Surgery-Rodding of Right Humorous

dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86

Well, it was determined my cancer had been in my right humorous for some time but not caught. Never had a bone scan or xray of the arm before. Well fall made the xray necessary and fracture made the rod mandatory. Does this mean I will become the $300,000 Man (cost of surgery). Have a friend with metal in her neck and once I am better we are going to go around town setting off the metal detectors.

They will do biopsy but most likely RCC Mets.

3rd infusion is 4/29. Gotta keep that trial on line and chugging along. Speaking of chugging was told shouldnt drink for a while---snuck two beers otherwise no alcohol since early feb. Would like one after the past week and 1/2

Arm Radiaton starts late April. Need incision to heal for 2 weeks from surgery.










  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    WOW!! AGain I am sorry for

    WOW!! AGain I am sorry for ALL you are enduring. Hope you heal up well and move on with your treatment.

    Remember, Alcohol can reduce effectiveness of other medications and you don't want to fall again.

    Still I understand how you wanna beer!

    Keep us informed,

    Warmly, Jan

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    What a bum deal!  Sorry

    What a bum deal!  Sorry you're going thru this.  Sounds like you've got a long road to recovery but keep believing you will beat this, and you will.  It's amazing the price of surgery alone doesn't kill us, huh? 

    Keep us posted on the biopsy findings.  And I say if ya want a beer have a beer.  But just one.  A really cold one!!

    Sending good juju your way!



  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86

    What a bum deal!  Sorry

    What a bum deal!  Sorry you're going thru this.  Sounds like you've got a long road to recovery but keep believing you will beat this, and you will.  It's amazing the price of surgery alone doesn't kill us, huh? 

    Keep us posted on the biopsy findings.  And I say if ya want a beer have a beer.  But just one.  A really cold one!!

    Sending good juju your way!



    I like that good juju   never

    I like that good juju   never heard that before  like it

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

    I am sorry to hear that you are having to go through all this! but it sounds like you have some fun times planned for later, with that friend of yours, just make sure the two of you don't wander near any strong magnets. All the best with the treatment, keep that sense of humour handy, it's always a good buffer:)


    Djinnie x

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Djinnie said:


    I am sorry to hear that you are having to go through all this! but it sounds like you have some fun times planned for later, with that friend of yours, just make sure the two of you don't wander near any strong magnets. All the best with the treatment, keep that sense of humour handy, it's always a good buffer:)


    Djinnie x

    I'll tell you

    that I met a guy who complained about shoulder pain and weakness. When he had it checked out, it was a renal cell met. That's how his cancr was found. Upon further testing, he also had mets in both femurs. He had to have all bones rodded. He was confined to a wheelchair. He looked bad. Last time I saw him he was walking and moving well. He STILL hadn't had his kidney tumor removed. He is on the nivolumab trial.  So, I am glad that you are having yours taken care of so you can move on. There are always complications and obstacles but they can be dealt with. Just as long as you see it that way. I saw that quality in your humor about setting off detectors. You'll be ok.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:

    I'll tell you

    that I met a guy who complained about shoulder pain and weakness. When he had it checked out, it was a renal cell met. That's how his cancr was found. Upon further testing, he also had mets in both femurs. He had to have all bones rodded. He was confined to a wheelchair. He looked bad. Last time I saw him he was walking and moving well. He STILL hadn't had his kidney tumor removed. He is on the nivolumab trial.  So, I am glad that you are having yours taken care of so you can move on. There are always complications and obstacles but they can be dealt with. Just as long as you see it that way. I saw that quality in your humor about setting off detectors. You'll be ok.

    I agree with Fox, DBear!!

    I agree with Fox, DBear!! Your sense of humor and attitue will have you sailing through this!

    Hang in there! Keep us posted.



  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    Rodding of arm complete. Was

    Rodding of arm complete. Was the most painful two weeks or so of my life. Thank god I was reffered to an ortho who is well versed in rcc. He had me go through a procedure the day before the rodding that plugged 4 major channels of blood flow to my bone mets. He told me that if he hadnt i could have bled to death on the table. Looks like RCC mets bleed big time. I was also told post rodding that my bone was held together by a thread and I was lucky is just didnt snap in two. Guess that was why the pain was through the roof. Was in so much pain after first procedue and before rodding that they knocked me out on the bed they brought me to the OR on---- then they moved to the or bed. The day before they were hitting me with morphine, percs, and dilauded. I was a walking narcotic store.


