Exploding Head Syndrome

I've avoided mentioning an unusual problem I have been having for a time. It seems to have started around the time I started chemo but I haven't found any reference that chemo can cause this to happen. For me I started hearing loud ringing like different types of phone tones as I was almost asleep. It would be like a phone ringing once. It used to upset me quite a bit but now I just try to ignore it and try to get back to sleep. My biggest concern at first was my brain had been damaged from the chemo but after finally finding a name for what was happening and reading that it is harmless except for losing some sleep I guess it's just one more thing to deal with. This has been happening since 2010 and I just found a name for it after searching for a long time. I would like to know if anyone else has any similar experiences.  


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    I have never heard of this, but when I read your caption, I knew I did not want it !  Actually, I have never read about a hearing-chemo link, but who knows. Therer are a lot of other chemo-induced neurological effects, like chemo fog and nueropathy, so it seems at least possible.  Radiation and hearing gets discussed here occasionally.  Bless your research and investigations. 


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Bob,

      No...that isn't something I've experienced, but it wouldn't surprise me to be chemo related. We all have different reactions and I'm always pleased when someone posts what they are feeling. It may help someone else down the road. Have you been to a hearing specialist? Maybe they could suggest something to help with the ring sound. Keep us posted and I hope it goes away eventually. Best wishes..Sue

  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member

    Hi Bob

    Yes, many different chemos can cause issues with hearing, etc. Tinnitus is a commom problem after cisplatin and other platinum chemo drugs.

    You can google Ototoxicity and Chemotherapy and there will be all sorts of info available. Radiation can also cause this type of issue.

    Ringing in the ears, various other noises, high frequency hearing loss and the list goes on.

    You are not alone with this. And if you had any ringing before having chemo, it can make it worse in some people.

    Hope this helps.
