Surgery Scheduled for tongue tumor

Finally got scheduled for surgery on July 11 (which sucks since it is my daughter's birthday). Dr Futran at the University of Washington Medical Center is going to perform the sugery. He says that the tumor is a T2 and no lymph nodes involved, but I have one that seems to be reacting to the tumor. 


So he is going to remove the tumor and sew up my tongue (no graft needed). And then a single neck dissection to snag the node. He also said that while he is at it, he is going to remove my broken teeth and root tips (from years of back dental work. I had my teeth fixed, but the dentist did not do a good job.)


I will be in the hospital for 3 days over the weekend. He was telling me that I might have to take a week off work to recover. I'm thinking that I might sneak back to work before then. Work is my quiet time. I don't have to talk to anyone, or yell, or run down the street barefoot chasing runaway kids. I'm not expected to potty train or do housework at work. It is a desk job. Basically I use work to escape my hubby and kids since they want to involve Mom with everything. It drives me crazy when they know that I am in pain and I took a painpill and they still insist on having me talk to them. My husband is just a guilty.


Anyway. I feel better about this. I do wish that the surgery was already over though.


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    Oh Good

    Another woman who understands the concept of "going to work to relax" .  Good luck w/ your surgery :)

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    i'm glad for you that a plan

    i'm glad for you that a plan has been made.  i'm praying for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.  also praying the hubby and kids will help you after surgery and not expect you to be supermom right away.

    God bless you,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    i'm glad for you that a plan

    i'm glad for you that a plan has been made.  i'm praying for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.  also praying the hubby and kids will help you after surgery and not expect you to be supermom right away.

    God bless you,


    Good plan

    Sounds like a very doable plan :-) I love to work, disappointed I had to cut back to part-time to draw social security. 

  • nurseu2
    nurseu2 Member Posts: 1

    I had my surgery for my 3 spots of cancer on my tongue 4-22-14, went back to work in 6 weeks. I could have went back in two but my work did not know what paper I needed to return with (really).  My surgery went well and they took out 17 lymph glands from the right side of my neck no cancer in any-so end of May they said I did not need any radiation/chemo. I did do the Clinical Trial and it did shrink the tumors. Now on May 20th I went out to eat with friends and woke up the next morning with my tongue swollen look as if I had a frog in my mouth. I have been to dentist, oral surgeon, and ENT has done a CT all negative. Still can't move tongue to eat solid foods will go back in on July 2nd for Direct Laryngoscopy to see if new tumor or damage I did from chewing solid food that May 20th.

    Good Luck to you and your surgery and hopefully my is just damage to the salivary gland or vascular issue not draining correctly. By the way I was never a smoker or drinker and I am 67 yrs old. I'm back at work to REST too----Take care will pray for the both of us.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Good news and plain

    Good news and plain, as well as great attitude. 

    ps; Don't work too hard when you go back.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    open wide


    Sounds like a H&N tune-up.  My tongue surgery was similar to yours and not very painful.  Of source I used my recliner for relaxation, but if, work will do, more power to you.

    Good luck,
