
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    My name was cited

    I got into this thread and realized that my post of 2014 was not formatted. It overextended and got out of the screen. The net address posted within was all a long line so I cut it in the middle to fit the format.

    However, this thread become quite interesting to read since you guys enriched it with extraordinary comments. My take on the subject is the same as I saw it back in 2014. Baking powder is very useful in bakery but not as much in treating cancer. Probably a slice of cake would do the job to the same extent. It would serve as a relief in mental stress (thinking it good to kill the cancer) and provide the pleasure of eating a tasteful cake.
    I agree with Grinder’s opinion regarding stress as a precursor in the initiation of cancer and later in its growth. I believe that my case originated from a stressful moment I encounter in 1998. This was again followed by another stressful moment in my professional life in 2000 when I was put in charge of a 300 Million Dollar engineering project. Security, duty and responsibility were too heavy on my shoulders.

    The beauty of this forum is the many threads that we create exchanging opinions or experiences, or talking about something we believe or think it better. But these are all centered to the same problem we share. We may give preferences to facts in disregard to what others believe; however, what is important is that nobody gets hurt in the end.

    There have been many posts on diets and supplements, and on particular substances that for some reason got the attention of a member. He shares his discovery but not many talks about the experience or results he/she had later. The Laetrile (B17) commented by MK above is one of those kinds of supplements claimed to be taken by some in the treatment of their cancer which outcome is never commented or that latter is discontinued for whatever reason the user presents. There was a comprehensive trial on the B17 that presented apoptosis of prostate cancer cells in vitro but the substance is not yet projected to be included as a prime weapon in the fight against the bandit, for its toxicity in humans. (

    In fact, all nuts are known to be good and influence the immune system. Taking them may indirectly benefit our cause against the cancer. In the end, if the substance doesn’t hurt and the person taking it feels good, then, go for it and let us know the details as a Good Samaritan.

    My breakfast includes several nuts and the apricot tree (B17) is native in my country (I have some in my garden). The fruit and the seeds make part of the Mediterranean diet but cancer is also prevalent throughout the Mediterranean population. And I ask; why is it not working? What could be missing?



    Grinder, You do not need to stick me in a lab. I can try being helpful from my orchad at home.

  • RobLee
    RobLee Member Posts: 269 Member


    Radiation Hopeful,

    Saw Palmetto supplement was advertised for decades as a cure or preventative of PCa. Tens of BILLIONS of dollars have been spent by men on it hoping to avoid or mitigate PCa.  But, all of the best studies by the best institutions have concluded that it is NO better than placebo.  A worldwide, total waste of time, hope, and money.

    You write like an educated person.  Do you seriously believe that there is any merit in "baking powder and molassas" in this ? 



    Saw Palmetto

    I used Saw Palmetto for two decades.  My urologist even encouraged me to do so.  I felt like it seemed to help with my typical middle age prostate problems (hesitancy,  incomplete voiding and such).  In the end, I still got prostate cancer anyway.  Like cold remedies... they may make the symptoms more tolerable but do nothing to cure the underlying disease.

  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    You do realize by passing on the research facility, you will be missing out on a Nobel prize in Medicine.

    Just kidding.

    Or am I? 

  • Amazingfaith
    Amazingfaith Member Posts: 1
    andib61 said:

    My mother Inlaw is in

    My mother Inlaw is in remission with baking soda & molasses. Just to let you know. We don't know truly if that's what did it but that's all she has done. The doctors said no treatment just keep doing what tour doing. She was diagnosed lastyear & now in full remission

    Your Story is True!

    I had stage 4 breast cancer that  had moved to the lungs but am now healed after being lead one night to a video  on healing through baking soda  & molasses after having a few chemo treatments prior. Please research Vernon Johnston and also watch this video:



  • Rickdean
    Rickdean Member Posts: 17
    I tried the baking soda and

    I tried the baking soda and molassess for several weeks attempting to lower my PSA.  No it was biopsy and removal.

  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10
    RobLee said:

    Sugar feeds cancer and lower PSA means less cancer

    Tossing in my two cents on two topics...

