Side effect Queen

kamcat1962 Member Posts: 40

Just call me the Side effect Queen! I have Stage 4 breast cancer and am on my 9th form of chemo since June 2012. They work for while and quit or I have so many side effects they have to pull me off. As I said about the side effects I am the Queen. It seems that no matter what they are or how many I get them and not just from the chemo either. Right now I am on Doxil and I am not sure if they will keep me on it because it doesn't seem to be doing anything. How I know is because the breast cancer mets to my skin. I have breast cancer on my skin and it is the most horrible looking stuff you have ever seen.  It is also dangerous because of infections. Over the Christmas holiday I developed cellulitis in my right arm and it backed up into my blood. I was one sick puppy. Well when the chemo is working the skin mets gets better and when the chemo isn't working the skin mets gets worse. I am also fighting the side effects of the medicine that is helping the side effects of one of the chemos I was on. Crazy!!! I am on LYRICA for the nerve pain I got from eribulin. This drug is a something else. It is helping the nerve pain however the side effects are horrible. I have gained 40 pounds, I have swollen feet all the time, blurry vision, sleepiness (FELL ASLEEP IN THE DENTIST CHAIR), memory problems and  I am sure there are some i am forgetting. LOL.   Is anyone out there on this drug too and are you having the same problems? What have you done to help with it?  I am going to onco on Wed and I have alot of research I have done to convince him to put me on something else. I hope he listens to me this time. Pray that you are doing well and am sorry i have stayed away so long. Blessings to all, Cathy K.


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am so very sorry about all

    I am so very sorry about all you are going through. 

    Just wanted to share that I also have trouble with side effects.  One thing that I have learned about my body is that I tolerate lower doses better.  Some meds such as chemo, antibiotics or enteric coated (the ones with a hard coating-meant to be absorbed in the intestine and not in the stomach) pills should not be lowered or changed in any way if at all possible.  However, others, can be decreased and still be effective.  Ask your physician!

     I cut many pills (such as pain meds) with a pill splitter. This has worked well for many, many drugs that I thought I couldn't tolerate.  drug reactions and also dependent on your health/disease state.  If the med is a capsule, ask about a lower dose (if available). 

    I don't know anything about lyrica, so I can't really know if this will apply.  There are other meds for neuropathy such as anticonvulsants and antidepressants.  Talk with your onc!

    Sending ((((hugs)))) and prayers.  Fell better!!!


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I am so very sorry about all

    I am so very sorry about all you are going through. 

    Just wanted to share that I also have trouble with side effects.  One thing that I have learned about my body is that I tolerate lower doses better.  Some meds such as chemo, antibiotics or enteric coated (the ones with a hard coating-meant to be absorbed in the intestine and not in the stomach) pills should not be lowered or changed in any way if at all possible.  However, others, can be decreased and still be effective.  Ask your physician!

     I cut many pills (such as pain meds) with a pill splitter. This has worked well for many, many drugs that I thought I couldn't tolerate.  drug reactions and also dependent on your health/disease state.  If the med is a capsule, ask about a lower dose (if available). 

    I don't know anything about lyrica, so I can't really know if this will apply.  There are other meds for neuropathy such as anticonvulsants and antidepressants.  Talk with your onc!

    Sending ((((hugs)))) and prayers.  Fell better!!!


    kamcat -- Just a note for you

    Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers ..  I wish the best possible help - solutions, as well as strength and recovery - remission, would be nice, right?

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam