3 MONTH APPT WITH ENT TODAY, ALL CLEAR!! He said everything looks good, just need to make it 5 more months to my 2 year mark and my risk will drop way down. Taste is still coming and going. Still do not taste sweets. Saliva is so so, still taking Salagen. Thyroid levels are dropping but still in the "normal" range. But I am here enjoying every day that I have been given. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    every day is a better day


    All system “new normal” you are cleared for full steam ahead.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Me too, me too!!!

    well...actually you're 8 days ahead of me, but I remember once when we were neck and neck coming down the finish line.....then the IMRT machine bit the dust on my end, and we didn't finish the same day. 

    We'll, do this.....get ourselves to August....and finally....FINALLY breath a semi-sigh of relief...

    Congrats girl....I'm sure you've feeling light as a feather.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Congratulations on the good news

    Congratulations on the good news. Hope the sweet tast comes back soon. Now I wouldn't worry about thyroid being low. I have been on thyroid for fifty years. If it is low you do get week and sleeply, to much and nervice stomach and hands sweat. I found out during my surgery that I only have 1/2 of my thyroid gland. That explains why I been on it since I was 12. They can controll it quite well and it is very inexpencive.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Nice to see ya on here.....

    Nice to see ya on here...thanks for checking in and giving us your good news! 

    My loved one is a few months behind you. He was dx Aug 2012, started tx Oct and ended Nov 2012. PET in Feb 2013 showed NED. So if we go by the Nov 2012 date when tx ended, he has 8 months and he will be at his 2 yr mark...getting anxious to get there, but trying to enjoy life a day at a time also.

    Glad things are going well for you. We've had a few issues that we've had to deal with, but things are getting better.

    Check in with us often....miss some of the folks that were newbies the same time we were newbies! Laughing

    God Bless,



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    bwg, congrats on the "all

    bwg, congrats on the "all clear"!!  that is wonderful.  the taste and saliva should come back with time so be patient.  many of us have thyroid problems but thank goodness, the fix is as easy as taking a little pill.  continue to enjoy everyday and give it all you've got.  you've come a long way, as we all have, and you deserve it!!


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    bwg, congrats on the "all

    bwg, congrats on the "all clear"!!  that is wonderful.  the taste and saliva should come back with time so be patient.  many of us have thyroid problems but thank goodness, the fix is as easy as taking a little pill.  continue to enjoy everyday and give it all you've got.  you've come a long way, as we all have, and you deserve it!!



    thanks for stopping in to share the good news

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    Great news

    BW Girl !! Good to see you checking in ! I don't post on here often either . I have about the same side-effects that you have and enjoying everyday . Also waiting on that two year mark ! I have about seven months to go . Wish I could taste sweets but probably a good thing as I haven't gained any of my weight back ! Lol

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Girl

    I am happy to hear you are doing so well, please keep track of the Thyroid problem and get it checked as often as you can. I had all kinds of problems and was seeing doctors for almost two years before one of them realized that all my problems were related to my Thyroids.

    Wishing you all the best


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So happy for you, Praying all

    So happy for you, Praying all continues to improve and NEDs keep coming.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Glad all is going well....

    Are your thyroid levels actually dropping, or rising...

    For me the TSH levels are actually above the normal limit..., Free T-4 is hanging in there though...

    TSH normal levels are in the .5 - 5.0 or 4.5 depending where you look...

    Mine have been between 7 - 9 for a few years now, going above 10.0 once. I just saw an Endocrinology MD a few weeks ago.

    He told me that if I'm feeling fine and (if you remember, I wasn't doing well when they tried Synthroid once) the Synthroid was causing me issues, that as long as I was under 10, he didn't see a need for me to go on the synthetic at this time.



  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member

    BWGirl, do you find the Salagen works for you?  I tried it for a few months when I finished treatment but wasn't sure I could tell a difference.  My saliva is "OK" during the day but at night it's much tougher.   Just wanted your take on Salagen as I may start it back up if you saw a big difference.


    Thanks and glad you're doing well:)


  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269
    KB56 said:


    BWGirl, do you find the Salagen works for you?  I tried it for a few months when I finished treatment but wasn't sure I could tell a difference.  My saliva is "OK" during the day but at night it's much tougher.   Just wanted your take on Salagen as I may start it back up if you saw a big difference.


    Thanks and glad you're doing well:)



    Keith, I think it does help me. I have thought about trying to wean myself off of it to see if it is really the salagen or if my saliva has came back somewhat but it scares me to go without it. I do better at home where we run humidifiers than at work where there are lots of fans and I have to talk more. Somedays are better than others. I never go anywhere without something to drink. I have found that Act Mouth Rinse for dry mouths really helps me too. I use it right before I go to work and right before I go to bed. I would give it a try again. 

  • boardwalkgirl
    boardwalkgirl Member Posts: 269

    Me too, me too!!!

    well...actually you're 8 days ahead of me, but I remember once when we were neck and neck coming down the finish line.....then the IMRT machine bit the dust on my end, and we didn't finish the same day. 

    We'll, do this.....get ourselves to August....and finally....FINALLY breath a semi-sigh of relief...

    Congrats girl....I'm sure you've feeling light as a feather.


    Phrannie, We are going to have the biggest celebration in August! Get ready to Party!

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    So pleased for you. I am

    So pleased for you. I am having my cyst out Monday and will then find out what it is. You have given me hope that even if this gos badly it can end well. Thank ou and greetings from Liverpool.