FAQ about the CSN study

greta Member Posts: 237 Member

Please excuse the long post.  A number of members have posed questions on the discussion boards or emailed me for more information about the CSN study that has been underway since November 2013.  I thought it might be helpful to post the most common questions and my answers.

What is the CSN survey? What is its purpose? The survey is one component of a formal evaluation and study of CSN that was launched in November by way of an online survey that was emailed to certain members. The American Cancer Society is committed to offering services that are evidence-based – in other words, there is scientific evidence that the service does what it purports to do. Therefore, the survey follows standard scientific research practice and principles to learn about the benefits of participating in CSN and how members use it.     

I received email from someone called Greta at CSN. Is the email legitimate? Who is Greta?  If you’re cautious about opening email from someone you don’t know, you’re probably doubly wary of clicking a link in it. It’s certainly understandable, too. In this case, the email is legitimate and the links are safe to click on.  Greta (me) is American Cancer Society staff, director of survivor programs, and responsible for CSN.

Who was selected to participate? CSN members with an active account and valid email address who logged in at least 1 time between October 2010 and October 2013 were selected to participate.  

Why didn’t I get a survey? If you fit the criteria above, didn’t receive a survey, and would like to participate, please email me at Survey3@cancer.org.  There are many possible reasons to explain why you didn’t receive an email: the email address you have on file (located on your CSN account page) is no longer active so the email we sent was returned as “undeliverable;” the email address you have on file is active but you haven’t checked it for email;  you updated your email address but it has a typo and was returned to us; your internet provider sent the email to your spam folder or blocked its delivery entirely; your email bounced back to us because your mailbox was full or something else prevented delivery.

Will there be more than one survey? Yes. If you complete the first survey, some of you will be asked to complete a second, shorter survey about 2 months later.  If you complete the second survey, some of you will be asked to complete a third survey 2 months after you completed the second one.

What should I do if I lose my internet connection while filling out the survey? If you lose your connection or have to stop filling out the survey before you have completed it, all you have to do is click the survey link again. It will take you back to the beginning of the survey, but everything you already entered will still be there so all you need to do is click through to where you left off.

Why didn’t you ask about CSN website performance, design, usability, etc.?  Obviously, website performance, design, usability, and customer service are critically important. The current survey would be far too long if it included all the questions we need to ask about the site itself, so we decided to put them in a separate survey that we plan to send sometime in the spring or summer. Feedback from CSN members has to be collected correctly and properly analyzed  to facilitate well-informed, important decisions about technical aspects of the site.

Best regards,


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Highly Endorse...

    I highly endorse Greta and her work here on CSN and constantly trying to make it available and easy to communicate with each other. Staying on things when at times they go south, always being open to communication and asking much of nothing in return.

    Thanks Greta....

    Thoughts and prayers your way...


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    agree w/John

    I know surveys can be a pain sometimes.  But I feel this one specific is needed.  I can't do a whole lot money wise or out in the public for CSA.  But this small thing I can do.  Thank you Greta for your wonderful work for us all !  Katie

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    thanks so much


    Thanks so much for all the behind the scenes work that you do.  Most of us can't even imagine the amount of hours that go into keeping this site up and operating so that we can reach out to each other any time of the day or night.

    Let me know if you need any more feedback from a user -- I would be happy to do another survey .... or two.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    thank you Gretta.  we

    thank you Greta.  we probably don't say it enuf but we really appreciate all you do to keep this site running smoothly.  this site means  A LOT to us and helps many people so what you do is greatly needed.  thanks for everything!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Ingrid K said:

    thanks so much


    Thanks so much for all the behind the scenes work that you do.  Most of us can't even imagine the amount of hours that go into keeping this site up and operating so that we can reach out to each other any time of the day or night.

    Let me know if you need any more feedback from a user -- I would be happy to do another survey .... or two.



    Behind The Scenes...

    Good point IK....

    Greta and I have a great communication network..., LOL.

    Usually I text, PM, or email her when something isn't working right on the site... Usually at any odd hour that might happen..., and you all know our schedules...

    She gets back with me as soon as she can, that includes, nights, evenings, week-ends and Holidays...


    As CSN is to us, it is as much and more to Greta... We (I) only pretty much hang in the H&N section of CSN... Greta is involved with every forum, topic and area both frontline and behind the scenes....

    So now you know a little additional info on her dedication.... Please provide her with any support that you can...


  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member

    Thanks Greta for all you do for all here on CSN. 

    i received my survey for the first time just this week. I filled it out. Thanks for including me. 


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    CSN Survey

    It was not bad only took a few mins of my time and if it helps someone else why not. I just wish I knew about CSN when I was going through treatment and needed help and support.




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Hondo said:

    CSN Survey

    It was not bad only took a few mins of my time and if it helps someone else why not. I just wish I knew about CSN when I was going through treatment and needed help and support.




    Help and Support...

    You still need help and support..., LOL... :)~

  • greta
    greta Member Posts: 237 Member
    Many thanks...

    to each of you. You are amazing individuals and an awesome group. Thank you for your kind words, support and offers of help! Smile


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Help and Support...

    You still need help and support..., LOL... :)~

    Help & Support

    Just remember that when I am getting in the boat so I don't fall out.Wink


    Tim, Hondo or whatever you want to call me