I may have a problem

debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

Need some info.  Just had my 4 year checkup for UPSC.  All seems well, ca125 is 15.8 down 2 points.  Had to see an Internal dr. for DEXA scan.  Ok, nothing scheduled as of today{I went in May 14}.  Reading his report today he wants to order a thyroid ultrasound because of "a rubbery thyroid and a suspicious node on the thyroid".  Does UPSC go to the thyroid?  I feel nothing there or anywhere, pelvic was great.  Guess I'm looking for info and reasurance.  Sent a message to my dr. asking her to check with other dr.   Of course, it's Friday no one there, Mondays are a mad house at MD Anderson so not looking for a reply before the end of the week.  Started over to the Thyroid Board, then thought, Why?  Won't really do any good.  Anyone  have something to tell me, Ro10, Alexandra, anyone?  Thanks, Debra


  • susangr
    susangr Member Posts: 64
    Thyroid node or something.......

    Not uncommon to find thyroid nodules on routine scanning or pick up something on physical exam. UPSC they think might be linked to  a defect in the P52 gene which is also implicated in thyroid cancers...     Most  often nodules are benign but generally evaluate with fine needle biopsy just to make sure.   I only had half a thyroid before my cancer diagnosis and they picked up on a nodule when I complained about difficulty swallowing Post treatment.    Did  FNB with local freezing at MDA and told me right after the results - no waiting.   Negative thank goodness.


    Remember it is not always about the cancer........but hard to initially think this way!   Hope you get it checked out soon and all turns out well.   Susan.   3 years out and counting.....

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    susangr said:

    Thyroid node or something.......

    Not uncommon to find thyroid nodules on routine scanning or pick up something on physical exam. UPSC they think might be linked to  a defect in the P52 gene which is also implicated in thyroid cancers...     Most  often nodules are benign but generally evaluate with fine needle biopsy just to make sure.   I only had half a thyroid before my cancer diagnosis and they picked up on a nodule when I complained about difficulty swallowing Post treatment.    Did  FNB with local freezing at MDA and told me right after the results - no waiting.   Negative thank goodness.


    Remember it is not always about the cancer........but hard to initially think this way!   Hope you get it checked out soon and all turns out well.   Susan.   3 years out and counting.....


    Thanks so much Susan!  I was aware of the gene and have had the DNA done, so far nothing.  I have been on thyroid meds for a lot of my life time.  I can't feel anything even with the swallowing test.  It's been two weeks already and no appointment, so I guess I'll push this a little further and see what my onc/gyn says.  I'm not too anxious, just the thought of starting all over again makes me shiver!  Thqnks, again and take care of yourself!  Best Debrajo

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    debrajo said:


    Thanks so much Susan!  I was aware of the gene and have had the DNA done, so far nothing.  I have been on thyroid meds for a lot of my life time.  I can't feel anything even with the swallowing test.  It's been two weeks already and no appointment, so I guess I'll push this a little further and see what my onc/gyn says.  I'm not too anxious, just the thought of starting all over again makes me shiver!  Thqnks, again and take care of yourself!  Best Debrajo


    Sorry to hear you have something else to worry about.  I remember others who have had benign nodules on their thyroids.  Can't think who right now.  If you are having no problems they may just observe it and see if it grows.  If it is big enough they may do a Fine Needle Biopsy.  I have not had any thyroid problems, so I have no first hand experience, just what I have read from others.

    i hope you get some answers to put your mind at ease.  I know we all think " cancer" whenever anything is different.  In peace and caring.

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Ro10 said:


    Sorry to hear you have something else to worry about.  I remember others who have had benign nodules on their thyroids.  Can't think who right now.  If you are having no problems they may just observe it and see if it grows.  If it is big enough they may do a Fine Needle Biopsy.  I have not had any thyroid problems, so I have no first hand experience, just what I have read from others.

    i hope you get some answers to put your mind at ease.  I know we all think " cancer" whenever anything is different.  In peace and caring.


    Thanks Ro, I don't have a lot of confidenve in the guy and I was told by another dr. I have "lung cancer" due to two nodes.  I don't, just body junk I've probable had since birth.  I have had a malfunctioning thyroid and on med for most of my life and do expect my thyroid has never been healthy....but It doesn't have to be cancer.  I'll get it checked, but they ddon't seem to be in a hurry about it.  So, to heck with it!  Not going to project trouble where there is no proof yet.  Thanks for the post, hope the ca125 stables out so you can enjoy the summer.  Come to Texas...we have summer 9 months a year!  Best, Debra

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    debrajo said:


    Thanks Ro, I don't have a lot of confidenve in the guy and I was told by another dr. I have "lung cancer" due to two nodes.  I don't, just body junk I've probable had since birth.  I have had a malfunctioning thyroid and on med for most of my life and do expect my thyroid has never been healthy....but It doesn't have to be cancer.  I'll get it checked, but they ddon't seem to be in a hurry about it.  So, to heck with it!  Not going to project trouble where there is no proof yet.  Thanks for the post, hope the ca125 stables out so you can enjoy the summer.  Come to Texas...we have summer 9 months a year!  Best, Debra

