New here so hello to all of you! Have a question

Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member

I am 49 years old. I had an endometrial ablation about 5 yrs ago for heavy periods. I went to my primary DR bc I was having right shoulder pain and right lung pain (right chest area). He ended up just giving me my routine yearly blood work and an X-ray of the shoulder and chest X-ray, all was fine except my Sed rate was elevated (which signified some kind of inflammation in my body). So, I went to GYN and Pap smear revealed glandular atypical cells, had biopsy and she couldn't quite get into the uterus due to the fact it was scarred shut from the ablation but she said she might have got some uterine cells. Regardless, biopsy came back malignant. my GYN said she wasn't sure the malignant cells were traveling towards the uterus or from the uterus.....I'm new to all of this and all the terminology so please bare with me.  She referred me to GYN oncologist who I meet with next week, July 1. She said hysterectomy needs to be done soon but that's pretty much all she said.  Anyone have a similar story? 

Post EA (endometrial ablation) 5 yrs ago which stopped the bleeding and haven't had a period since so I'm wondering if that might have hidden some symptoms. Have had pain/bleeding with intercouse one time two years ago! (Yep, that's right, I'm married and don't have sex!) so I'm not sure if I would have had more symptoms......who knows.  Anyway, I'm just WAITING to meet with GYN onc and then hysterectomy. Did anyone have elevated SED Rate? My new GYN Onc office said they'll be drawing the CA 125 lab. 

Thanks to all who took to read this very long message!



  • nolib1966
    nolib1966 Member Posts: 12

    I have never heard of SED rate but I am thankful your doctor saw an sign you had infflamation somewhere and you had a PAP test.

    The sooner you can gt it done the better.  I am sure the time waiting for your July 1 appointment seems to drag but it will get here.

    I went through it last year.  Pap done in September, D&C in October, Hysterectomy in November, and chemo started in December.

    You will make it just keep busy, exercise, eat good, and have positive thoughts.  The stronger and healthier you are the better you operation will go.

    You are not alone.  Please take care of yourself.











  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member
    nolib1966 said:


    I have never heard of SED rate but I am thankful your doctor saw an sign you had infflamation somewhere and you had a PAP test.

    The sooner you can gt it done the better.  I am sure the time waiting for your July 1 appointment seems to drag but it will get here.

    I went through it last year.  Pap done in September, D&C in October, Hysterectomy in November, and chemo started in December.

    You will make it just keep busy, exercise, eat good, and have positive thoughts.  The stronger and healthier you are the better you operation will go.

    You are not alone.  Please take care of yourself.











    Thank you JS for your helpful & supportive reply!


    Thanks for replying to me! SED rate is usually significant for some auto immune disease like RA (rheumatoid arthritis for ex) but I don't think it is specific for CA.  Oh least it helped get me going in the right direction.  How are you doing now?

    Thanks again!



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Judemo, I had atypical cells

    Judemo, I had atypical cells on paps and irregular bleeding which caused my gyn to say "Let's find out what's going on".  She couldn't do the endometrial biopsy on me and decided on a D&C. I understand the endometrial biopsy couldn't be done on you but can they do a D&C?  Without knowing exactly what is going on it is hard to say without them doing a little more testing. 

    As you may know, the CA125 is marker in your blood that they measure.  These range all over the place and isn't used as the sole reason to determine if someone has cancer or not.  As many of the women here will tell you, a cold or allergies can elevate it during their tests.  (I admit, I get a liitle hung up "having a good number" though myself :) )

    I will say it is great to hear you were referred to a gyn oncologist.  If you should find you have a below the belt cancer, these specialists are the people you want on your team.

  • nolib1966
    nolib1966 Member Posts: 12
    Judemo said:

    Thank you JS for your helpful & supportive reply!


    Thanks for replying to me! SED rate is usually significant for some auto immune disease like RA (rheumatoid arthritis for ex) but I don't think it is specific for CA.  Oh least it helped get me going in the right direction.  How are you doing now?

    Thanks again!




    My story is listed under the uterine cancer discussion board subject Uterine carcinosarcoma surivors.  I have nothing to add to the summary I posted the other day.

    Just taking one day at a time.  Since my last chemo was the 9th of April I have gotten stronger. I wanted to start exercicing but didn't want to join a gym because of

    the germs, and we do not live where there are sidewalks so it is not safe to walk.  My husband bought me a stationary bike last week and I try to do 30 mnutes 

    before breakfast each day. I need to get stronger to fight this.

    We will make it through together. Smile Please keep me posted.


  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member
    nolib1966 said:


    My story is listed under the uterine cancer discussion board subject Uterine carcinosarcoma surivors.  I have nothing to add to the summary I posted the other day.

    Just taking one day at a time.  Since my last chemo was the 9th of April I have gotten stronger. I wanted to start exercicing but didn't want to join a gym because of

    the germs, and we do not live where there are sidewalks so it is not safe to walk.  My husband bought me a stationary bike last week and I try to do 30 mnutes 

    before breakfast each day. I need to get stronger to fight this.

