Update - scan results

Goyca Member Posts: 220

Hello all, hope you are all doing well :) Happy Mother’s day to all mums here, even if it’s a bit late.

Good news: The PET scan, CT scans, MRIs all came clean no other tumor anywhere else :)  

Bad news: the bad news is that i still have 2 cm of tumor at the skull bottom, still didn’t memorize the exact medical name of the area,but its somewhere above my left eye on my skull...So the doctors said i need a second surgery, but this time not endoscopic, it will be like craniofacial procedure, i didnt memorize its name too.. in the coming few days i will be meeting with the doctor to discuss the details of the surgery (ill make sure to write down the medical names :)He said most probably i will be doing radiation after the surgery.

 well... i feel blessed in some way but i dont understand it just yet... But im super scared and worried about the surgery specially that it wont be endoscopic , once i meet with the Drs they will explain if they will enter the brain (which i think they will) which is freaky !!

Wish you all guys a good day/night depending where you are in the world now :)




  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    It is sounding like they are developing a plan to make you better.  This stuff always sounds scary at first, but it often is not so bad.

    I am hoping you get this all behind you and you can move on.

    Bless you,


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    CivilMatt said:



    It is sounding like they are developing a plan to make you better.  This stuff always sounds scary at first, but it often is not so bad.

    I am hoping you get this all behind you and you can move on.

    Bless you,



    Good on you Goyca!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    goyca, you should talk to

    goyca, you should talk to Kteacher.  she had an eye removed due to cancer.  she may be able to share some info with you since it is near your eye.  so glad you don't have tumors anywhere else.  praying for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.  please keep us posted.

    God bless you,


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Goyca,

    I'm very happy to hear about the NED report, but very, very sorry to hear about the skull tumor and eminent surgery.  Hang in there, bite the bullet and do what needs to be done, I feel for you and wish that you didn't have to deal with this stuff.  Hopefully the surgery will be as minimamally invasive as possible, and you will be up and runn'in in no time.  I'm sending you huge positive energy, hopes, wishes, and mojo for the best of outcomes, and then on to recovery!!  Remember, You Can Do This......**


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    I am thankful there is no

    I am thankful there is no cancer anywhere else and praying they get the tumor on your skull.



  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member
    Here with you

    Hi Goyca,

    You have been thru a lot already and you have a distance to go but you can and will make it. Collectively we've been thru many trials and we are here with you. Prayers are sent your way. josh r.

  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    Scan Results

    Goyca, I'm really happy that the cancer is isolated to the one spot and hasn't spread but I'm sorry it looks to be a little more complicated than you/ we all had hoped .  My company has an event this a week and we entertained a bunch of customers and our sales team to some meetings and golf.  One if the guys there is a friend from St Louis and he was a cancer survivor as well, passed his 6 year mark recently, and actally played golf one of the days.  The second day he went to the golf tounament and walked around the course for a few hours.   He looked great, very active, normal weight and just a great guy!  His cancer was a tumor behind his right eye and sounds exactly what you are dealing with.   I'm saying this because I want you to know that what you have can be beat.  My friend is in his 50s and you are 24.  You are younger, stronger and will rebound much faster.   now that you know what it is you deal with it and you and the doctors will develop the plan and then start to implement It.

    I really dreaded starting mine as well, as I'm sure everyone on this site dreaded starting there's, but you can't finish until you start and it's best to start as soon as you can.   Good luck with the doctors meeting in a few weeks and stay in touch.   I think you should also talk to a few of your close friends  locally as having some local support will really be helpful.  It won't be pity driving them but concern for a friend and really wanting to help out.  Much different than pity.  I know you were hesitant at first but you'll most likely need some help to get through this and the more the better.  


    Sending positive energy to you from Texas to Lebannon.  Stay positive.  


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Goyca

    Bad things happen to good people all the time, but we must focus our lives on the part that no matter what life brings we will get through it. I have a very strong faith in God that no matter what happens He will take care of me. I hope you don’t mind if I pray for you that God will give you the strength to continue and pray that your doctors will be able to get the entire tumor removed so you can enjoy your new normal life once again.

    We are all here for you to help you in any way we can

    Tim Hondo

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Goyca !

    I try to get on here, but seem to miss alot.  I don't know if you've had surgery yet ?  There are many options depending on where the tumor is exactly located.  Cyber knife is one to have your team check into.  I'm sorry your facing this.  But NED in the other areas is a big plus.  Please when you can check in with us to let us know how your doing and what they've decided to do.  We will keep only positive thoughts and prayers going.  Katie

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220

    Hello Goyca !

    I try to get on here, but seem to miss alot.  I don't know if you've had surgery yet ?  There are many options depending on where the tumor is exactly located.  Cyber knife is one to have your team check into.  I'm sorry your facing this.  But NED in the other areas is a big plus.  Please when you can check in with us to let us know how your doing and what they've decided to do.  We will keep only positive thoughts and prayers going.  Katie


    Debbie & keith, i dont think that the eye is harmed or will be. But of course everything will be more clear once i meet with the doctor next week.

    And keith, i took by your advice last time, i told 2 or 3 of my close friends, and its true they are being very supportive and positive. Well i had to give a small hint to my boss too because i skipped a lot of hours from work due to consultations and  tests, and she was very supportive too.

    Hondo, i love and Believe in God too, and i am thankful for your prayers and sure is blessed to have support from people like all of you here.

    Katie, well i had an edoscopic surgery to remove a tumor in my sinus area, the left side of my face. seems there is still 2 cm remaing got to do another surgery for that. but what is the Cyber Knife, i will research about it and ask the doctors.


    matt, debbie, patrick, josh ..thanks for the positive thoughts it truely makes me feel at ease.

    Well I’m channeling my energy toward positive things lately like praying, meditating, hiking, spending time with loved ones and laughinggg J

    I will keep you guys updated once i see the doctor next week and get all the details.


    Hugs for all.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Goyca said:


    Debbie & keith, i dont think that the eye is harmed or will be. But of course everything will be more clear once i meet with the doctor next week.

    And keith, i took by your advice last time, i told 2 or 3 of my close friends, and its true they are being very supportive and positive. Well i had to give a small hint to my boss too because i skipped a lot of hours from work due to consultations and  tests, and she was very supportive too.

    Hondo, i love and Believe in God too, and i am thankful for your prayers and sure is blessed to have support from people like all of you here.

    Katie, well i had an edoscopic surgery to remove a tumor in my sinus area, the left side of my face. seems there is still 2 cm remaing got to do another surgery for that. but what is the Cyber Knife, i will research about it and ask the doctors.


    matt, debbie, patrick, josh ..thanks for the positive thoughts it truely makes me feel at ease.

    Well I’m channeling my energy toward positive things lately like praying, meditating, hiking, spending time with loved ones and laughinggg J

    I will keep you guys updated once i see the doctor next week and get all the details.


    Hugs for all.



    I'm sorry.  I am out of town and busy with my almost 2 year old granddaughter (good busy!).  I had Cyberknife for a tumor at the base of skull.  After all that you have gone through, Cyberknife is easy, peasy.  Very pinpointed radiation.  You have a mask like radiation but you are on the table for 45 minutes, 5 days.  5 days, you are finished!  No skin burns, no mouth sores.  The only side effect is fatigue for 2 weeks, that was easy to handle.  MRI 3 months later, tumor was aggressively dying.  Check into Cyberknife.  PM if you need more info.