Sanjay Gupta - Weeds 2 show Saturday

donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

Sanjay Gupta has done a second TV special on weed. I missed the initial showing a couple days ago but it is going to be on CNN this Saturday evening. I read some quote about his "doubling down" on the value of medical MJ. Let's get some discussion going after watching the show.  Don


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    What time?

    I'll forget if I don't write it down somewhere.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Don !

    I have been following these with much interest.  Minnesota is once again debating this issue, to no avail.  Our people in office voted it through but the govener will veto it...because law enforcement is set dead against it.  This doctor presents the case in favor of it  wonderfully !  And is showing case proof of how it is working for many conditions that are beyond hope.  Next year in our state I will make a point of getting involved earlier.  (probably yet this yr)  I may not be able to physically be there, but can write letters and get others I know involved.  If this could help one family, one person to get through the unthinkable....what else is possible ?  If you can watch this program it is well worth it !  They are repeating it on CNN at various times.  Thanks Don !  Katie 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Hello Don !

    I have been following these with much interest.  Minnesota is once again debating this issue, to no avail.  Our people in office voted it through but the govener will veto it...because law enforcement is set dead against it.  This doctor presents the case in favor of it  wonderfully !  And is showing case proof of how it is working for many conditions that are beyond hope.  Next year in our state I will make a point of getting involved earlier.  (probably yet this yr)  I may not be able to physically be there, but can write letters and get others I know involved.  If this could help one family, one person to get through the unthinkable....what else is possible ?  If you can watch this program it is well worth it !  They are repeating it on CNN at various times.  Thanks Don !  Katie 


    Interesting segment on the Today Show this morning about families relocating to CO. simply so their children could get tx with MJ that reduces seizures from 15 to as few as 3 per day. 


  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member
    Medical MJ

    It's amazing to me that when you are going through treatment they don't care what pain meds you have, how addictive it is, no matter how strong, etc but they won't allow medical MJ in Texas.   I don't understand it and it seems a lot less impactful than the stuff they were giving me to take as often as I wanted to take it.  

    If it helps with whatever symptons you have like upset stomach, appetite, pain, relaxation or whatever, what does it really matter if it truly helps.   Maybe I'm just a product of the 70s and much more open than a lot of people but to me it makes no sense to not have it available if it truly helps, or even if you think it helps.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    not a lot new from weed 1

    Finally got around to watching the recording last night. Too much sun on the SoCal beaches from the long weekend road trip down south. Downtown LA hit 90 and the beaches were 80. WOW!

    The second installment by Sanjay was a lot like the first and more of an update.  As a result of the first special, the growers of the CBD strains are maxed out and a number of desperate families are relocating to MMJ friendly states to seek relief from the symtoms not responding to approved drugs.

    The case is made again how insane the current laws are about MJ. Being classified as a schedule 1 drug prohibits any testing or trials so it is kept in the dark and as illegal as LSD. Then the establisment medical folks say there is no proof it does any good. So sad.

    For those in states where MMJ is still illegal there may be legal options through the current law. Many states classify marijuana as a plant containing the active chemical THC. Medical extracts are available that have zero THC and only CBD, the chemical that offers the most medical benefit. IF that is the case, then it may be fully legal to ship vials of CBD to those in states where it is not legal. I just throw that out as something to explore.

    This is a fight of enormous magnitude. The drug industry is rich and powerful and is doing all it can to keep MMJ locked up. Slowly, the people are seeing the truth and demanding releasing the plant from bondage. The direction and momentum is heading the right way, just needs time to take hold across the majority of states.

    Here is one example of CBD concentrates


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    donfoo said:

    not a lot new from weed 1

    Finally got around to watching the recording last night. Too much sun on the SoCal beaches from the long weekend road trip down south. Downtown LA hit 90 and the beaches were 80. WOW!

    The second installment by Sanjay was a lot like the first and more of an update.  As a result of the first special, the growers of the CBD strains are maxed out and a number of desperate families are relocating to MMJ friendly states to seek relief from the symtoms not responding to approved drugs.

    The case is made again how insane the current laws are about MJ. Being classified as a schedule 1 drug prohibits any testing or trials so it is kept in the dark and as illegal as LSD. Then the establisment medical folks say there is no proof it does any good. So sad.

    For those in states where MMJ is still illegal there may be legal options through the current law. Many states classify marijuana as a plant containing the active chemical THC. Medical extracts are available that have zero THC and only CBD, the chemical that offers the most medical benefit. IF that is the case, then it may be fully legal to ship vials of CBD to those in states where it is not legal. I just throw that out as something to explore.

    This is a fight of enormous magnitude. The drug industry is rich and powerful and is doing all it can to keep MMJ locked up. Slowly, the people are seeing the truth and demanding releasing the plant from bondage. The direction and momentum is heading the right way, just needs time to take hold across the majority of states.

    Here is one example of CBD concentrates


    Hi Don

    Louisiana is also taking up the issue this year but it has little support by people who are not sick and needing something like MJ to help them in everyday life. Another problem that I have is that the US Coast Guard has issued a statement saying no matter what state approves MJ for medical or recreation use they will continue drug testing and if you are found with it in your system they will suspend your license. I work in the marine industry and I can be drug screened at any time, funny they never question any of the other prescription drugs I take daily that sometimes can have me flying higher than a kite.


    Oh Well it is what it is

    Tim Hondo    

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi Don

    Louisiana is also taking up the issue this year but it has little support by people who are not sick and needing something like MJ to help them in everyday life. Another problem that I have is that the US Coast Guard has issued a statement saying no matter what state approves MJ for medical or recreation use they will continue drug testing and if you are found with it in your system they will suspend your license. I work in the marine industry and I can be drug screened at any time, funny they never question any of the other prescription drugs I take daily that sometimes can have me flying higher than a kite.


    Oh Well it is what it is

    Tim Hondo    


    My understanding is all MJ drug testing is based on THC levels. The CBD MJ has no or very low THC levels. That said, if anyone is subjected to drug testing then you'd want to verify this.