On the moving walkway...where will this ride go...

I am so thankful for you gals. In the educating myself mode...had a little emergency visit yesterday to my gyn for abnormal bleeding...I'm Almost 58, post menopausal. Had the sono and biopsy...now awaiting.  7 to 10 days!  Ohhhh Lordy!   And today...hum, have that symptom...that one too....now that I think about it all.  When I called yesterday because I found frank blood, I pressed the number for an appt...and fortunately got disconnected...then when I called back, the machine once again said, "Press 2 for abnormal bleeding"...I didn't the first time, heck, it's an OB/GYN place, and I certainly wasn't pregnant!  But the second time I though Heck YEAH, That's why I'm calling, and when I did, they got me in the next day, and I had the ultra sound, wall was too thick, and then the biopsy.  Had my pants down three times in one visit. That's a record!  Wish I would have asked her what she found during the physical exam.  I didn't think to. 

So glad for the comment about staying off the web. Although it was good ole Dr's Oz's site that encouraged an apt right away, while bleeding was active.  What I feel I've done is get on one of those moving walkways. I'm on it standing still and moving.

What I have gotten here is a frame work for vocabulary and what to do at visits...my hubby will definately go with me to the next one...and I just thank you. 

For all your courage and for being here. 



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I hope you only need to visit this site twice, this time and again to tell us it was a false alarm.  You did make me chuckle today, especially the comment about having your pants down three times in one visit.  It'll be a long week but here's hoping that the news will be good at the end of it.  My gyn was pretty sure I had cancer after the biopsy and told me so I could start wrapping my head around the idea.

  • mmfintx
    mmfintx Member Posts: 17
    ConnieSW said:


    I hope you only need to visit this site twice, this time and again to tell us it was a false alarm.  You did make me chuckle today, especially the comment about having your pants down three times in one visit.  It'll be a long week but here's hoping that the news will be good at the end of it.  My gyn was pretty sure I had cancer after the biopsy and told me so I could start wrapping my head around the idea.

    Howdy Back

    Yeah.  Deep breath.  It would have been nice to have a heads up.  

    We got a new / used place last fall, and have a quote coming in tomorrow to build a deck....think we will hold off on that for 7 to 10 days...just might need it for Doc money.

    So appreciate yall, really do. Trying not to curl up in a ball and reading posts here somehow gives me my heart back.  

    Smile  Mary

  • mmfintx
    mmfintx Member Posts: 17
    mmfintx said:

    Howdy Back

    Yeah.  Deep breath.  It would have been nice to have a heads up.  

    We got a new / used place last fall, and have a quote coming in tomorrow to build a deck....think we will hold off on that for 7 to 10 days...just might need it for Doc money.

    So appreciate yall, really do. Trying not to curl up in a ball and reading posts here somehow gives me my heart back.  

    Smile  Mary

    First, how stupid to talk

    First, how stupid to talk about a DECK! One thing that in the face of threat, to have some sense of normalcy, like many things, it is something to hold on to I guess. A sense of control, which makes me laugh now.

    I got my results, and uterine biopsy showed no abnormality. Ovaries are good on the ultra sound. Hormone related I'm told. Small fibroid buried in the muscle. Not a problem. 

    Still have that Rlower Abd Pain, getting that checked out! Other things as well. This experience taught me to do that!  I have a dilated bile duct 7.5mm, extra hepatic, and have had some clay color stools recently....maybe gall bladder? Watching whatever that is... This came to light last year...Getting an abdomnial CT. A chest CT too, something is just not right on my right side. 

    This has been an experience, so honest, so real. Way to Live.

    Best, and Thank you too, so very very much,


  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    mmfintx said:

    First, how stupid to talk

    First, how stupid to talk about a DECK! One thing that in the face of threat, to have some sense of normalcy, like many things, it is something to hold on to I guess. A sense of control, which makes me laugh now.

    I got my results, and uterine biopsy showed no abnormality. Ovaries are good on the ultra sound. Hormone related I'm told. Small fibroid buried in the muscle. Not a problem. 

