solid mass in my gluteus maximus

I am 34 years old, and hospital just accidentaly found a mass in my gluteus maximus.  I am sooo scared, and I hear this is very rare...  Anyone else hear of this?



  • judypruitt
    judypruitt Member Posts: 10

    What type do U have....where is mass?  Anus, rectum?

  • samsgran
    samsgran Member Posts: 1

    In 1982 I had a tumor removed from my left buttock. Even tho I was told by 2 doctors it was probably benign, sadly it was not. I was 29. I had chemo & radiation and I'm still here without any recurrence! It's been a year & a half since you posted this, but I'd really like to know what's happened with you in that time. I sincerely hope that your news was better than mine!