    Home now and focusing on a shower, getting off the pain meds, and getting the mobility back in the arm. two kids came home from college to check on me and helput. using the arm to get them to clean their rooms lol



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409

    Rodding of arm complete. Was

    Rodding of arm complete. Was the most painful two weeks or so of my life. Thank god I was reffered to an ortho who is well versed in rcc. He had me go through a procedure the day before the rodding that plugged 4 major channels of blood flow to my bone mets. He told me that if he hadnt i could have bled to death on the table. Looks like RCC mets bleed big time. I was also told post rodding that my bone was held together by a thread and I was lucky is just didnt snap in two. Guess that was why the pain was through the roof. Was in so much pain after first procedue and before rodding that they knocked me out on the bed they brought me to the OR on---- then they moved to the or bed. The day before they were hitting me with morphine, percs, and dilauded. I was a walking narcotic store.


    Home now and focusing on a shower, getting off the pain meds, and getting the mobility back in the arm. two kids came home from college to check on me and helput. using the arm to get them to clean their rooms lol



    Oh my!  Makes me hurt just

    Oh my!  Makes me hurt just reading about it! 

    Sounds like your were in excellent hands tho, so you should heal up nicely.  Granted, it may take a while...don't rush it.  Give it time.  Take advantage of those kids and milk it for all it's worth. 

    Hope you got that shower, nothing feels better than that first home from the hospital shower!



  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member

    Rodding of arm complete. Was

    Rodding of arm complete. Was the most painful two weeks or so of my life. Thank god I was reffered to an ortho who is well versed in rcc. He had me go through a procedure the day before the rodding that plugged 4 major channels of blood flow to my bone mets. He told me that if he hadnt i could have bled to death on the table. Looks like RCC mets bleed big time. I was also told post rodding that my bone was held together by a thread and I was lucky is just didnt snap in two. Guess that was why the pain was through the roof. Was in so much pain after first procedue and before rodding that they knocked me out on the bed they brought me to the OR on---- then they moved to the or bed. The day before they were hitting me with morphine, percs, and dilauded. I was a walking narcotic store.


    Home now and focusing on a shower, getting off the pain meds, and getting the mobility back in the arm. two kids came home from college to check on me and helput. using the arm to get them to clean their rooms lol



    Get better soon

    I'm so glad that the procedure is now complete and you are back home.  I laughed when you wrote about college kids cleaning their rooms...hahaha...I figure that must be the drugs talking and you are dillusional.  Anyway, enjoy the time with your family.  Sounds like great kids in that they rushed home to be with you.  If you don't mind, could you please tell me whether or not your arm hurt prior to the break?  I would think that you would have had some symptoms of bone pain at the site of the break.  Just wondering, as my husband has bone mets and we are kind of under the impression that we would know if he had another site. 

    Get well soon.


  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    a_oaklee said:

    Get better soon

    I'm so glad that the procedure is now complete and you are back home.  I laughed when you wrote about college kids cleaning their rooms...hahaha...I figure that must be the drugs talking and you are dillusional.  Anyway, enjoy the time with your family.  Sounds like great kids in that they rushed home to be with you.  If you don't mind, could you please tell me whether or not your arm hurt prior to the break?  I would think that you would have had some symptoms of bone pain at the site of the break.  Just wondering, as my husband has bone mets and we are kind of under the impression that we would know if he had another site. 

    Get well soon.


    Arm hurt big time and drove

    Arm hurt big time and drove me to ER. Pain started about 4 weeks out and just got worse. couldnt move arm at all/


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    Arm hurt big time and drove

    Arm hurt big time and drove me to ER. Pain started about 4 weeks out and just got worse. couldnt move arm at all/


    They do hurt

    When I had the mets in my iliac crest, I could hardly walk around the house without being on percocets. My ribs hurt so much that if I sneezed or coughed, I would see stars and barely keep from passing out. Now I feel for you.

  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    foxhd said:

    They do hurt

    When I had the mets in my iliac crest, I could hardly walk around the house without being on percocets. My ribs hurt so much that if I sneezed or coughed, I would see stars and barely keep from passing out. Now I feel for you.

    Can you give mr some idea of

    Can you give mr some idea of the healing process with regards to pain, movement, and strenght. popping pills like candy


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Can you give mr some idea of

    Can you give mr some idea of the healing process with regards to pain, movement, and strenght. popping pills like candy


    Sounds very painful. I hope

    Sounds very painful. I hope that part is over soon, Nice to have your kids probably could get them to do a lot more than cleaning their rooms, right now if you wanted to! Hmmm yard work, wash your car or paint a room. Shoot for the moon!

