New Vitamin D study...looks we all should probably be getting more

annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
edited April 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Just read this about two new studies that came out yesterday...basically looks like vitamin D is probably an important source of protection against disease.  May not help us when we are actively fighting cancer, but who knows?  Maybe ensuring a higher level in our blood streams will help to protect us against other crap that may develop.

Off to the store for more chewable D gummies (I didn't read every word, but I'm pretty sure there is something in there about gummy vitamins being the most effective source*)!

(ETA that these studies covered one million people, and included the clinical "gold standard" of randomized controlled trials)

*not and sun exposure are actually likely the best, but I live in Seattle so there's only so much I can do


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Yesterday (all our troubles seemed so far away)

    I was in the shop yesterday with a bottle of Vitamin D in my hand. I put it back on the shelf. I wish you had posted earlier. Darn! 

    I just started taking a multi vit yesterday too. 

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Yesterday (all our troubles seemed so far away)

    I was in the shop yesterday with a bottle of Vitamin D in my hand. I put it back on the shelf. I wish you had posted earlier. Darn! 

    I just started taking a multi vit yesterday too. 


    Well, maybe now you are more likely to get a better, more appropriate strength vitamin D3 supplement.  Especially if you get your blood tested.  So many here with great deficiencies have had to prompt their doctors for a vitamin D blood test.

  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    Thanks Ann.

    Yes, basically we've been sold a load of vitamin D3 (and sunshine) paranoia for 2/3 of a century while

    1. they sold us tons of synthetic vitamin D2 and quick fix patent medicines at high prices, that have more toxicity and less benefits,

    2. many people suffered much higher rates of chronic, autoimmune, psychiatric, low immunity diseases. 

    The real issues with vitamin D3 are optimum blood levels and optimum balance with vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium and a few others.  

    No telling how many posters on this board would have been later to the "game" and longer in it if we hadn't gotten so much biased nonsense, like 200-400 iu of vitamin D3. And kept their teeth too.  Many of us have friends and family here that were grossly deficient for vitamin D and needed 5000 iu - 10,000+ iu to be minimally sufficient without chemo.  Even more vitamin D3 with chemo, like my wife, too.   

    VitaminDWiki is an interesting site.  Even Canadian infants have a recommendation for more vitamin D (1000 iu) than any adult group under the Institute of Morons Medicine schedules in the US. 


  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    tanstaafl said:


    Thanks Ann.

    Yes, basically we've been sold a load of vitamin D3 (and sunshine) paranoia for 2/3 of a century while

    1. they sold us tons of synthetic vitamin D2 and quick fix patent medicines at high prices, that have more toxicity and less benefits,

    2. many people suffered much higher rates of chronic, autoimmune, psychiatric, low immunity diseases. 

    The real issues with vitamin D3 are optimum blood levels and optimum balance with vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium and a few others.  

    No telling how many posters on this board would have been later to the "game" and longer in it if we hadn't gotten so much biased nonsense, like 200-400 iu of vitamin D3. And kept their teeth too.  Many of us have friends and family here that were grossly deficient for vitamin D and needed 5000 iu - 10,000+ iu to be minimally sufficient without chemo.  Even more vitamin D3 with chemo, like my wife, too.   

    VitaminDWiki is an interesting site.  Even Canadian infants have a recommendation for more vitamin D (1000 iu) than any adult group under the Institute of Morons Medicine schedules in the US. 





    I take twice a day a 1000 IU vitamin D, a CLA and omega 3. Then I also juice 3 carrots, 2 celery stalks and a Granny Smith apple twice a day. Nateuropath said this is all I needed and have been doing it for 3 years now, with ones a week cheating lol.

    So far I am stil NED and feeling great, ofcourse there are days of not sleeping and worrying, because my Arthritis and deteriating disks are a constant pain in back, shoulder etc. for which I take a low dosis of Tramadol 100 mg which helps me to walk and stand.

    Life is good and I take it one day at a time. All you can do.

