Tonight, I'll celebrate with a  nice California wine.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Biding its time


    I read your good news at evening and celebrated it with a glass of Green wine. Interestingly we all share a common feeling when at remission; will that status be kept forever?

    Your comment is very true and that’s what makes doctors never use the word “cured” but we can spell it and believe in it.

    “…. While I recognize that I have only travelled a short distance on this long road, I do feel encouraged that the bandit may still be currently holed up in some remote part of my body, hiding and patiently biding its time.”

    Best wishes for more good news and celebrations.