    1) A reduction in PSA does not necessarily mean that prostate cancer is being cured, reduced or eliminated. As I understand it, prostate cells produce PSA when the prostate is active or irritated, such as riding a bike or achieving orgasm.  While it is entirely possible or even likely that altering one's lifestyle and/or diet will improve one's overall health and may reduce PSA levels (due to less irritation or less activity), cancer cells will not shrink or die as a result of lifestyle changes... especially if those cancer cells happen to be grade 4 or 5.  The only thing that actually kills prostate cancer cells is radiation. Reducing testosterone production can slow its growth, but does not bring about any actual reduction in the volume of cancer, only a PSA reduction.

    2) Often we hear that food caused our cancer and food can cure cancer.  The culprits cited most often are sugar, meat, and dairy.  The reasoning behind the sugar deprivation "cure" is based on the fact that cancer cells consume sugar faster than healthy cells do.  The "proof" cited most often is that sugar is used in PET scans to identify cancer cells.  The "conclusion" is therefore that reducing or eliminating sugar will starve the cancer.  We have asked my wife's oncologist about this on several occcasions. His reply is ALWAYS that every cell in the body consumes sugar. If you were able to eliminate sugar from your system then the cancer cells would be first to grab what sugar is available, starving the healthy cells. In the end it would only reduce your body's ability to fight the cancer. Eliminating sugar would be healthier for your teeth and your pancreatic islets of Langerhans and thereby may delay AODM but will do nothing to fight cancer.


    processed and refined

    Hi Roblee
    Its not so much that 'suger,meat and dairy' are the culprit for causing cancer, its REFINED suger, PROCESSED meat and dairy from non grass feed cows that have all sorts of nasty stuff pumped into them. The problem is in the westren diet, we no longer eat food from the field or off trees, we now get our food from factories or fast food outlets with little nutritional value. People no longer seem to realise that our bodies are machines that need hundreds of different 'chemicals' to do thousands of jobs all around our body. If we stop giving our machine the things it needs to do its job then something breaks down. True sugers, i.e: whole fruit, raw honey... and yes even pure black strap molasses contain the 'chemicals' that our body uses to fight diseases. Natural nutrition is the only medicine our bodies rea;;y reconise/want
    You say if there was a lack of suger that cancer cells would be the first to grab the available suger, but i dont know if that would be correct. If the avilable suger was divided out evenly by the body then you would 'stave' the cancer cells as they need more than normal cells... although i dont believe in cutting out ALL suger as our body needs it, just refined suger. 

    All the best :)

  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2019 #28
    foamhand said:

    To each their own with best wishes...

    I'm newly diagnosed stage 4 regional prostate cancer. Cancer killed both my adoptive (non-biological) parents but they were both smokers. Dad was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer in 1980 and was gone by 1982. My parents heard about a miracle cure with mega vitamin doses by a doctor in Greece back then and made the trip to Greece for dad's treatment. It didn't work. Mom fought bladder cancer from the early 1990's till she passed in 2002. She got newer scientific treatment by skilled doctors at M.D. Anderson in Houston TX. and she said they gave her way more time than she thought she had.

    I am awaiting to join clinical trials at Huntsman Institute at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, which is a very good hospital and from what I understand my doctor there is one of the best in the U.S.

    Meanwhile, it seems all sorts of non-medical people rant and rave about all kinds of "miracle" cures for my cancer, from baking soda to the new BIG one...Cannabis Oil or Marijuana based products.

    The big mental argument of course is...who do I trust? Thank gosh I feel my logic circuits in my brain still work, as I will take the advice of a 12-16 year university educated and graduated doctor over a marijuana user / horticulturist any day of the week. Granted, I believe there are specific medical uses for pot that have been proven and I am ok with that. But to tout anything as a cure all panacea that so many things are promoted as over the internet is just irresponsible and dangerous.

    The non-medical educated snake oil promoters always attack the medical industry and big pharma for being big corrupt greedy money making machines that don't want to cure cancer because there's so much profit for them. However, don't forget, the snake oil salesmen suffer from the same malady...they want to make money off their snake oil too so of course they will poo-poo their "competitors".