    I have a nodule

    and have had it for at least 15 years.  I have an ultrasound about every 2 years and had a biopsy once many many years ago.  The nodule remains unchanged.  Just sits there.  Sometimes I do think about it because they made a big deal about it long ago and then with other cancer diagnoses they like to say "given your history", but I feel pretty confident that it's just as you say "body junk".  I believe MOST thyroid nodules are benign and MOST thyroid cancers are treated and cured.  And that's my story and I'm sticking to it. . . get yours checked out so we can relax about your nodule. 


  • TAyers
    TAyers Member Posts: 86 Member
    Thyroid Cancer

    Hello, my nodules were found on a routine ct scan for my UPSC. I hade to have ultrasound, and then fine needle biopsy. it came back cancerous. They found the nodules when I was having my last chemo and just starting all my radiation. I had to have my thyroid removed and all cancer spots , which there were 2 more than suspected. It was papillary thyroid ,but was not related to my UPSC. I also had a mutation on my thyroid cancer called B-RAF. I think it's best to check it out, most are benign, but mine was not. I would do the biopsy. The doctor I first saw said we can watch and wait to see if they grow, take out my thyroid, or do biopsy. I'm glad I chose that. The treatment after is not so bad, just another scan and testing that you have to through. If you have any other questions let me know. Tami

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    I have a nodule

    and have had it for at least 15 years.  I have an ultrasound about every 2 years and had a biopsy once many many years ago.  The nodule remains unchanged.  Just sits there.  Sometimes I do think about it because they made a big deal about it long ago and then with other cancer diagnoses they like to say "given your history", but I feel pretty confident that it's just as you say "body junk".  I believe MOST thyroid nodules are benign and MOST thyroid cancers are treated and cured.  And that's my story and I'm sticking to it. . . get yours checked out so we can relax about your nodule. 



    Thank you Suzanne and Tayers and all of you!  I'm not going to worry too much...I am tired of always being  afraid.  I'll do the testing, so far only an ultrasound, but what gets me is this has been since May 14th, in my written report and my onc/gyn knew nothing about it.  Broad-sided her too.  Now she is wondering why the ultra sound hasnt been done and why she wasn't notified of a "suspicious node" two weeks ago.  So far the dr. that "found"it let everything go...til next...NOVEMBER!  I am going toatleast get the ultra sound done to see if this old guy's cheese has slipped off his cracker!  Thank all of you again...I'll let you all know.  Best, Debra

  • nancibee
    nancibee Member Posts: 59 Member

    i have them too. Hiked with a nurse today who has them. Off to the endocinologist on Monday.

  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379

    Wondering if this is the "junk" we grow on our organs and never shows side affects until having a scan, as in your case.  Not had nodules on thyroid but yes few on my lungs and over the past 1.5 yrs have not changed.  As this is most likely junk as well as junk on my liver after my very first CT in ;09...more junk!!

    I've as well had what PCP thought was "enlarged" thyroid and requested me to have an ultrasound.  Found nothing again.  Did tell me if he found any nodes he'd do a needle biopsy as someone else here had.  Biopsy will tell it all.

    Never heard that our cancer can go to the thyroid, but my naturopath tells me most of her patients have issues with thyroid after a diagnosis.

    Keep us posated and know I'm thinking of you Debra,


  • Fayard
    Fayard Member Posts: 438 Member
    I also had a nodule last

    I also have a nodule discovered last year, 2 1/2 years after completing treatment. I had an ultrasound and a needle biopsy.

    It came back negative. Doc told me that many people have nodules in their thyroids. If it starts growing to the point it impairs things like swallowing, then I will need surgery.

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Fayard said:

    I also had a nodule last

    I also have a nodule discovered last year, 2 1/2 years after completing treatment. I had an ultrasound and a needle biopsy.

    It came back negative. Doc told me that many people have nodules in their thyroids. If it starts growing to the point it impairs things like swallowing, then I will need surgery.


