Neti Pot

longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member

My second radiation was for SCC of the soft palate.  The radiation field to treat this cancer was high enough it encompassed my maxillary sinuses and lacrimal apparatus.  Toward the end of treatment both my nose and eyes were absolutely streaming.  Although my eyes impoved quickly after treatment ended, I continued to have some trouble with my sinuses.  Four months ago, almost two years out from treatment I have had a significant increase in trouble with the sinuses.  I am bothered by them all day long, with a heavy, thick clear postnasal drainage.  Since I cannot swallow well, and cannot blow my nose very effectively, this has been an interesting problem to have.  I really didn't get much help from the ENT oncologist with this; he suggested I gargle with salt/soda solution, which didnt do much to alleviate the problem.

So I decided to experiment with a neti pot.  The point of this post is that, for me, this was a home run.  I had a dramatic slow down in discharge, beginning with my very first irrigation a week ago.  By dramatic I mean an 80-90% lessening.  I am no longer stuck at the sink spitting and rinsing 30-50 times a day.  The pot was cheap (less than $20), easy to use (there are instructional videos on Youtube) and not painful.  It has really made a difference in my level of comfort, so I am writing this as a reference in case others find themselves in the same position I was in.  Don't know why my providers didn't come up with this recommendation.

Here's a basic web reference:










  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Pat


    I have to use it twice a day to help keep the drainage from the nasal getting into my mouth. It is also very hard for me to spit in order to do so I must hold my noise first, if not all the air from the mouth will go out of the noise and the spit will be left hanging, Nasty stuff.  Well Oh is all I can say sometimes, but I am still alive and still able to fight all the side effects.  

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sinus rinse

    I am also a daily user.  After my 1st treatment in 2010, my nose would run.  I have no feeling in upper lip so kept tissue with me constantly.  Forward to 2012, 13--orbital exenteration, during rads and chemo I had an abcess in sinus.  More surgery, given Neli Med and saline nasal spray.  After treatment this time, dry sinus, seems like nothing will come out without assistance.  Sinus infections followed monthly.  I use Sinusense made by Waterpic.  Doctor added Alkalol to the mixture in October, so far I haven't had an infection.  Make sure that you use pre- boiled water when doing the rinse.

  • PJ47
    PJ47 Member Posts: 376
    Glad you found relief with the Neti Pot

    I love my Neti Pot and have been usin it for about 10 years and have had not sinus infections since (they used to occur every Fall).

     I used it a lot after my TORS surgery and anytime I fly I will use it before and after flying.  I do boil the filtered water I use with it as an extra precaution.  

    Perhaps some day Western medicine will meet Eastern medicine...


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Nelimed med bottle

    We must all be in the same sinus club. I moved to Texas last May, and traded the Midwest mold for Central Texas cedar allergies. I don't use the bottle every day, but when it gets real bad, it does help. I too have never received much help from my ENT or Onco. I think they know going in, between the surgeries and rads, we all end up with this chronic, for the rest of your life issues.


  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    with one caveat only

    You must use distilled water or boiled water. In 2011 there were two reported deaths in Louisiana  because of a brain eating amoeba found in the plumbing of both homes which the vivtims introduced into their nasal cavities. The souce water supply was negative in both instances. I own and use one but never with tap water!




  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597
    ratface said:

    with one caveat only

    You must use distilled water or boiled water. In 2011 there were two reported deaths in Louisiana  because of a brain eating amoeba found in the plumbing of both homes which the vivtims introduced into their nasal cavities. The souce water supply was negative in both instances. I own and use one but never with tap water!





    Thought for a minute there you had all moved to Colorado or Washington State, or had maybe flown over to Holland for a few days. Denis

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    denistd said:


    Thought for a minute there you had all moved to Colorado or Washington State, or had maybe flown over to Holland for a few days. Denis

    Greatest thing for allergies!

    Greatest thing for allergies!

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    When I had my Septoplasty, my ENT had me pick up the NeilMed Kit. It's a squeeze bottle nedi, with 50 premade paks for the solution.

    It worked great for getting rid of all of the junk left over and for healing...

    I still use it occasionally when I have sinus issues, it works grea for cleaning out the passages and sinus cavities...