    In my humble's better to go with the doctors who are trained and educated. After all, they probably have suffered a loss of someone in their lives from cancer and really have the desire to cure it, but as I have learned from my doctors...cancer is a very sneaky and mutating disease with a mind of it's own. It really isn't that easily cured.



    Broccoli and tomatoes

    Foamhand, the 16 year university graduate does not know how or why cancer starts, or how to stop it. He does not know which drugs(poisions) are best for cancer, he only knows what the big pharma companies have told him. You are not really putting your life in the hands of a medical professional, you are putting your life in the hands of a buisiness that charges... what?.. $5000 for a months worth of cancer poisions that would cost them maybe $20 to make... i know, research and develoment blah blah. Cancer is a VERY profitable buisiness, there's no one person stopping cures being found for cancer, buisinesses are self sustaining while there is profit to be made. As the Bible says 'the LOVE of money is the root of all evil' 
    Go on a pure WHOLE plant food only diet, and eat as much broccoli and tomatoes together in the same meal as you can handle. They are good for fighting prostate cancer.

  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10

    My name was cited

    I got into this thread and realized that my post of 2014 was not formatted. It overextended and got out of the screen. The net address posted within was all a long line so I cut it in the middle to fit the format.

    However, this thread become quite interesting to read since you guys enriched it with extraordinary comments. My take on the subject is the same as I saw it back in 2014. Baking powder is very useful in bakery but not as much in treating cancer. Probably a slice of cake would do the job to the same extent. It would serve as a relief in mental stress (thinking it good to kill the cancer) and provide the pleasure of eating a tasteful cake.
    I agree with Grinder’s opinion regarding stress as a precursor in the initiation of cancer and later in its growth. I believe that my case originated from a stressful moment I encounter in 1998. This was again followed by another stressful moment in my professional life in 2000 when I was put in charge of a 300 Million Dollar engineering project. Security, duty and responsibility were too heavy on my shoulders.

    The beauty of this forum is the many threads that we create exchanging opinions or experiences, or talking about something we believe or think it better. But these are all centered to the same problem we share. We may give preferences to facts in disregard to what others believe; however, what is important is that nobody gets hurt in the end.

    There have been many posts on diets and supplements, and on particular substances that for some reason got the attention of a member. He shares his discovery but not many talks about the experience or results he/she had later. The Laetrile (B17) commented by MK above is one of those kinds of supplements claimed to be taken by some in the treatment of their cancer which outcome is never commented or that latter is discontinued for whatever reason the user presents. There was a comprehensive trial on the B17 that presented apoptosis of prostate cancer cells in vitro but the substance is not yet projected to be included as a prime weapon in the fight against the bandit, for its toxicity in humans. (

    In fact, all nuts are known to be good and influence the immune system. Taking them may indirectly benefit our cause against the cancer. In the end, if the substance doesn’t hurt and the person taking it feels good, then, go for it and let us know the details as a Good Samaritan.

    My breakfast includes several nuts and the apricot tree (B17) is native in my country (I have some in my garden). The fruit and the seeds make part of the Mediterranean diet but cancer is also prevalent throughout the Mediterranean population. And I ask; why is it not working? What could be missing?



    Grinder, You do not need to stick me in a lab. I can try being helpful from my orchad at home.

    cake is the problem...

    Baking powder and cake are different things nutritionally Vascoda. Would that not be like saying that its ok to eat pizza because it has a tomato based paste?  Its the refined processed '''foods''' that are the problem in Westren society. Baking soda or raw molasses which is a pure plant substance might well be able to help the body find and attack cancer cells in the same way broccoli or apples helps the body fight diseases. As for the mediterranean diet, the fresh local fruit and veg would be beneficial, but they are also heavily reliant on animal fats(especially in the cities)... and a lot of mediterraneans eat Mc Donalds :)
    The apricot trees in your garden might well be 'sweet' apricots rather than bitter apricots, as the b17 lies in the bitterness. From what ive seen b17 seems to be better at killing mutated cells in the blood stream and stopping/attacking secondary tumors, or killing main tumors at an early stage (ive seen that last sentance happen first hand) *Novodalin 500mg/ 80 capsules/ 1 a day.... and no i dont sell them.  

