Mosquito bite question

onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member

Hi All,


Yes you read it correctly, I have a question about mosquito bites.  Prior to my last chemo (Bendamustine/Ofatumamab) I didn't have a problem with bites, just the typical irritation.  Since my treatment I am highly allergic (mosquitos and moths, according to the allergist).  Last summer I ended up in the ER with cellulitis because of this.  This year I have a steroid cream to use on them when they happen and it has kept them from getting infected so far.  When I get bit it takes just minutes for the area to spread into the size of an orange.   The other strange thing about this is that now mosquitos just love me.  I can be with a group of people, be covered in off, and yet I will be the only one that gets bit.

So my quesiton is :  Anyone else have this weird and annoying outcome following treatment? I can't believe that this is just coincidental - seems like the two things are connected. 


Pray for you all each day.  May your journey be easy.


Dx 05/10. Rituximab.   Relapse 05/12 Bendamustine/Ofatumumab.  Remission!



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Mosquito bites...

    Hi Donna,

      I haven't experienced this problem. Mosquitos must not like me because even when we are in an area they are in, they seem to stay away from me. Steve, on the other hand ,is a Mosquito magnet and will get bit everytime! The area we live in doesn't have a Mosquito problem We can sit outside on the patio and not have any problems with them...even fishing on the river, no problem. I have heard Avon carries a product that repels's called Skin so soft...a spray. I have a friend that swears by it. Much love...Sue

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    Hi Carol,

         Bill has always been a mosquito magnet and they turn into giant welts.  Oddly tho he has hardley had any bites this year.  He had one in Mexico but there was no unusual reaction.  He also had Bendumustine but with Rituxin.  I too hope everyone is doing well and thank you for your well wishes, it means a lot.


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Hi Donna. . .good to see you out and about and doing well.

    IT IS ONLY A GUESS ON MY PART, but I'm saying yes there is a connection between your treatment and your sensitivity to mosquito bites. I am basing this on some of the obscure things my Oncologist has told me about Rituxan. 

    I doubt there is anything you can do about it, other than the passage of time, except search for a repellent that works for you. As Sue mentioned, I have also heard that Avon's Skin-so-Soft works. I sure hope you can find something because I know you enjoy outdoor activities.




  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    Thank you all.

    Thank you for your thoughts on this.  I think you are correct I'll just have to learn to live with it and hopefully in time it will pass or atleast ease up.  I know in the grand scheme of things it sounds silly, but the reactions I get are no joke.  It's terrible.  And of course being outdoors is "my thing"!  Go figure.

    I've tried skin so soft, badger bomb, every Off product there is.  Deet.  None of them work completely.  The only thing that keeps them away is if I build and outdoor fire.  That does it.  So I've been having a lot of lovely fires, and I put a second fireplace near my big flower garden so that when I'm working in it I can have the fire going and be protected. 

    All is well.  Maybe I'll "out grow" it!!  lol

    Thank you all.  You are the best.  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!! 



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    onlytoday said:

    Thank you all.

    Thank you for your thoughts on this.  I think you are correct I'll just have to learn to live with it and hopefully in time it will pass or atleast ease up.  I know in the grand scheme of things it sounds silly, but the reactions I get are no joke.  It's terrible.  And of course being outdoors is "my thing"!  Go figure.

    I've tried skin so soft, badger bomb, every Off product there is.  Deet.  None of them work completely.  The only thing that keeps them away is if I build and outdoor fire.  That does it.  So I've been having a lot of lovely fires, and I put a second fireplace near my big flower garden so that when I'm working in it I can have the fire going and be protected. 

    All is well.  Maybe I'll "out grow" it!!  lol

    Thank you all.  You are the best.  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!! 



    One more thing

    Have you heard of a machine called a mosquito magnet or something like that?  Bill says it attracks mosquitos with CO2 then sucks them into a bag.  He says it really works and he thinks the military was or is still using them.  He also says he heard they now have one that sends out a noise mosquitoes hate so they stay away.  You might check them out on the internet.  I can imagine how exasperated you are.


  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    illead said:

    One more thing

    Have you heard of a machine called a mosquito magnet or something like that?  Bill says it attracks mosquitos with CO2 then sucks them into a bag.  He says it really works and he thinks the military was or is still using them.  He also says he heard they now have one that sends out a noise mosquitoes hate so they stay away.  You might check them out on the internet.  I can imagine how exasperated you are.


    Thank you!

    Thanks Becky and Bill.  I'll look into it.  This is just so annoying.  If I go near a garden or woods I'm in trouble. 

    We go to New Hampshire so I think I better look into your suggestion!!  I'll let you know how I make out!




  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    onlytoday said:

    Thank you!

    Thanks Becky and Bill.  I'll look into it.  This is just so annoying.  If I go near a garden or woods I'm in trouble. 

    We go to New Hampshire so I think I better look into your suggestion!!  I'll let you know how I make out!




    Hi again

    We just saw something called ThermaCell that is on sale at BassPro, it looks small that you can carry around.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    illead said:

    Hi again

    We just saw something called ThermaCell that is on sale at BassPro, it looks small that you can carry around.


    Hi Donna

    Here's info on the ThermaCell at Amazon:


    I use "The Mosquito Authority" for my yard.  It's basically a perimieter barrier and it has worked very well.  They treat roughly every 21 days to coincide with the mosquito lifecycle.  It's not cheap but worth it for me.  If there's a problem between scheduled times, I just contact them and they will retreat for free but I haven't had to do this.  Of course this doesn't help you when traveling.

  • donnagbeck
    donnagbeck Member Posts: 4 Member

    After chemo, I have reacted horribly to bites. I have found nothing to help, except dousing with strong bug spray, which I hate.( I wonder how good it is to use this). You would think mosquitoes would avoid a person who has had chemo, but I attract them like crazy now. Beginning to hate summer….

  • donnagbeck
    donnagbeck Member Posts: 4 Member

    I am in the same boat - three years since chemo, 61, and my name is Donna. Nothing seems to work for me either. You would think mosquitoes wouldn’t like people that have had chemo. My acupuncturist says it is because my immune system is still hyper-sensitive, and is over reacting.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    I had a different type of lymphoma (FNHL) and a different chemo regime (fludarabine, cytoxin and rituxan). However bug bites would make large ugly sores. I finished chemo in June and had the reaction until late fall when all bugs were gone. The following spring there was no such reaction. Hopefully yours will go away too!