    I figured it was junk...the reason I'm not freaking out. but it's just ONE MORE THING!  I have had trouble with thyroid most of my life.  In Second grade, age 7-8, I was the second heavest girl in that grade, 86 pounds.  I think I'll get it checked by another dr at MDA after I talk to my onc/gyn.  Besides, this guy ticked me off and was as old as Mathusalah...the kind that ask you a question, then wont let you finish answering!  As long as it's not a met of UPSC, I think thyroid cancer is highly cureable, if  there is such a thing!  Thanks, y'll, I'll let you know IF they ever call me back!  Debra

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    debrajo said:


    I figured it was junk...the reason I'm not freaking out. but it's just ONE MORE THING!  I have had trouble with thyroid most of my life.  In Second grade, age 7-8, I was the second heavest girl in that grade, 86 pounds.  I think I'll get it checked by another dr at MDA after I talk to my onc/gyn.  Besides, this guy ticked me off and was as old as Mathusalah...the kind that ask you a question, then wont let you finish answering!  As long as it's not a met of UPSC, I think thyroid cancer is highly cureable, if  there is such a thing!  Thanks, y'll, I'll let you know IF they ever call me back!  Debra


    My fingers are crossed that this turns out to be nothing.  I'm one of the people with junk lung nodules.  Will be waiting to hear what you find out.  Take care.

  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    ConnieSW said:


    My fingers are crossed that this turns out to be nothing.  I'm one of the people with junk lung nodules.  Will be waiting to hear what you find out.  Take care.

    Hoping for a completely

    Hoping for a completely benign issue.........hugs!

  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    debrajo said:


    I figured it was junk...the reason I'm not freaking out. but it's just ONE MORE THING!  I have had trouble with thyroid most of my life.  In Second grade, age 7-8, I was the second heavest girl in that grade, 86 pounds.  I think I'll get it checked by another dr at MDA after I talk to my onc/gyn.  Besides, this guy ticked me off and was as old as Mathusalah...the kind that ask you a question, then wont let you finish answering!  As long as it's not a met of UPSC, I think thyroid cancer is highly cureable, if  there is such a thing!  Thanks, y'll, I'll let you know IF they ever call me back!  Debra


    Yes thyroid cancer is very treatable.  Many times cut part of thyroid out then on meds for the rest of ones life.  Easy fix!!  But...lets think positive, this is nothing but the JUNK.




  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    jazzy1 said:


    Yes thyroid cancer is very treatable.  Many times cut part of thyroid out then on meds for the rest of ones life.  Easy fix!!  But...lets think positive, this is nothing but the JUNK.





    I start the investagation tomorrow and if MDA is nice I may know by the end of this week!  Thyroid meds have been on my daily list for at least 12 years, so it wouldn't be a big deal for me!  I would love to lose some weight anyway!  Thanks ladies.....onwards and upwards!{just as long as it's not a met!!!}  Debra

  • nancibee
    nancibee Member Posts: 59 Member

    Here is a good article on nodules. Apparently it is more common for people our age to have them than to not have them. They were on my CT scan 2 years ago before I started chemo and my oncologist never even mentioned them. It wasn't until I got my medical records to transfer to UCSF that i learned about them. When the new gyn/oncologist got a new CT scan and saw them, she told me I needed to have them checked out. The woman who did the ultrasound told me she had them herself.



  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    nancibee said:


    Here is a good article on nodules. Apparently it is more common for people our age to have them than to not have them. They were on my CT scan 2 years ago before I started chemo and my oncologist never even mentioned them. It wasn't until I got my medical records to transfer to UCSF that i learned about them. When the new gyn/oncologist got a new CT scan and saw them, she told me I needed to have them checked out. The woman who did the ultrasound told me she had them herself.




    Thanks Nancy!  Nevver thought them in quite that light before now.  I was told that with better testing, the more we find "wrong".  I know I have a cyst on my liver, body junk, two lung nodes that neither grew, shrunk, or disapeared with chemo that ate in my lungs, so why not the thyroid!  I will read the artical in the morning....it's 3:30 am and the Ambient hasen't kicked in yet!  GRRRRR, Mama will be up at 8:00.  How did your hike go?  I am getting weaker, too much inactivity since Mama moved in.  It's work, but of a vastly different kind.  Right now I am on a quest for a certain kind of hospital bed for her.  Just go her a scooter and lift for the car....there is not a display in wal-mart that is safe from her now!  Talk to you later and thanks again for the link.  Debra

  • nancibee
    nancibee Member Posts: 59 Member
    debrajo said:


    Thanks Nancy!  Nevver thought them in quite that light before now.  I was told that with better testing, the more we find "wrong".  I know I have a cyst on my liver, body junk, two lung nodes that neither grew, shrunk, or disapeared with chemo that ate in my lungs, so why not the thyroid!  I will read the artical in the morning....it's 3:30 am and the Ambient hasen't kicked in yet!  GRRRRR, Mama will be up at 8:00.  How did your hike go?  I am getting weaker, too much inactivity since Mama moved in.  It's work, but of a vastly different kind.  Right now I am on a quest for a certain kind of hospital bed for her.  Just go her a scooter and lift for the car....there is not a display in wal-mart that is safe from her now!  Talk to you later and thanks again for the link.  Debra


    They were wonderful. Good for the soul and I am blessed to live in the Bay area.

    Pinnacles National Park on Saturday (10.5 miles)


    Pt. Reyes National Seashore on Sunday (10.5 miles)