    Although a healthy diet for a healthy person can include small amounts of UNPROCESSED animal products, to fight disease really needs pure whole plant food, along with b17 if its cancer.

    Because Cannabis oil can now be tested in clinics in America, i watched on youtube a presentation by a medical director in front of Harvard medical students. She showed first hand cases treated by her of cancer patients who had been left to die in a hospice by the medical profession, and she put them on 'a diet, no suger'(her words) and gave them micro doses of cannabis oil four times a day. The patatients made a complete recovery and were CURED of their cancer. Its a pity she didnt elaborate on the diet she put them on, as it was probably no animal protein as well as no suger, and it was probably the 'diet' that really did the job.
    .... The patients were cured in 6-8 weeks

    Sorry i cant remember what her name was, but it was held at Harvard, in front of their medical students. She included brain scans of two brain tumors she treated.

    By the way, 1200 foods contain b17 including nuts.

    All the best :)

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Balanced elements in a diet may be the key for healthy dinners

    Plant food,

    Thanks for the insight regarding diets. I believe that the best choices are those that incorporate a balanced aspect of all ingredients. Pizzas are as good as broccolis and cakes if taken moderately. The Mediterranean diet acclaimed to be one of the best incorporates red meat as much as tomatoes or pieces of animal fat. Some elements in the dish balance the ones not so healthy. Whatever you eat or drink doesn't free you from having cancer. It may protect you or postpone a cancer issue that could be linked to our aging process or hereditary genomics but you cannot live if you do not eat and drink. I recommend you to follow what most pleases you and avoid known factors that cause cancer. Baking powder is not healthy but it helps in the cookery of cakes.

    Best wishes,


  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10

    Balanced elements in a diet may be the key for healthy dinners

    Plant food,

    Thanks for the insight regarding diets. I believe that the best choices are those that incorporate a balanced aspect of all ingredients. Pizzas are as good as broccolis and cakes if taken moderately. The Mediterranean diet acclaimed to be one of the best incorporates red meat as much as tomatoes or pieces of animal fat. Some elements in the dish balance the ones not so healthy. Whatever you eat or drink doesn't free you from having cancer. It may protect you or postpone a cancer issue that could be linked to our aging process or hereditary genomics but you cannot live if you do not eat and drink. I recommend you to follow what most pleases you and avoid known factors that cause cancer. Baking powder is not healthy but it helps in the cookery of cakes.

    Best wishes,


    pizza's are as good as broccolis ????

    Hi Vas
    You surely cant believe that pizza is as healthy as broccoli in any amount?? and cakes are highly refined!  Diet has became the biggest cause of cancer(except lung cancer) overtaking smoking. If bad food can cause cancer, and good food can prevent cancer, is it such a stretch of the imagination to think that good food might be able to reverse cancer? Can an exceptional diet (whole plant food) beat cancer?  There are people out there who have said they did just that... and they arent selling anything.
    Although the mediterranean diet is healthy compered to a typical western diet, its certainly not the healthest diet there is, it more... prolongs dieases. And usually their meat is fresh and lean, not a processed burger from the fast foot outlet across the road. I am talking about proper out in the country side mediterranean diet, not city dwellers, as i said they eat mcdonalds.

    Yes Vas, what you eat and drink can free you from getting cancer. Cancer is virtually unheard of in populations who are untouched by Western society and live off plant food, little fresh meat and fish.... you are what you eat.

    You have an orchard Vas, you should be putting that to good use. Get yourself a good juicer and look into the power of intense nutrition treatment (juicing). Look up a place called 'the Gerson institute'.  They treat almost all major diseases at their ranch with an organic plant based diet + a very small glass of juice once an hour for 13 hours. And as far as i know if a person makes it to their gate they are brought in and treated for free until they are disease/cancer free. They rely on donations. 

    I will be avoiding known factors that cause cancer.. processed, refined foods... you do the same Vas and stay healthy mate.

    All the best :)

  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    RobLee said:

    Sugar feeds cancer and lower PSA means less cancer

    Tossing in my two cents on two topics...

