postive first doctor visit

Just got back from my first doctor appointmentHe told everything they and the results.Took alomost 1/2 of tounge 80 lymph nodes and everything show they got the cancer.Will need radiation but no cemo.Will need to set up a portable sucking machine for home and he left the teach in but did cap it.Not sure when that will come out as he said lets take it visit by vist.Will be starting speech also.Do have one question how soon does your mouth stop drowling.It keeps fiiling up and have to suck that out .Guess so far have been pretty lucky with very little set backs or at least not enough to stay positive


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Sounds like a truly

    positive report from your Dr.!  I don't know anything about traches, since I didn't have one....but imagine if they capped it they are making sure you can breath and continue to do so.  They wouldn't want to take it out until they know you can.

    As for the drooling.....I can pretty much assure you that once you start rads, the drool will dry up completely.....honest!


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Positive first doctor visit sounds good.

    Glad to hear the Dr. visit went good. Don't know about a temporary trach mine is permanant. If he closed it and left it in, that would be to make sure you are ok breathing with your noes and mouth. If not he can just open it until you are and not have to do a surgery. That is good news, congratulations. the drolling stops when you can swallow normal again or radation seems to take there of that.

    Good news


  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    wmc said:

    Positive first doctor visit sounds good.

    Glad to hear the Dr. visit went good. Don't know about a temporary trach mine is permanant. If he closed it and left it in, that would be to make sure you are ok breathing with your noes and mouth. If not he can just open it until you are and not have to do a surgery. That is good news, congratulations. the drolling stops when you can swallow normal again or radation seems to take there of that.

    Good news


    Thanks Bill he put his finger

    Thanks Bill he put his finger over the hole and had me begin to talk then said lets cap it during the day as long as your breathing though nose and mouth and lets see on the next visit.Everything is a process and just need to slowly move forward.As I do try to talk is when my mouth begins to fill up .Just glad that the doctor is happy and give time time.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    glad the doc visit went well

    glad the doc visit went well and you can move on to the next stage of the process.  you will have to be patient as it will be a slow go but you'll be at the end of the tunnel before you know it.  stay strong and stay positive.

    God bless you,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    I am glad you are doing well, it sounds like the surgery was a success.  While my drooling did let up while going through rads, the Xylimelts I now take for my dry mouth turned the drool machine back on.

    Good luck and smooth sailing.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    awesome news

    the mucus, yuck! I had it bad too, carried a box of  kleenex and a plastic cup ( with a lid ) everywhere I went. I never got a sucking machine, but I'm sure that will help. Until, your remaining  lymphnodes find a new escape route, you'll no doubt be bothered. Drink gallons of water. Even now, 2 years and 3 months out, I'm bothered by mucus a little, but, I just deal with it.

    Speech therepy is so much more than learning to speak, it's learning to swallow and eat again...exercises, etc

    Sounds like you're doing great., and have a good Dr and team..remember healing and recovery is baby steps, keep the faith


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    great to hear

    Glad the surgery went well. Was chemo discussed as an adjunct to the radiation? Please do your research and be fully informed that rads only is best way to go in your case. Not trying to put any fear or doubt in you but my PERSONAL view is cancer is very sneaky and unless the cancer tumor is very well defined and small and excising it really does get rid of "all" the cancer then how does one know if a single cancer cell did not stray off and is hiding out somewhere. Just be sure you are as satisified as the doctors are that it is GONE.


  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    donfoo said:

    great to hear

    Glad the surgery went well. Was chemo discussed as an adjunct to the radiation? Please do your research and be fully informed that rads only is best way to go in your case. Not trying to put any fear or doubt in you but my PERSONAL view is cancer is very sneaky and unless the cancer tumor is very well defined and small and excising it really does get rid of "all" the cancer then how does one know if a single cancer cell did not stray off and is hiding out somewhere. Just be sure you are as satisified as the doctors are that it is GONE.


    have practicing my speech

    have practicing my speech with my word puzzle books and can't help but drool so hopeing it will calm down in time.Nurse has started to show me how to use the sucking machine here.Need to pass this little test so I can leave.Weather or not I need a portable sucking machine at home I don't know but at least I'll know how to do it.Is there any where I can buy the medical supplies I'll need at home? Already ordered my food btu wondering about gaze pads and saline and tube for treach things like that?

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503

    have practicing my speech

    have practicing my speech with my word puzzle books and can't help but drool so hopeing it will calm down in time.Nurse has started to show me how to use the sucking machine here.Need to pass this little test so I can leave.Weather or not I need a portable sucking machine at home I don't know but at least I'll know how to do it.Is there any where I can buy the medical supplies I'll need at home? Already ordered my food btu wondering about gaze pads and saline and tube for treach things like that?

    Got all my suppiies, gauze,

    Got all my suppiies, gauze, tape, saline and more from the company that supplied the feeding tube formula.  Did you try there?

    Good luck.


  • thennies61
    thennies61 Member Posts: 285
    jcortney said:

    Got all my suppiies, gauze,

    Got all my suppiies, gauze, tape, saline and more from the company that supplied the feeding tube formula.  Did you try there?

    Good luck.


    Good idea Joe want to get it

    Good idea Joe want to get it ordered for when I get home it's already there.