    We will make it through together. Smile Please keep me posted.


    I'll go look at your story. Thanks for the reply!


    i am sending you positve thoughts and prayers!  Great to hear you are getting stronger!  I agree exercise is the way to go for getting stronger and mentally stronger! Great job!


  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member

    Judemo, I had atypical cells

    Judemo, I had atypical cells on paps and irregular bleeding which caused my gyn to say "Let's find out what's going on".  She couldn't do the endometrial biopsy on me and decided on a D&C. I understand the endometrial biopsy couldn't be done on you but can they do a D&C?  Without knowing exactly what is going on it is hard to say without them doing a little more testing. 

    As you may know, the CA125 is marker in your blood that they measure.  These range all over the place and isn't used as the sole reason to determine if someone has cancer or not.  As many of the women here will tell you, a cold or allergies can elevate it during their tests.  (I admit, I get a liitle hung up "having a good number" though myself :) )

    I will say it is great to hear you were referred to a gyn oncologist.  If you should find you have a below the belt cancer, these specialists are the people you want on your team.

    Great to hear from you! Thank you

    Thank you for sharing your info.  You know, there might be a chance that there won't be a problem in the uterus then, but who knows since she couldn't really get to it. Not sure then why she would want me to have a hysterectomy right away without knowing for sure.  regardless, I'm meeting the Gyn onc next week so we'll figure it out then.  Thanks again for replying and congrats on your good number!


  • Toriahhh
    Toriahhh Member Posts: 2
    Newly Diagnosed; new to the site

    Hi all,

    I'm 31, no children (I really want children), and I was diagnosed with uterine cancer on June 10th. After dealing with PCOS for 10 years,  I started having terribly heavy bleeding over a year ago.  20+ days of bleeding,  in a row. Severe anemia,  pain,  frustration, and more hormone treatments than I can count finally led my gyn to do a D&C with hysteroscopy 3 weeks ago. At my 1 week do follow up I got the news. I've met with the oncologist once and have my ultrasound scheduled for this Friday.  I'm nervous.  

  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member
    Toriahhh said:

    Newly Diagnosed; new to the site

    Hi all,

    I'm 31, no children (I really want children), and I was diagnosed with uterine cancer on June 10th. After dealing with PCOS for 10 years,  I started having terribly heavy bleeding over a year ago.  20+ days of bleeding,  in a row. Severe anemia,  pain,  frustration, and more hormone treatments than I can count finally led my gyn to do a D&C with hysteroscopy 3 weeks ago. At my 1 week do follow up I got the news. I've met with the oncologist once and have my ultrasound scheduled for this Friday.  I'm nervous.  

    Toriahhh, we'll get through this together!

    Thanks for your reply and story. Let's just keep supporting each other.  I'm new to all of this as well.  I've always had irregular pap smears due to HPV and figured one day it might lead to something more serious.  I don't have kids either.  what is PCOS? I missed a year or two of going to the GYN for regular Pap smears so Im glad I finally went a month ago. What's crazy is there really isn't a test for Uterine CA. So, it can go undetected for some time, even after regular Pap smears.  Anyway, you hang in there ok? I hate this waiting, so being connected to this website is helpful! I just watched some videos on Utube about uterine CA and actually watched a real time laparoscopy!

    till next time...

  • Toriahhh
    Toriahhh Member Posts: 2
    Judemo said:

    Toriahhh, we'll get through this together!

    Thanks for your reply and story. Let's just keep supporting each other.  I'm new to all of this as well.  I've always had irregular pap smears due to HPV and figured one day it might lead to something more serious.  I don't have kids either.  what is PCOS? I missed a year or two of going to the GYN for regular Pap smears so Im glad I finally went a month ago. What's crazy is there really isn't a test for Uterine CA. So, it can go undetected for some time, even after regular Pap smears.  Anyway, you hang in there ok? I hate this waiting, so being connected to this website is helpful! I just watched some videos on Utube about uterine CA and actually watched a real time laparoscopy!

    till next time...

    Yes we will!

    Judemo, we will get through this.  It's a lot to take in,  but I find having support system certainly helps.  

    PCOS is poly cystic ovaries syndrome. A real troubling condition that plagues many girls and women in their reproductive years,  but that gets little attention in the medical world. 

    Let us stay encouraged!

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Toriahhh said:

    Yes we will!

    Judemo, we will get through this.  It's a lot to take in,  but I find having support system certainly helps.  

    PCOS is poly cystic ovaries syndrome. A real troubling condition that plagues many girls and women in their reproductive years,  but that gets little attention in the medical world. 

    Let us stay encouraged!


    And good luck to you both.  We got your backs!

  • Judemo
    Judemo Member Posts: 172 Member
    ConnieSW said:


    And good luck to you both.  We got your backs!

    Thank you Torriahhh & ConnieSW!

    Thank you for you replies!  Did any of you have Atypical glandular cells undifferentiated?