    1) A reduction in PSA does not necessarily mean that prostate cancer is being cured, reduced or eliminated. As I understand it, prostate cells produce PSA when the prostate is active or irritated, such as riding a bike or achieving orgasm.  While it is entirely possible or even likely that altering one's lifestyle and/or diet will improve one's overall health and may reduce PSA levels (due to less irritation or less activity), cancer cells will not shrink or die as a result of lifestyle changes... especially if those cancer cells happen to be grade 4 or 5.  The only thing that actually kills prostate cancer cells is radiation. Reducing testosterone production can slow its growth, but does not bring about any actual reduction in the volume of cancer, only a PSA reduction.

    2) Often we hear that food caused our cancer and food can cure cancer.  The culprits cited most often are sugar, meat, and dairy.  The reasoning behind the sugar deprivation "cure" is based on the fact that cancer cells consume sugar faster than healthy cells do.  The "proof" cited most often is that sugar is used in PET scans to identify cancer cells.  The "conclusion" is therefore that reducing or eliminating sugar will starve the cancer.  We have asked my wife's oncologist about this on several occcasions. His reply is ALWAYS that every cell in the body consumes sugar. If you were able to eliminate sugar from your system then the cancer cells would be first to grab what sugar is available, starving the healthy cells. In the end it would only reduce your body's ability to fight the cancer. Eliminating sugar would be healthier for your teeth and your pancreatic islets of Langerhans and thereby may delay AODM but will do nothing to fight cancer.


    Weak correlation

    Hi there,

    There is only a weak correlation between the amount of PSA and the amount and activity of the cancer.
    Some people do show text book behaviour with rising cancer activity by other measures correlating  with a higher PSA but others zing around for no reason at all that anyone can make out.
    A PSA level out of the normal range indicates possible prostate cancer, it does not say anything about the size or activity of that cancer if it exists.
    You cannot compare PSA readings between one man and another as PSA tests treat different forms of PSA differently, diffrent tests will give different values for the same blood sample.
    If you do not believe me and have the background read a few papers by biochemists chewing over how bad and inconsistent PSA tests are
    It is not like serum potassium which is readily and reliably measured.
    Even experienced doctors and urologists fall into this trap so cancer patients are easily misled.
    The same goes fo nomograms, they say things about populations of patients, they say a lot less about one Joe with cancer.
    Christ knows why anyone falls into the sugar fallacy trap.
    Glucose is the working currency of your body under normal conditions, starch, sucrose, etc are converted into glucose, your liver converts it into glycogen and back again to regulate levels which are controlled by the level of insulin, etc. Cells in your body metabolise glucose to make ATP which is cellular small change that powers things on a local level.
    This is all basic high school biology.
    Molasses and baking soda are not going to cure a Gleason 9 prostate cancer, it is not even going to tickle it round the edges. It is an extremely dangerous and likely very aggressive type that will metastase early and when it is out of the prostate it will be close to bloody incurable. Some people get lucky and manage to control a metastased prostate cancer for decades but they are the very lucky ones.
    In your shoes I would be considering early direct action in terms of surgery or radiation pronto!

    Best wishes,


  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member
    Baking soda and molasses

    Hi there,

    You can eat as much baking soda as you like, it will not move your body pH by a jot. It might raise your sodium levels a bit, it will probably give you diarrhoea if you eat enough but cellular pH will stay rock solid normal.
    Molasses are very far from natural, it is the goo left over from sugar refining. Good for adding to cakes, etc in small quantities as it is a bit laxative for most people but it will not cure cancer or anything much else excepting constipation.

    Best wishes,


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Balancing the facts

    Along my nineteen years as a PCa patient and after reading thousands of stories of guys with cancer, it makes me laugh when someone tries using diets to achieve cure or to claim cures in cancer. In fact this theme is used by all of us survivors to blame ourselves for having contracting the malady. We firstly look on what we have done in the past so that we can associate one fact as the reason to have it. Diet is the number one choice. The second cause is blamed on the ambient around us. No one thinks that cancer is a natural occurrence in humans. Even tobacco is blamed but many guys living over the 100 mark never gave up with his cigar after dinner (look on the many elderly Cyprus inhabitants).