    Keep your chin up!

    Hugs and smiles,



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    Can you give mr some idea of

    Can you give mr some idea of the healing process with regards to pain, movement, and strenght. popping pills like candy


    I'll tell what

    I think. You can take the drugs for pain. That is what they are for. Just know that is for the short term. You have to be patient and keep this in perspective. There is no reason to push anything. Let things heal. Move gently within your tolerence. You've had a bad break. Pun intended. It was not the direction you wanted to go in but you have no choice. Managing your injury and pain has to be your doctors job. They will allow therapy when they see fit. So, You can't do much for a while. Just follow their orders and hang in there for now. Sorry.

  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    6 days post surgery and

    6 days post surgery and moving forward--next few days will be fun. tomorrow full body bone scan. Monday meet with radiation team to map out and prep for 10-day program. Tuesday--off to infusion which means tons of blood, 3 sitting ekgs, meet with Dr., and then 3 1/2 hours of infusion---cant forget about the chills i get 1/2 way through the second bag of my "juju" juice. Yes, I told you I would steal your phrase. Then hop in car drive 40 minutes to surgeon to have xray and review of rod with that doctor. The funny thing is I am loving every second of it. Why--cause I am alive and fighting


    last thought----said this to my wife last night

    Pain is Gods way of showing you that you ARE ALIVE and you should be acting that way and not as if you are dead.

    To all myRCC  brothers and sisters we are alive and that is all that matters. Keep kicking ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409

    6 days post surgery and

    6 days post surgery and moving forward--next few days will be fun. tomorrow full body bone scan. Monday meet with radiation team to map out and prep for 10-day program. Tuesday--off to infusion which means tons of blood, 3 sitting ekgs, meet with Dr., and then 3 1/2 hours of infusion---cant forget about the chills i get 1/2 way through the second bag of my "juju" juice. Yes, I told you I would steal your phrase. Then hop in car drive 40 minutes to surgeon to have xray and review of rod with that doctor. The funny thing is I am loving every second of it. Why--cause I am alive and fighting


    last thought----said this to my wife last night

    Pain is Gods way of showing you that you ARE ALIVE and you should be acting that way and not as if you are dead.

    To all myRCC  brothers and sisters we are alive and that is all that matters. Keep kicking ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I can't help but admire your

    I can't help but admire your amazing attitude.  What an inspiration you are!  Keep us posted along the way. 

    Sounds like you are going to be a very busy man next week so try to relax and enjoy this beautiful Easter weekend. 

    I'll keep the good juju coming.



  • Cate1273
    Cate1273 Member Posts: 35

    6 days post surgery and

    6 days post surgery and moving forward--next few days will be fun. tomorrow full body bone scan. Monday meet with radiation team to map out and prep for 10-day program. Tuesday--off to infusion which means tons of blood, 3 sitting ekgs, meet with Dr., and then 3 1/2 hours of infusion---cant forget about the chills i get 1/2 way through the second bag of my "juju" juice. Yes, I told you I would steal your phrase. Then hop in car drive 40 minutes to surgeon to have xray and review of rod with that doctor. The funny thing is I am loving every second of it. Why--cause I am alive and fighting


    last thought----said this to my wife last night

    Pain is Gods way of showing you that you ARE ALIVE and you should be acting that way and not as if you are dead.

    To all myRCC  brothers and sisters we are alive and that is all that matters. Keep kicking ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    We are alive


      You are always in my thoughts and pryaers. I am sorry you have to go through this. You are so tough and I know you can make it through. Your attitude is wonderful and you are right, we are alive and we all need to keep fighting!!! Lots of hugs!!


  • Cate1273
    Cate1273 Member Posts: 35
    Jojo61 said:

    I agree with Fox, DBear!!

    I agree with Fox, DBear!! Your sense of humor and attitue will have you sailing through this!

    Hang in there! Keep us posted.



    Love the hair. You look


    Love the hair. You look great! Also so glad to see your great results!!!



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hey DBear!
    You have been

    Hey DBear!

    You have been through a lot, and have a big week ahead of you! Your attitude is amazimg and that is what will get you past this!

    Keep your chin up! We are all cheering for you and looking forward to hearing about your good results!

    Hugs and smiles


  • dancnbear1
    dancnbear1 Member Posts: 86
    I was able to take a shower

    I was able to take a shower by myself and use my right arm for the first time in 3 weeks and thought wow things are moving forward. Then realized that means no more wife in shower with me. Damn. Should have thought that one out better.

