
jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

I have read about Thyroid problems caused by radiation. What are the symptoms? I find I'm not regaining my energy, I'm tired all the time and find even walking up stairs leaves me breathless and my heart races. 

I've black out when I stood up too quickly. 

I want to regain some energy but seem to get weaker by the day. 

I sleep in the day for 3 hours at a time and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. 

Every time I mention it to my docs they say it's radiation fatigue but surely by now I should be regaining some of my normal life. I finished rads in october. I read posts of folk going back to work and taking up with normal lives. I walk half a mile and feel I'm going to fold up. I was more energetic a couple of months out of rads, then it was downhill. Any ideas......I live on 5 -6ensure 2 cal and a litre of water a day as I can't swallow and have a PEG tube still.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Sorry to hear that you have not regained your energy. Personally, I turned the corner 6 weeks post tx. back in 2012 when I did rads and chemo. Just last week I finished 12 weeks of chemo. I was told that my magnesium was low and given a script for mag/oxide. I read up on it and low magnesium can result from chemo and cause fatigue. I was also told, if I could not eat, that I needed atleast 6 Ensure a day, it sounds like you are doing that.  May want to ask what your magnesium level was on your last lab. Just a shot in the dark but an idea. Even with low magnesium, I pretty much continued with my normal routine but did notice a bit less energy.

    Good luck in finding your persistent with the doctor.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Blood Indicators...

    The main indicators in your blood tests, which have to be looked at are your TSH and Free T-4 levels.

    Those two indicate thyroid function...

    Fatigue is one of several indicators for thyroid disease...

    But fatigue oes with the territory for us as well..., as your MD mentioned.


  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member

    I am tired a lot and am 2 years out.  The doctors will check your thyroid with your blood tests.  My energy level did not return to close to normal for a year.  Now, my thyroid is not normal, but not bad enough to put me on medication.  At some point I probably will need medication, but my doctor wants to wait until it is worse.  Once you are on thyroid medication you are on for the rest of your life.   Ann