Stoping in to say Hi

Hey everybody.....

Just stopping in to say Hi and check up on everyone

I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy




  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    Hello. . .



    Hi Carie,

    I hope YOU are happy and healthy.

    Hugs and love,



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Rocquie said:

    Hello. . .



    Hi Carie,

    I hope YOU are happy and healthy.

    Hugs and love,



    Hi Carie

    Thank you so much for thinking of us. I really appreciate it for one.  I hope too you are doing well.  Think you must be or you would tell us.  Enjoy the rest of the winter.  We are basking in the rain.....finallyCool  Becky

  • Joemory21
    Joemory21 Member Posts: 41
    Doing good

    I was just thinking about you the other day. Hope all is well. 


  • Hi Carie

    How is the book coming along? I want to be your first customer!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hey Stranger!

    I know you are very busy so it's great to hear from you. Doing pretty well here - just ready for Spring and I live in the south - LOL.  Imagine me being in the extreme north or midwest - I probably wouldn't survive late Fall ;)

    Big hugs,




  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    There you are...

    Hi Carrie,

      I assumed you were doing well and probably busy with school, work and your son. Glad you popped in to confirm! All is well in my world, other than dealing with some unexpected late winter snow. Over the last 4 days we had about a foot or better of snowfall, but starting tomorrow it's suppose to warm up to the mid 4o's with rain, so we will probably be dealing with a new mess on our hands. Doesn't bother us much as we are retired and don't have to get out unless we want to. My next CT scan isn't until April, so I'm cruising along feeling pretty good and not expecting any surprises. The power of positive thinking! Stay in touch when you can and keep on keepin on! Smile

    Much love...Sue  (FNHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10)

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Don't be a Stranger

    Get by more often, Fighter !

    Maybe if George Zimmerman's fight with this Rapper star falls apart, you could go in the ring with him ?  Wear those pink gloves....Your royalties from pay-per-view would be huge !



  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    Thanks for all the LOVE

    Thanks for all the Love from everyone..

    I am healthy thus far and doing you expected I am terribly busy with school, work and my son; it will be just a few short years and I will be in the ring fighting Cancer in a way that I never thought a PA....

    I have been under snowdrifts for the entire winter, Mid- Michigan has not been good to me this live in the country and have a 15 ft wall of snow all the way down the west side of my road, it has been an adventure for sure.

    Book update is that I have about two chapters written, so that basically qualifies as a pamphletSealed, but I won't give up on it. Just not alot of time to spare, except for nights like this when i am awake all night<----I feel like someone slipped me some prednisoneUndecided

    I have been losing all of my infusion friends since Christmas, it has been a horrible experience...I never thought the worst of this disease would be to lose other people...When first diagnosed I truly believed that I would lose my hair, become horribly thin and throw up alot and that if I could survive all of that I would be fine...Never knowing that I would meet people daily that touched me and inspired me to fight so hard and refuse to be sick.

    Even after all I have been through, which sometimes seems like nothing and that getting the flu would be worse; I have never lost sight of how lucky I truly am to be walking this earth still. I have channeled my strength and energy into being able to help others in any way that I can.

    I am currently working on a scholarship fund, my goal is $1000 per semester to give back to someone who is in need of financial help for higher education. I have struggled with being an older non-traditional student and know the hardships it faces, trying to find a scholarship for someone my age is tough; most are for highschool graduating seniors. We are working on organizing a mother/son dance around Mother's Day with proceeds going to the fund and possibly a color run at one of our local schools this summer.

    Nothing really exciting going on with me and I am 100% ok with boring, too much excitement the last year!!

    I believe it has been almost one year exactly since I started on this crazy journey<---times flies right by, Sue always told me that it would

    My best to everyone and hoping that you all are happy and healthy



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    Thanks for all the LOVE

    Thanks for all the Love from everyone..

    I am healthy thus far and doing you expected I am terribly busy with school, work and my son; it will be just a few short years and I will be in the ring fighting Cancer in a way that I never thought a PA....

    I have been under snowdrifts for the entire winter, Mid- Michigan has not been good to me this live in the country and have a 15 ft wall of snow all the way down the west side of my road, it has been an adventure for sure.

    Book update is that I have about two chapters written, so that basically qualifies as a pamphletSealed, but I won't give up on it. Just not alot of time to spare, except for nights like this when i am awake all night<----I feel like someone slipped me some prednisoneUndecided

    I have been losing all of my infusion friends since Christmas, it has been a horrible experience...I never thought the worst of this disease would be to lose other people...When first diagnosed I truly believed that I would lose my hair, become horribly thin and throw up alot and that if I could survive all of that I would be fine...Never knowing that I would meet people daily that touched me and inspired me to fight so hard and refuse to be sick.

    Even after all I have been through, which sometimes seems like nothing and that getting the flu would be worse; I have never lost sight of how lucky I truly am to be walking this earth still. I have channeled my strength and energy into being able to help others in any way that I can.

    I am currently working on a scholarship fund, my goal is $1000 per semester to give back to someone who is in need of financial help for higher education. I have struggled with being an older non-traditional student and know the hardships it faces, trying to find a scholarship for someone my age is tough; most are for highschool graduating seniors. We are working on organizing a mother/son dance around Mother's Day with proceeds going to the fund and possibly a color run at one of our local schools this summer.

    Nothing really exciting going on with me and I am 100% ok with boring, too much excitement the last year!!

    I believe it has been almost one year exactly since I started on this crazy journey<---times flies right by, Sue always told me that it would

    My best to everyone and hoping that you all are happy and healthy



    Yes you are one busy lady. 

    Yes you are one busy lady.  That's good for you I'm sure.  Even tho you came through your ordeal well, I think being so young was probably more difficult than for us who are older, as we know things are bound to happen as we age.  You certainly were a shot in the arm for the rest of us.  I know what you mean about seeing so many lose their battle.  We saw 2 dear friends die that were fighting the same time Bill was.  Just attended one's memorial last Sat.  Also a friend is suffering from pancreatic cancer.  His wife was my good friend in HS and we were at the cancer center the day they heard there was nothing more to do for him.  One time during one of Bill's infusions a family was having a big party with cake and punch for all, it was their mother's last chemo and they were elated.  About a week later her obituary was in the paper.  I'm with you, that has to be the toughest part.  But we increase in our empathy for others, so I guess it's one of life's lessons, but who needs it?  I hope all goes well in your endeavors, I expect they will, knowing you. 

    Well girlie, hang in there, we look forward to hearing from you again.  Becky