  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Whatever it takes!

    Sometimes the best treatments are the old-school ones.  Glad you have found some relief.



  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    hey Pat !

    I have heard from many others that have used the netipot and have gotten much relief from it !  Thank you for posting this one.  I think sharing these things are very important for others following us.  Hugs sent !  Katie 

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Thanks for the info....


    Thanks for sharing your experience with the neti pot. I have head about them and when my son had seen his ENT for some sinus problems, I inquired about the neti pot.  He looked at me and then laughed and said we could try it, but we probably wouldn't see much relief, if any at all and it was a waste of time.  He did get into his cupboard and gave my son a brand new one and explained how to use it very if he was only trying to please me.  My son didn't seem to enthused about trying it after he saw how the doctor reacted.  I do not believe my son has tried it...he is away at college and I'm sure it got shoved in the closet or cupboard! I'm going to share your experience with him.

    Take care my friend,


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Thanks for the info....


    Thanks for sharing your experience with the neti pot. I have head about them and when my son had seen his ENT for some sinus problems, I inquired about the neti pot.  He looked at me and then laughed and said we could try it, but we probably wouldn't see much relief, if any at all and it was a waste of time.  He did get into his cupboard and gave my son a brand new one and explained how to use it very if he was only trying to please me.  My son didn't seem to enthused about trying it after he saw how the doctor reacted.  I do not believe my son has tried it...he is away at college and I'm sure it got shoved in the closet or cupboard! I'm going to share your experience with him.

    Take care my friend,


    Pre-boil the water

    Make sure that he understands to pre-boil and then cool the water.  It took me awhile to get used to the sinus rinse, felt like I was trying to drown myself!  Give it a chance, I use it daily if not more for sinus issues after radiation and surgery.  We make up the saline solution by the quart, always ready.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member

    Thanks for the info....


    Thanks for sharing your experience with the neti pot. I have head about them and when my son had seen his ENT for some sinus problems, I inquired about the neti pot.  He looked at me and then laughed and said we could try it, but we probably wouldn't see much relief, if any at all and it was a waste of time.  He did get into his cupboard and gave my son a brand new one and explained how to use it very if he was only trying to please me.  My son didn't seem to enthused about trying it after he saw how the doctor reacted.  I do not believe my son has tried it...he is away at college and I'm sure it got shoved in the closet or cupboard! I'm going to share your experience with him.

    Take care my friend,


    all I can say

    is what I observed in myself.  I assume other's mileage may vary, but the improvement I get is persistent.  And since there are several options for salt solution, I suppose it is worth noting that I get a much better resposne from hypertonic saline as opposed to isotonic.  If I add too much salt, OTOH, it is uncomfortable.  Shoot, this is one of those no harm, no foul situations after all.  If it does't help, no harm done.



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    all I can say

    is what I observed in myself.  I assume other's mileage may vary, but the improvement I get is persistent.  And since there are several options for salt solution, I suppose it is worth noting that I get a much better resposne from hypertonic saline as opposed to isotonic.  If I add too much salt, OTOH, it is uncomfortable.  Shoot, this is one of those no harm, no foul situations after all.  If it does't help, no harm done.



    OK Doc

    Hypertonic as opposed to isotonic?  We  use salt and baking soda with the water.  I have added the Alkalol to the mix, slowly added more.  Started with 1 teaspoon per 1 cup water and now 1 Tablespoon per 1 cup of water.  Works for me and so far no infection for 2 months.

  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    KTeacher said:

    OK Doc

    Hypertonic as opposed to isotonic?  We  use salt and baking soda with the water.  I have added the Alkalol to the mix, slowly added more.  Started with 1 teaspoon per 1 cup water and now 1 Tablespoon per 1 cup of water.  Works for me and so far no infection for 2 months.


    hypertonic is a salt solution with more salt than blood contains.  A teaspoonful per 8 ounces or more.  Isotonic would be about half a teaspoon of salt per 8 ounces.  My bad.  I was trying to say I do better with more salt. 

  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    Nedi pot

    I use it and it helps.  I get thick mucous in my throat and when I use the Nedi pot in my nose ...somehow the throat congestions seems to thin out and I can get rid of it.   I use it all the time.  Ann