    Still have that Rlower Abd Pain, getting that checked out! Other things as well. This experience taught me to do that!  I have a dilated bile duct 7.5mm, extra hepatic, and have had some clay color stools recently....maybe gall bladder? Watching whatever that is... This came to light last year...Getting an abdomnial CT. A chest CT too, something is just not right on my right side. 

    This has been an experience, so honest, so real. Way to Live.

    Best, and Thank you too, so very very much,


    Glad you got good news from your biopsy

    Hope you find the cause of your right lower abd pain.  Maybe it is your gallbladder.  Good luck to you.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    mmfintx said:

    First, how stupid to talk

    First, how stupid to talk about a DECK! One thing that in the face of threat, to have some sense of normalcy, like many things, it is something to hold on to I guess. A sense of control, which makes me laugh now.

    I got my results, and uterine biopsy showed no abnormality. Ovaries are good on the ultra sound. Hormone related I'm told. Small fibroid buried in the muscle. Not a problem. 

    Still have that Rlower Abd Pain, getting that checked out! Other things as well. This experience taught me to do that!  I have a dilated bile duct 7.5mm, extra hepatic, and have had some clay color stools recently....maybe gall bladder? Watching whatever that is... This came to light last year...Getting an abdomnial CT. A chest CT too, something is just not right on my right side. 

    This has been an experience, so honest, so real. Way to Live.

    Best, and Thank you too, so very very much,


    I wish you find what is

    I wish you find what is causing your pain and it isn't anything serious.  I am also THRILLED for you that it isn't a gyn cancer!  Good luck and please remember women are more than their breasts!  There are warriors out here who no one hears about. 

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I wish you find what is

    I wish you find what is causing your pain and it isn't anything serious.  I am also THRILLED for you that it isn't a gyn cancer!  Good luck and please remember women are more than their breasts!  There are warriors out here who no one hears about. 

    Good news

    I'm delighted with how things turned out for you.  Hopefully your pain will turn out to be from something easily dealt with.  Now go get the deck done before it's too hot to enjoy it.

  • mmfintx
    mmfintx Member Posts: 17
    ConnieSW said:

    Good news

    I'm delighted with how things turned out for you.  Hopefully your pain will turn out to be from something easily dealt with.  Now go get the deck done before it's too hot to enjoy it.

    Thank You

    Know You ARE Appreciated!  

  • Debz
    Debz Member Posts: 6
    mmfintx said:

    First, how stupid to talk

    First, how stupid to talk about a DECK! One thing that in the face of threat, to have some sense of normalcy, like many things, it is something to hold on to I guess. A sense of control, which makes me laugh now.

    I got my results, and uterine biopsy showed no abnormality. Ovaries are good on the ultra sound. Hormone related I'm told. Small fibroid buried in the muscle. Not a problem. 

    Still have that Rlower Abd Pain, getting that checked out! Other things as well. This experience taught me to do that!  I have a dilated bile duct 7.5mm, extra hepatic, and have had some clay color stools recently....maybe gall bladder? Watching whatever that is... This came to light last year...Getting an abdomnial CT. A chest CT too, something is just not right on my right side. 

    This has been an experience, so honest, so real. Way to Live.

    Best, and Thank you too, so very very much,


    uterine biopsy

    Hi Mary,

    I hate to be a "Debbie Downer" but I will tell you my experience. I had an episode of abnormal uterine bleeding, passing large blood clots, which lasted about 3 hours on a Friday night. The next day I called my gynecologist and had an appointment for early Monday morning. I had a pap test (negative) and a transvaginal ultrasound which was inconclusive. I was going to California that week ( I live in New York) so in case the bleeding started again my doctor gave me a prescription for Progesterone. As soon as I got off the plane the bleeding started again. I took the progesterone and the bleeding stopped. After my vacation I went back to the gynecologist and he did a uterine biopsy. The results did not show anything and the doctor called them inconclusive. Next step was a D & C with hysteroscopy. I was also bleeding again. The D & C showed Grade 2 adenocarcinoma of the uterus. The cancer was low in the uterus by the internal cervix and easily missed with a biopsy. The biopsy only takes a small amount of uterine tissue. With a D & C with hysteroscopy much more endometrial tissue is obtained. 