    Hugs and prayers as always,





  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    You have to get tested from

    You have to get tested from your doctor because at the opposite end, too much vitamin D can cause damage as well.  A blood test can tell you how much you actually need.  My entire family just got the test, we're all deficient, some more than others.

  • Fucc
    Fucc Member Posts: 92 Member
    Vitamin D is the only

    Vitamin D is the only supplement any of my medical team has recommended, especially if you have liver involvment.  You should get your levels tested before taking the supplement, as high doses can be toxic.  I take 10,000 iu per day.  My last test showed a level of 120.  With cancer, you should try to get your levels up to the high normal.  Always consult with a doctor or natriopathic doctor regarding supplementation and chemo.  



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Today while the sunshines...

    Today we have sunshine, and I sat out for 20 minutes getting some natural Vitamin D. 

    I will have to look into getting my blood levels checked though. 

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Today while the sunshines...

    Today we have sunshine, and I sat out for 20 minutes getting some natural Vitamin D. 

    I will have to look into getting my blood levels checked though. 

    And I (and my sisters) don't

    And I (and my sisters) don't absorb it from the sun.  One sister is a farmer; out in the sun all day.  The other lives in Hawaii - out in the sun all day.  Me, in an office, but outside a lot.  We all have very low vitamin D levels, and all require D3 supplements to maintain reasonable levels.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    ...Our body was designed our entire skin exposed to the sun to make Vitamin D. Now the last few hundred years, which is nothing in evolutionary terms, our body is 90% covered with clothes and hair. So there is no way we can get enough vitamin D from the sun unless you are in your bikinis and speedos. You can live in Florida or California doesn't matter if only your face and hands are exposed. It is recommended to expose your entire upper body for 20 minutes every day early afternoon. Too much sun exposure can of course increase your chance for skin cancer. I take 1000/day plus the 20 minute sun exposure.


  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member

    We as a population are also covered by fine aerosols filtering the UV out.  When we are not 100% indoors, with airconditioning or heating.

    That 20 minute sun recommendation for fair skin is not working for a lot of colorectals; blonde, long timer Lisa42 in So California commented on this problem several years ago.  

    ...My last [vitamin D] test showed a level of 120.

    Is that vit D level in nmol/L or ng/mL ?   120 nmol/L = 48 ng/mL for vitamin D


    Again it is not the high dose vitamin D3 that is usually toxic per se but rather over supplemented or uncontrolled calcium intake with the high dose vitamin D3.  My wife has been running with 25,000 - 55,000 iu D3 per day for over 3 years. We carefully monitor her blood calcium and control her intake chemistry.   No usual tooth problems on chemo, no kidney problems. No more old bone or back pains either.  She was surely vit D deficient before cancer - her vitamin D level was not quite adequate at 12,000 iu per day while on light chemo, metronomic 5FU (UFT)-LV.    

    I am not advocating a super high dose D3 treatment here.  Rather I am worried that many will continue to be vitamin D deficient or insufficient without careful attention, due to too much paranoia about misconceived, obsolete dogmas of "excess vitamin D3".

  • PatchAdams
    PatchAdams Member Posts: 271
    tanstaafl said:


    We as a population are also covered by fine aerosols filtering the UV out.  When we are not 100% indoors, with airconditioning or heating.

    That 20 minute sun recommendation for fair skin is not working for a lot of colorectals; blonde, long timer Lisa42 in So California commented on this problem several years ago.  

    ...My last [vitamin D] test showed a level of 120.

    Is that vit D level in nmol/L or ng/mL ?   120 nmol/L = 48 ng/mL for vitamin D


    Again it is not the high dose vitamin D3 that is usually toxic per se but rather over supplemented or uncontrolled calcium intake with the high dose vitamin D3.  My wife has been running with 25,000 - 55,000 iu D3 per day for over 3 years. We carefully monitor her blood calcium and control her intake chemistry.   No usual tooth problems on chemo, no kidney problems. No more old bone or back pains either.  She was surely vit D deficient before cancer - her vitamin D level was not quite adequate at 12,000 iu per day while on light chemo, metronomic 5FU (UFT)-LV.    

