Prayer Request

Hi all:


Hope all is well with everybody and all survived the cold weather and snow.  I was in Gatlinburg with the snow with two friends for the week.  It was gorgeous.  Okay need your prayers again.  Remember me telling about my best friend's husband with lung cancer and their house burned last March and she lost her Dad in the fire.  Well Steve's (friend's husband) treatment had gone well and he finished it up last June.  Scans and blood work and all had been good.  Well, he hadn't been feeling too good the last couple of weeks and had been to the dr. about his shoulder bothering him.  Sent him to Physical Therapy and seemed to help.  Also they had been doing a Livestrong class at the Y.  They are moving into their house this weekend.  Well, his shoulder got to where he couldn't lift that arm this morning and had some weakness in left leg. So, they go to dr. today and he sends them for CT and MRI because he was thinking possibly a blood clot or stroke; would that it had been one of those.  What they found out was the cancer has metastized to his brain and has 7 lesions on his brain.  I am so bummed out.  I truly know what my best friend is feeling, thinking, etc.  They go to see rad. oncologist tomorrow and will probably start radiation next week.  Fortunately he's not in any pain and the dr. told them that because as we get older our brains atrophy and in Steve's case this was a good thing because the lesions weren't pressing on any part that would cause seizures, etc.  Beki said he had been more confused this last week; not remembering anything and not seemingly to understand what she was saying to him.  These people are so very precious to me and I do pray for a miracle; but of course pray also for peace and that Steve will some good quality of life.  IT will be a year on 3/24 since their house burned and she lost her dad in the fire.  Please keep them in your prayers.  I told Beki I would get on here tonite and let y'all know.  She knows all about how wonderful this site is from me and how wonderful my CSN "Buds" are.  Thanks so much.


Jan (Basketcase)


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Hi ya Jan....

    Prayers coming...


  • Reeg
    Reeg Member Posts: 6
    Sending blessings and pryaing

    Hi Jan,


    Praying and sending blessings..




  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Jan

    I am always happy to see you post but sad to hear about your friends husband. I sure will keep them in prayer that God will work a miracle in their behalf, all things are possible. I just lost one of my good friends who I knew for almost 30 years, he and his wife gave it all they had but in the end he lost his battle with Lou Garrett Disease this week. Life sometimes is just not right, but it was never Gods intent that man should die, he created us to live forever. All this came about because of an evil angle full of hate, but he will rep what he has sows one day. Then we who believe will again live with our God who loves us and gave His life that we might have life again with Him.

    God Bless to you and your friend.

    Tim Hondo

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    jan, you are such a good

    jan, you are such a good friend.  lots of prayers and positive thoughts coming that way.  God bless you all.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    jan, you are such a good

    jan, you are such a good friend.  lots of prayers and positive thoughts coming that way.  God bless you all.



    Sending prayers

  • catfish_58
    catfish_58 Member Posts: 138 Member

    Prayers sent your way

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member

    I hear you Jan.


  • josh r.
    josh r. Member Posts: 264 Member

    Prayers are on their way. josh r.

  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    Thanks So Much

    Hi all:


    Beki and Steve saw their rad. onc. yesterday and he begins rad. 1/day for 2 weeks.  Will see their onc. on Tuesday.  Thanks so much for all the prayers and continued ones.  Also when I logged this morning and got ready to post an update it said, "You are not allowed to post new topic in forum!"  I've sent them a message to find out why.  Anybody know what the problem could be.  To my knowledge I haven't broken any rules and certainly hope and pray I haven't offended anybody.  Just wondering.  Thanks.  God Bless


    Jan (Basketcase)

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Thanks So Much

    Hi all:


    Beki and Steve saw their rad. onc. yesterday and he begins rad. 1/day for 2 weeks.  Will see their onc. on Tuesday.  Thanks so much for all the prayers and continued ones.  Also when I logged this morning and got ready to post an update it said, "You are not allowed to post new topic in forum!"  I've sent them a message to find out why.  Anybody know what the problem could be.  To my knowledge I haven't broken any rules and certainly hope and pray I haven't offended anybody.  Just wondering.  Thanks.  God Bless


    Jan (Basketcase)

    Jan, it wouldn't let me post

    Jan, it wouldn't let me post at all this am.  i did see that they are working on the site so that is probably why.  Should be completely back to normal by tomorrow (that's what the message said).


  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477

    Jan, it wouldn't let me post

    Jan, it wouldn't let me post at all this am.  i did see that they are working on the site so that is probably why.  Should be completely back to normal by tomorrow (that's what the message said).



    Thanks.  I finally saw that too.



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Oh so sorry Jan. I am praying

    Oh so sorry Jan. I am praying for your friends, that they find comfort in the Lord and that God provides healing. God bless and keep all of you.