    I would have liked if the results of my biopsy were true and I didn't have cancer. But, I knew something was very wrong. I had a DaVinci hysterectomy, bi lateral salpingo oopherectomy and lymph node sampling. Turned out to be a Stage 2, Grade 2 cancer.

    I had 25 external and 3 internal radiation treatments. This Wednesday I will be 4 years NED!

    I hope you get to the bottom of what is making you feel bad and that you find an answer to your problems.

    - Debbie

  • Hybridspirits
    Hybridspirits Member Posts: 209
    Debz said:

    uterine biopsy

    Hi Mary,

    I hate to be a "Debbie Downer" but I will tell you my experience. I had an episode of abnormal uterine bleeding, passing large blood clots, which lasted about 3 hours on a Friday night. The next day I called my gynecologist and had an appointment for early Monday morning. I had a pap test (negative) and a transvaginal ultrasound which was inconclusive. I was going to California that week ( I live in New York) so in case the bleeding started again my doctor gave me a prescription for Progesterone. As soon as I got off the plane the bleeding started again. I took the progesterone and the bleeding stopped. After my vacation I went back to the gynecologist and he did a uterine biopsy. The results did not show anything and the doctor called them inconclusive. Next step was a D & C with hysteroscopy. I was also bleeding again. The D & C showed Grade 2 adenocarcinoma of the uterus. The cancer was low in the uterus by the internal cervix and easily missed with a biopsy. The biopsy only takes a small amount of uterine tissue. With a D & C with hysteroscopy much more endometrial tissue is obtained. 

    I would have liked if the results of my biopsy were true and I didn't have cancer. But, I knew something was very wrong. I had a DaVinci hysterectomy, bi lateral salpingo oopherectomy and lymph node sampling. Turned out to be a Stage 2, Grade 2 cancer.

    I had 25 external and 3 internal radiation treatments. This Wednesday I will be 4 years NED!

    I hope you get to the bottom of what is making you feel bad and that you find an answer to your problems.

    - Debbie

    Uterine Biopsy

    I would agree with Debbie that a uterine biopsy only takes one small sample.  Simlar to Debbie the year before I was diagonosed i had a uterine biopsy that didn't show anything as well.  The next year the symptoms reappeared. This time back to ultrasound, showed nothing and than a D&C with a new Dr. Even with the D&C most of the cells were regualr and some cancerous so it was puzzling.  They thought maybe it was from somewhere's else.  In the hysterectomy they found I had a polyp that had gone cancersous.  When this happens it can stay very contained so unless they luckily get this one little polyp in the sample it is not always conslusive. 

    Hind sight i should have insisted on a D&C the first year as it would have caught it earlier.


    I wouldn't say this is your situation but at least knowing there are two here with similar stories helps you keep your eyses open.  Good luck getting the answers you need


  • mmfintx
    mmfintx Member Posts: 17

    Uterine Biopsy

    I would agree with Debbie that a uterine biopsy only takes one small sample.  Simlar to Debbie the year before I was diagonosed i had a uterine biopsy that didn't show anything as well.  The next year the symptoms reappeared. This time back to ultrasound, showed nothing and than a D&C with a new Dr. Even with the D&C most of the cells were regualr and some cancerous so it was puzzling.  They thought maybe it was from somewhere's else.  In the hysterectomy they found I had a polyp that had gone cancersous.  When this happens it can stay very contained so unless they luckily get this one little polyp in the sample it is not always conslusive. 

    Hind sight i should have insisted on a D&C the first year as it would have caught it earlier.


    I wouldn't say this is your situation but at least knowing there are two here with similar stories helps you keep your eyses open.  Good luck getting the answers you need


    Thank you two. Okay, I got

    Thank you two. Okay, I got it. The light is on. I schedule an Abdomnial and Chest CT tomorrow. And will continue to get this answered. This is GOOD to Know!


    Thank you Thank You THANK YOU.