    I am not advocating a super high dose D3 treatment here.  Rather I am worried that many will continue to be vitamin D deficient or insufficient without careful attention, due to too much paranoia about misconceived, obsolete dogmas of "excess vitamin D3".


    Lisa didn't begin taking Vit. D 3 until her cancer had spread (they NEVER EVER removed her rectal tumor) and her liver was pushing out of her abdomen because of all the tumors. She couldn't walk from chair to chair because of lung tumors.  She used sublingual Vit D 3 because her intestines couldn't absorb it from pills.  

    I had my Vit. D3 level tested right after chemo ended and it was 17. I live in the deep south.  I began taking it and at 1,000 IU got my level to 39.  I have to take 6,000 IU daily to stay at a reading of 100 - 105, even during the summer. 

    As we age our skin can no longer metabolize Vit. D's.  Most foods with Vit. D have D2 which is NOT what we need.  

    Vit. D3 levels in 'surfers' in California have been measures at over 2,000.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    lp1964 said:


    ...Our body was designed our entire skin exposed to the sun to make Vitamin D. Now the last few hundred years, which is nothing in evolutionary terms, our body is 90% covered with clothes and hair. So there is no way we can get enough vitamin D from the sun unless you are in your bikinis and speedos. You can live in Florida or California doesn't matter if only your face and hands are exposed. It is recommended to expose your entire upper body for 20 minutes every day early afternoon. Too much sun exposure can of course increase your chance for skin cancer. I take 1000/day plus the 20 minute sun exposure.


    Off with the clothes then

    The neighbours all work, so no problem. 

    Joking aside, progress, not always a good thing. 

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Off with the clothes then

    The neighbours all work, so no problem. 

    Joking aside, progress, not always a good thing. 

    Maybe we could open a nudist colony,

    strictly for cancer folk?

    What a sight that would be! Laughing  My scar alone would be enough to scare any small children in the vicinity.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Maybe we could open a nudist colony,

    strictly for cancer folk?

    What a sight that would be! Laughing  My scar alone would be enough to scare any small children in the vicinity.


    I've had ten surgeries. I look like Frankenstein. 

  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member


    Lisa didn't begin taking Vit. D 3 until her cancer had spread (they NEVER EVER removed her rectal tumor) and her liver was pushing out of her abdomen because of all the tumors. She couldn't walk from chair to chair because of lung tumors.  She used sublingual Vit D 3 because her intestines couldn't absorb it from pills.  

    I had my Vit. D3 level tested right after chemo ended and it was 17. I live in the deep south.  I began taking it and at 1,000 IU got my level to 39.  I have to take 6,000 IU daily to stay at a reading of 100 - 105, even during the summer. 

    As we age our skin can no longer metabolize Vit. D's.  Most foods with Vit. D have D2 which is NOT what we need.  

    Vit. D3 levels in 'surfers' in California have been measures at over 2,000.

    Did anyone know cigarette smoke affects D3 levels?

    neither did i,an ex-smoker


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    coloCan said:

    Did anyone know cigarette smoke affects D3 levels?

    neither did i,an ex-smoker


    That's good to know.

    Need to pass that info on to my daughter's boyfriend, who smokes (and should quit, but if not, could at least take a supplement).

  • TxKayaker
    TxKayaker Member Posts: 176

    That's good to know.

    Need to pass that info on to my daughter's boyfriend, who smokes (and should quit, but if not, could at least take a supplement).

    I take 4 - 1,000 IU per day

    I take 4 - 1,000 IU per day of D3 along with B12 , A , Fish Oil ,Flax , D, low dose aspirin & a partridge in a pear tree.

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    TxKayaker said:

    I take 4 - 1,000 IU per day

    I take 4 - 1,000 IU per day of D3 along with B12 , A , Fish Oil ,Flax , D, low dose aspirin & a partridge in a pear tree.

    I take Vitamin D3, 5.000 mg a

    I take Vitamin D3, 5.000 mg a day with 1000 mg of calcium per PCP.