    Being healthy is not achieved only through diets. One's activity and life style ponder much to get such a status. Cancer after all is just a cell in our building blocks that is not perfect. We try killing it but our systems are made and prepared to protect it from anything we through at them. You may try and succeed as much as you may fail. In the end we need some luck but we can try enjoying life fully while living instead of restrict us from what makes us happy. Balance your life style and you will be assured of a good living.




  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member


    May we know your situation regarding cancer? What is your diagnosis and treatment situation?

    I will say (respectfully) that most people believe the Gerson Institute does not serve cancer patients well. Most research on unproven alternate treatments (done in place of medical ones) show that in the main, people who follow alternative treatments die from their disease usually far earlier than if they had sought treatment. Anti-vaxxers are another typical example of the thinking errors here compounded by group bias from absorbing innacurate agenda driven stories on social media.

    There is plenty of evidence that healthy diet supports a person with an illness but cannot cure them.

    It is a thinking error to assume that big pharma suppresses alternative treatments. Medical research costs billions that they do not want to spend (spent money is not profit) and if diet elements were a cure, they would dive in, patent it and start making money without having to do expensive research and complex manufacture.

    I do tai chi myself and have found tremendous benefits but I would never replace my medical treatment with it.

    I say this not to disprespect you but to give an alternative narrative to those considering such things so they see both sides of the coin.


  • Georges Calvez
    Georges Calvez Member Posts: 547 Member

    Beer's good in moderation!


    Georges :-)

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,266 Member

    If Molasses and baking soda are good to reduce cancer and sugar promotes cancer growth, does not Molasses contain sugar which will feed cancer?  I am confused???????

    Dave 3+4

  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10

    Balancing the facts

    Along my nineteen years as a PCa patient and after reading thousands of stories of guys with cancer, it makes me laugh when someone tries using diets to achieve cure or to claim cures in cancer. In fact this theme is used by all of us survivors to blame ourselves for having contracting the malady. We firstly look on what we have done in the past so that we can associate one fact as the reason to have it. Diet is the number one choice. The second cause is blamed on the ambient around us. No one thinks that cancer is a natural occurrence in humans. Even tobacco is blamed but many guys living over the 100 mark never gave up with his cigar after dinner (look on the many elderly Cyprus inhabitants).

    Being healthy is not achieved only through diets. One's activity and life style ponder much to get such a status. Cancer after all is just a cell in our building blocks that is not perfect. We try killing it but our systems are made and prepared to protect it from anything we through at them. You may try and succeed as much as you may fail. In the end we need some luck but we can try enjoying life fully while living instead of restrict us from what makes us happy. Balance your life style and you will be assured of a good living.




    nutrition is medicine

    Hi Vas
    Why does it make you laugh that someone cliams to beat cancer through nutrition??.... have you ever read or watched survivers giving their story on how nutrition reversed their illness?
    Im not saying that good health is JUST good food, as you say there are many factors involved in illnesses. In the UK i cant remember whether it is 40 or 60 different bleaching agents added to our water to clean it, they wont kill us right away, but then neither does smoking. What crappy water, crappy air quality and crappy food do is they take their toll on our bodies over time and our bodies lose the ability to fight off diease. What PROPER nutrition does is that it gives our bodies all the equipment needed to start fighting back again. Vas, its common sense that if your body uses vitamins, minerals, trace elements, good fats etc to do different jobs, then if we stop eating the foods that contain these things our body will not be able to keep doing the jobs it needs to do, and like any machine, it will break down.
    You have cancer cells that appear maybe 4/5 or more times in your life, but your body kills them before they can settle and do any damage. There's something that has happened in your body that stopped your immune system from doing its job this time around. You say that you went through a very stressful time in your job, well, stress effects your immune system so that couldve been the cause that stopped it from killing off the cancer cells. What nutrition does is it gives your immune system everything it needs to do its job. It obviously has a harder job now that the enemy (cancer cells) have set up camp and built up their army, but to laugh at people who say that your immune system can still defeat that enemy if given the right weapons is just you dismissing that out of hand because you think its ridiculous. But im sorry, an argument from incredulity is no argument at all.

