First PET scan since final Radiation in Oct NED!

 May 31 2013 i found out i had Squamis cell carsanoma (spelling) and started 9 months of almost hell.

I had my last radiation on Oct 29th, first PET Scan end of Jan and It was clear also. I had 3 rounds of Chemo, a blood clot in lower lung, 4 trips a week each spent in hospital for one thing or another.  37 daily mon to friday radiation treatments. A Trach, feeding tube and port put in back in June 2013 and Trach Removed Jan and almost healed up completly and Get Feeding Tube out This coming Friday.  I Had everything done at Stephenson Cancer Center at OU Medical Center and am Very pleased with the outcome.  It was a Very Hard last 9 months but Life 2.0 is just starting.


I am eating soft foods reallly well and getting better as i go at other normal foods. I lost from 215 in May to 130 at one point, only up to 140 now but feeling super good actually. Only water and milk to drink since July of last year, better foods and healther just doesnt make me gain that fast. Dry mouth is a struggle but not too bad if i have a bottle of water close by.  I do get tired fairly quick but that will just take time to get back to strength.

Life 2.0 now begins!



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    nice NED


    Congratulations on your first NED.

    All systems sound normal.

    It sounds like you drove a bumpy road, I hope you have smooth highways ahead.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Life 2.0 Sounds good...

    Life 2.0 and a NED to boot. That's great to hear. Very sorry on all the weight loss but you will slowly get it back. It takes some time. As you eat more you will also get stronger as well. Glad to hear the good news and best of luck.


  • Tony.K7ISS
    Tony.K7ISS Member Posts: 12
    wmc said:

    Life 2.0 Sounds good...

    Life 2.0 and a NED to boot. That's great to hear. Very sorry on all the weight loss but you will slowly get it back. It takes some time. As you eat more you will also get stronger as well. Glad to hear the good news and best of luck.


    on weight gain

    I am almost thinking loosing as much as i did may end up good in the long run. I just need to get about 150 / 160 maybe 170 and i will be doing good. I was over what i really wanted to be anyway....


    Just glad everything is working out for the best.


    Thanks Everyone.



  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    The bumpy road is starting to smooth out that is great news. Going from 297 to 205 I lost 92 pounds 4 years ago but I told my surgeon F--k cancer I'm gaining it all back and some. In reality that was just me lashing out but I have gained back more than wanted. Anyway, sounds like your doing well and you have much to look forward too.

    Your 2.0 sounds good..............enjoy the day


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    tony, congrats!!  NED is a

    tony, congrats!!  NED is a wonderful friend we all love.  the weight will come back in time.  i lost 120 (went from 240 to 120), but could afford to lose most of that.  but now, 2 yrs out, i'm gaing it back tooooo quickly and i don't want or need mine back.  for now, enjoy the day and new road you are on and dont' worry about the wt.  doing a happy dance for you!!

    God bless you,


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Whoop, Whoop. Doing the happy

    Whoop, Whoop. Doing the happy dance for your NED. May you have many more.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Whoo Hoo!!

    Love hearing those words!!  Congratulations! 


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Whoo Hoo!!

    Love hearing those words!!  Congratulations! 



    Congrats...always great to hear when someone reaps the rewards of the tx.