still waiting

Still waiting for a call for available hospital bed. Doctor's  Office left us hanging for hours with out a return call. Husband has been following up. Feels like they are not giving good service. Putting us off.

I've been so very sick in bed for weeks. We do what they say and get the short end

Not happy. Scared  and nervous.

 Lung biopsy, bone scan, rad to brain maybe.... results.  Good ones,  I hope if we could get things moving. So stressful. I'm scared.



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    You are your own best advocate...have your husband keep calling. It's true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I was upset that I wasn't going to get my scan results from this morning until Thursday, while unoffical, I had them late this afternoon. Had I not persisted, I would have had this anxiety working overtime until Thursday. 

    Good luck!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    vicki, nobody should b put

    vicki, nobody should b put off when waiting for such important info.  its so late, i can't believe they don't have a bed!  have ur husband get loud.  saying prayers that all gets worked out soon and that all tests come back good.  let us know how u r do'n. 

    prayers for u and ur hubby.
