noni fruit

kimberly sue 63
kimberly sue 63 Member Posts: 421 Member

Has anyone heard of the noni fruit?  My neighbors just came back from Hawaii and are raving about it healing. Kim



  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    Hi Kim

    I myself had not heard of the noni fruit.  The American Cancer Society website (link below) does provide some information specifically about the fruit.  However, one of things that is stated by the ACS is that "There is no reliable clinical evidence that noni juice is effective in preventing or treating cancer or any other disease in humans. Although animal and laboratory studies have shown some positive effects, human studies are just beginning. Research is under way to isolate various compounds in the noni plant so that further testing can be done to learn whether they may be useful in humans."

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if further research determined that the fruit carries significant benefits to people with cancer?
