psa rising after treatment

shadowman Member Posts: 27 Member



I ws diagnosed in 2011 with prostate cncer  gleason score 9   I underwent 45 radiation treatments and 2 years of hormone treatments     when done my pas was 0 and my testosterone was <20


I had a follow up psa and testosterone test in dec 2013  6 months after finishing treatment  and psa was .31  and testosterone was 269     I just had another test this week  1 year since finishing treatment  and psa is now .63 and testosterone  is 369     I am concerned   my doctor said psa should level off but if it still rises at the next test  It would mean  the cancer could be back


any one been through this and what were your results




  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Second Opinions

    I wonder what is the trigger threshold PSA of your doctor to consider failure. Probably he follows the traditional principle of three increases since nadir to consider recurrence. You are worried and I would recommend you to gert a second opinion on your results from a medical oncologist.

    There have been many cases similar to yours reported in this forum. You may be interested in reading the threads of a patient named RADIATION HOPEFUL that started his combo treantement RT+HT in 2010. You can check his progress and story in several past issues. Here is a link to one of them;


    Best wishes,
