Having unusual pains past few days.

DSFrey Member Posts: 69

Its been about a month since my tumor was discovered, and about 7 months since my dramatic unintentional weightloss began. Over the past few days new pains have cropped up and I don't know what to attribute it to. I've been getting some stabbing pains on both sides of my lower back and on both sides of my groin. Also after spending about 6 or 7 hours on my feet at work just about all my joints are hurting like they've never hurt before. Like all the sudden I have major arthritis. Once I sit down and get off my feet the pain is relieved almost entirely very quickly. When I wake up in the morning there is no joint pain or unusual stiffness at all. My doc has me on Diclofenac and it does help with the stabbing pains in my sides and groin but doesn't help at all with the joint pains that start up towards the end of my work day. Not seeing how a little tumor in my kidney could be responsible for the sudden onset of remote pains. Am I just imagining these pains? Surely its not mets since it only hurts after I've been on my feet awhile. Can kidney cancer cause arthritis like pains?


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    The answer is yes. RCC can cause these pains so can countless other things.

    In the year before my RCC was discovered I had shooting pains down my leg after I drove for more than half an hour. My GP suggested if it kept up that I see an Orthopedic surgeon. I did not. A few months later my RCC was discovered after my urine turned red, After the neph. the shooting pains have gone away for the last 11 and 1/2 years. My tumor was small. 4.2 cm.

    Again the answer is yes your pain could be from RCC, but do not substitute my experience for your doctor's opinion.




  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    Get it checked

    You know the old saying worrying yourself sick,i can remember when i found out i had cancer i swore i gave myself headaches thinking about it amongst other things my lower back at times still gives me pain from time to time so is that a spinal met or just me being 52 years old.I am not accusing you of anything DSFrey but having cancer is alot to wrap our minds around i hope your Doctors are able to help you out and are able to make you more comfortable.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Get it checked

    You know the old saying worrying yourself sick,i can remember when i found out i had cancer i swore i gave myself headaches thinking about it amongst other things my lower back at times still gives me pain from time to time so is that a spinal met or just me being 52 years old.I am not accusing you of anything DSFrey but having cancer is alot to wrap our minds around i hope your Doctors are able to help you out and are able to make you more comfortable.

    I agree - get it checked

    I just read you bio - if I understand correctly, you have yet to have a partial or radical nephrectomy. Your weight loss should still be investigated, if they didn't think the kidney problems is causing that - SOMETHING is! Please go back to the doctor.

    Take care!
