Chemo making the skin sensitive

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
edited April 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

How many of you have experienced sensitive skin after (and for me, long after) treatments?

I was reading in another thread that Laz has experienced it. I have too, but have not come across any threads related to it, here on the forum. 

I couldn't stand to wear underwear, and wanted my other clothing to be lose. I didn't like being covered in bed, either. Just having the weight of the bed linen on top of me, drove me mad. 

It didn't hurt. I mean, it wasn't at all painful, I just had the sensation of being trapped. I can almost feel it as I type. Maybe it was psychological. 

Any one else? 


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Just want to...

    ...expand on my experience. To me the worst part of chemo was the bad taste in my mouth. I was thinking all day what could take it away, but got disgusted everything I thought of. I was repelled by the feel of water hot or cold. Honestly I just hand showered the minimum I could. Clothes and covers bothered me. Anything that touched me repelled me. It was hard on me and my wife, because before I always wanted to be in contact with her. It's been 6 weeks after the Xeloda and about 3 months since the Folfox and things are getting back to normal. Bad taste is all gone, skin is almost there. My problem is easy exhaustion, joint pain and some numbness in my feet and hands.


  • joemetz
    joemetz Member Posts: 493
    lp1964 said:

    Just want to...

    ...expand on my experience. To me the worst part of chemo was the bad taste in my mouth. I was thinking all day what could take it away, but got disgusted everything I thought of. I was repelled by the feel of water hot or cold. Honestly I just hand showered the minimum I could. Clothes and covers bothered me. Anything that touched me repelled me. It was hard on me and my wife, because before I always wanted to be in contact with her. It's been 6 weeks after the Xeloda and about 3 months since the Folfox and things are getting back to normal. Bad taste is all gone, skin is almost there. My problem is easy exhaustion, joint pain and some numbness in my feet and hands.



    i've been through the list of chemo drugs... and combinations...

    and overall, it seems that the terrible "metal-ly" tastes have come and gone with each change of chemo drugs.


    like every other gave real bad eating side efffects.

    short showers...yep. 

    reduced how often i'd shower at times... yep.

    then, there would be long showers and lots of magic mouthwash.

    while other times, all i needed was hot tea or something like that.


    it's a battle... hopefully you're able to share with others so they have some understanding as to what we're all going through.


  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Not me

    A side effect that I never experienced.  The worst side effects for me were always mouth sores.  The only chemo that affected my skin was the Erbitux skin rash/pimples.   I am still trying to get over it.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Bad mouth

    I believe that the chemo has damaged my tongue. I'm 10 months out of FOLFOX and 7 from Radation and 5FU, but my tongue is still white, and the back is really thick. Both Oncologist and Rad Onc took another look at it at my Friday appointemnt, and neither know what it is. Its not Thursh anymore. 

    Luckily I can taste my food now. 

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Trubrit said:

    Bad mouth

    I believe that the chemo has damaged my tongue. I'm 10 months out of FOLFOX and 7 from Radation and 5FU, but my tongue is still white, and the back is really thick. Both Oncologist and Rad Onc took another look at it at my Friday appointemnt, and neither know what it is. Its not Thursh anymore. 

    Luckily I can taste my food now. 


    So sorry to hear that you are still having an issue.   I had thrush but mouth wash took care of that pretty quickly.  I had sores more like canker sore, so painful .