    Ive never heard of a doctor giving nutritional advice before, but my mums cousin had high levels in his blood for prostate cancer. His doctor told hime to eat as much broccoli and tomatos together (they fight cancer 18 times better if eaten together than they do on their own) as he can before his next appointment, so he did, when he went back down for his blood test his levels had dropped dramatically, down to a healthy level. That was the only thing he done differently.

    Biologists tested blood on cancer cells in a culture under lab condtions. They dropped blood from a person on a typical American diet... the blood killed 9% of the cancer cells. They then took a person and put them on a whole plant food diet for 14 days then dropped their blood onto the culture... it killed most of the cancer cells, they kept that person on the whole plant food diet but gave them junk food as well, then they dropped their blood onto the culture, and it was no better than the typical American diet. They then took the blood from someone who had been on a whole plant food diet for 14 years... and their blood destroyed ALL the cancer cells. Nutrition needs clear access to do its job, it dosnt want pizza's and cakes getting in its way.

    A whole plant food diet (no amimal protein or refined suger) and juicing is worth trying Vas. Its not some strange new age theory, its just good food.

    All the best to you mate.

  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10



    May we know your situation regarding cancer? What is your diagnosis and treatment situation?

    I will say (respectfully) that most people believe the Gerson Institute does not serve cancer patients well. Most research on unproven alternate treatments (done in place of medical ones) show that in the main, people who follow alternative treatments die from their disease usually far earlier than if they had sought treatment. Anti-vaxxers are another typical example of the thinking errors here compounded by group bias from absorbing innacurate agenda driven stories on social media.

    There is plenty of evidence that healthy diet supports a person with an illness but cannot cure them.

    It is a thinking error to assume that big pharma suppresses alternative treatments. Medical research costs billions that they do not want to spend (spent money is not profit) and if diet elements were a cure, they would dive in, patent it and start making money without having to do expensive research and complex manufacture.

    I do tai chi myself and have found tremendous benefits but I would never replace my medical treatment with it.

    I say this not to disprespect you but to give an alternative narrative to those considering such things so they see both sides of the coin.


    again...nutrition is medicine

    First of all i would like to correct my mistake :)
    It was a long time ago that i read about the Gerson therapy and i thought i remembered reading that it was free if a person made it to their door. But it seems that they charge for their therapy... sorry.

    I dont know what you mean by evidence, but there are plenty of people who have reversed illnesses using nutrition. Their stories are all over the internet.

    Hahahahaha.... tai chi isnt nutrition H.  It helps you because it keeps your mind at peace which is good for you body. laughter is also an excellent medicine.

    Big pharma cant patent food. They took cannabis oil, put it in a bottle, added chemicals to it then added cs gas to it so that it could be sprayed out of the bottle, then sold it as a medicine. But it was a medicine in its natural form, what big pharma had to do was add chemicals to it to make it into a form that you have to buy from them, thats how they patent things. And big pharma lobby the FDA to shut down all competition, as any good business sense would.

    I have to speak in the third person for my own reasons. So with that said, i know a person very well :)   who got a mole up on the back of his hand at 49 years old, 'he' took b17 and watched the mole disappear, he stopped the b17 and the mole came back... obviously didnt take it long enough to kill all the cells. The mole turned into a tumor VERY quickly, it grew, changed shape and colour and went crusty. Along with the tumor came tiny hard lumps around it, which is evidence that the tumor is malignant. He (like an idiot) scrapped the top off the lumps and they stayed as tiny open wounds for almost a month, when magnified they fitted the description of skirmish cell carcinoma exactly. Rather than getting b17 again striaght away, he wanted to test just a whole plant food diet first to see first hand whether it would destroy the tumor by itsself.  'He' has been on the whole plant food diet (no animal protien or suger) for almost 2 weeks. The two small open wounds have almost disappeared and the tumor has shrunk around the edges and on top slightly, and the black has all but diappeared from it.  I wish i could upload photo's, i would show the difference in just two weeks.

