Advice on phlegm


The weekend has been up and down, started the Fentanyl pain patch which has helped tremendously but now we are dealing with thick mucous in throat which constantly starts the dry heaves and he can't keep anything down. We were told half flat ginger ale does wonders but he won't consider anything to his lips! I have a ensure chilling now for him but the vomiting just zaps him, and I'm sure the meds take away any appetite also. We go back to Houston tomorrow and he two weeks left with IMRT. He is considering a PEG, will this effect his treatment or delay it? How can we cut this phlegm in his throat? We know the importance of fluids, proteins but it just won't stay down or just the thought of it makes him gag. HELP!


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Peg tube

    The PEG will not slow him down on treatment at all. It would have been better to have the PEG before treatment, for his comfort, but it would be better to get it before he loses too much weight and gets dehydrated. Does he have anti nausea meds like a suppository? For the phlegm, most suggest salt, baking soda, and warm water as a rinse. Formula is on the super thread at the beginning of the board. My husband found that Gatoraid as a mouth wash does better for him. He uses the original, not the flavored as the taste of the flavored ones make him sick. He doesn't swallow the Gatoraid as it is high in sodium.

    I hope this helps. Praying things get better for him.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Without him taking anything in such as the Ginger Ale, which I would presume more for upset stomach, than phlegm (other than the fizz)..., he's going to be hardpressed for relief from the pleghm.

    As for Ensure, which I highly endorse for calories, I doubt it will help for pleghm, and actually may make it worse as it has a creamy consistancy...

    He might dry some soda water, even if it's just a rinse and spit...

    A little baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide mixed in a half glass of water worked well for me as for the rinse and spit...



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I agree with Debbie and Skiffin. Additionally, you might try warm fluids instead of cold.

    I went through 2 PEGs, one in the middle of treatments ( no problem).  It sure takes the pressure off of swallowing food, but you still have to guard against nausea by taking meds early (before you get sick).

    This is a mental fight as much as a physical one.  It is not a time to tough it out, but to seek help in any way you can.   Even the little things like sipping water will pay huge dividens,


  • inittogether2
    inittogether2 Member Posts: 18
    CivilMatt said:



    I agree with Debbie and Skiffin. Additionally, you might try warm fluids instead of cold.

    I went through 2 PEGs, one in the middle of treatments ( no problem).  It sure takes the pressure off of swallowing food, but you still have to guard against nausea by taking meds early (before you get sick).

    This is a mental fight as much as a physical one.  It is not a time to tough it out, but to seek help in any way you can.   Even the little things like sipping water will pay huge dividens,


    He does take nausea meds, and

    He does take nausea meds, and the baking soda water . Just sticking to sips of whatever he wants. Thanks everyone. Drudging through! Better days ahead!

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Suction machine

    I had phlegm terrible.  It is what caused my vomiting.  I got a suction machine and  the phlegm was sucked away and I stopped vomiting.  I hop,e this works for you too.

    all the best




  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member

    I had the same thing with the Nausea.   They so put me on a nausea patch in addition to Zofran.     The Peg tube shoups help him stay hydrated and get some food and he can take his meds through it as well. 

    For the thick mucus, I would gargle with warm salt water and follow up with cool baking soda water.   I kept a container of baking soda water in the refrigerator at all times.    You can do this as many times as you need to relieve the symptoms and it did seem to help me as much as anything else I tried.  

    Good luck.  the feeding tube should offer somd relief as well. 

