late side affects due to radiation treatment

Hi there,  I am new here and searching for answers,  Here is my story.

I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's stage 2A lymphoma in the winter of 1997.  After a staging laparonomy which the drs took out my spleen, they determined that my cancer was above the diaphram.  I was treated with 5 weeks or radiation.   I had no symptoms that I had cancer.  The only thing was that the lump on the side of my neck that I noticed while playing with my necklace.  

I am now having late affects of the radiation including issues with my teeth, fibromyalgia, always tired and other things.  Is the tiredness and fibro an afteraffect of the radiation?  What else should I expect or think.  

What is expected after 16/17 years of radiation?  I seem to be exhausted all the time and I also suffer from anxiety and depression.  I seem to be searching as to why I always feel like crap.  I was not able to lean on anyone when I was diagnosed.  I needed to be strong for everyone else so I did not set out how I truly felt. I am rambling but I have been searching for answers for so long........




  • inky hands
    inky hands Member Posts: 3

    Hi there,

    I really need some input regarding this topic.  It is difficult to find info on this.

    I am experiencing:

    fibromyalgia symptoms

    dropping items

    hands and feet cold all the time

    cloudy head

    shoulder and neck pain


    and other funky symptoms


    Thanks for any input,


  • kristiebean
    kristiebean Member Posts: 2

    Hi there,

    I really need some input regarding this topic.  It is difficult to find info on this.

    I am experiencing:

    fibromyalgia symptoms

    dropping items

    hands and feet cold all the time

    cloudy head

    shoulder and neck pain


    and other funky symptoms


    Thanks for any input,


    late experiences to treatment

    Hi Lisa,

    I am a non-hodgkin's survivor and I'm tryng to figure out some of the same things you are. I'm almost 6 years in remission from 8 cycles of R-chop and 35 treatments of mantel radiaiton.  I joined some support groups on facebook and apparently we all have teeth problems :(.  what are your fibromyalga symptoms?  I have all of a sudden started to loose feelings in my hands and feet and I have been dropping things too.  All my bloodwork came back normal, so it's not diabetes.  I'm going to see a neurologist, but so far they have not been able to figure mine out.  I'm always tired, and I run 5ks, so I don't know why I'm tired.  I've been searching for answers too.  what are some of your other wierd symptoms?  I have a thyroid that swells up and down and keeps threatening to die, but then goes back to normal.  My eye twitches all the time and some times i see lights in my peripheal vision.  I get weird leg cramps in my calf and my arm twitches.  I've had my electrolites checked and everything is normal.  Its like everytime i get a weird symptom, i have normal blood work and they can't explain whats wrong with me.  i have some scar tissue on my ribs so my chest hurts in weird places and singulair acutally helped that.  I have been on cymbalta for depression since i was diagnosed and i know they are now using cymbalta for fybromyalgia pain, so I could have had it and not known it.  I don't paln to come off it, so I won't find out.   Hopefully we can find some answers for you.  hang in there. 