    'He' does have an excellent back up plan, he is a born again Christian and knows that if the worst comes to worst he is just going home to be with the Lord... and actually cant wait for that day anyway :)

    All the best H

  • hewhositsoncushions
    hewhositsoncushions Member Posts: 411 Member

    nutrition is medicine

    Hi Vas
    Why does it make you laugh that someone cliams to beat cancer through nutrition??.... have you ever read or watched survivers giving their story on how nutrition reversed their illness?
    Im not saying that good health is JUST good food, as you say there are many factors involved in illnesses. In the UK i cant remember whether it is 40 or 60 different bleaching agents added to our water to clean it, they wont kill us right away, but then neither does smoking. What crappy water, crappy air quality and crappy food do is they take their toll on our bodies over time and our bodies lose the ability to fight off diease. What PROPER nutrition does is that it gives our bodies all the equipment needed to start fighting back again. Vas, its common sense that if your body uses vitamins, minerals, trace elements, good fats etc to do different jobs, then if we stop eating the foods that contain these things our body will not be able to keep doing the jobs it needs to do, and like any machine, it will break down.
    You have cancer cells that appear maybe 4/5 or more times in your life, but your body kills them before they can settle and do any damage. There's something that has happened in your body that stopped your immune system from doing its job this time around. You say that you went through a very stressful time in your job, well, stress effects your immune system so that couldve been the cause that stopped it from killing off the cancer cells. What nutrition does is it gives your immune system everything it needs to do its job. It obviously has a harder job now that the enemy (cancer cells) have set up camp and built up their army, but to laugh at people who say that your immune system can still defeat that enemy if given the right weapons is just you dismissing that out of hand because you think its ridiculous. But im sorry, an argument from incredulity is no argument at all.

    Ive never heard of a doctor giving nutritional advice before, but my mums cousin had high levels in his blood for prostate cancer. His doctor told hime to eat as much broccoli and tomatos together (they fight cancer 18 times better if eaten together than they do on their own) as he can before his next appointment, so he did, when he went back down for his blood test his levels had dropped dramatically, down to a healthy level. That was the only thing he done differently.

    Biologists tested blood on cancer cells in a culture under lab condtions. They dropped blood from a person on a typical American diet... the blood killed 9% of the cancer cells. They then took a person and put them on a whole plant food diet for 14 days then dropped their blood onto the culture... it killed most of the cancer cells, they kept that person on the whole plant food diet but gave them junk food as well, then they dropped their blood onto the culture, and it was no better than the typical American diet. They then took the blood from someone who had been on a whole plant food diet for 14 years... and their blood destroyed ALL the cancer cells. Nutrition needs clear access to do its job, it dosnt want pizza's and cakes getting in its way.

    A whole plant food diet (no amimal protein or refined suger) and juicing is worth trying Vas. Its not some strange new age theory, its just good food.

    All the best to you mate.

    No one is saying a healthy

    No one is saying a healthy diet is not good for you but it does not cure cancer.

    "have you ever read or watched survivers giving their story on how nutrition reversed their illness?" - all these stories (all of them) are anecdotal and no scientific research shows any indication that diet does anything other than reduce (or increase) risk either directly or indirectly.

    And what happens in petri dishes has very little bearing on reality except in a small number of cases. It gives indicators of possible risk factors or therapeutic options, no more.

    People believe such things, just like anti-vaxxers, because hope overcomes reason.

    Thems the facts I am afraid.

  • power of plant food
    power of plant food Member Posts: 10

    Baking soda and molasses

    Hi there,

    You can eat as much baking soda as you like, it will not move your body pH by a jot. It might raise your sodium levels a bit, it will probably give you diarrhoea if you eat enough but cellular pH will stay rock solid normal.
    Molasses are very far from natural, it is the goo left over from sugar refining. Good for adding to cakes, etc in small quantities as it is a bit laxative for most people but it will not cure cancer or anything much else excepting constipation.

    Best wishes,


    Raw organic black strap molasses

    Raw organic black strap molasses is natural Georges. The refined part of suger cane ends up in your suger bowl as completly nutritionLESS suger. The good part of the plant is the molasses that is left after boiling the cane and it is full of vitamins. It is good for you in the same way canabis oil is good, because its the concentrated form of the plant... oil.

    all the best :)