I am surprisingly calm as I wait for my scans

dhs1963 Member Posts: 513



Today starts the Fan 2014 Scanathon for me.  I have already been pokes, probing comes next.  And tomorrow, I glow.  Thurs, the results.

I am surprisingly calm.  I have some things I am concerned about -- wierd abdominal pains and swolen lymph node, but I will have answers.  And if they are not glowing things (on the PET), I will talk to my PCP. 

This is my 6th scan since the cancer was diagnosed.  And, other than the first one, when I was sure everything was NED (I was wrong), I have never been calmer. 

I hope to report NED later in the week.

My statistical analysis of survival data indicates that I have an 85-90% chance that this scan will be NED.  (based on  a 50% chance of NED for the year, 50/4=12.5% positive).


I can deal with this immediate odds. :)





  • thaxter
    thaxter Member Posts: 124
    I'm trying to be calm too as

    I'm trying to be calm too as I wait for my first post op scan results.  Keeping busy at work is helping.  This site is helping too as I'm beginning to realize that it won't be the end of the world if my scan is not NED (learned a new word yesterday).  I think I am more preoccupied with making a decision on retirement which will most likely be sometime this year.  My prognosis could definitely influence my decision.

    Good luck on your scanathon. 

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    thaxter said:

    I'm trying to be calm too as

    I'm trying to be calm too as I wait for my first post op scan results.  Keeping busy at work is helping.  This site is helping too as I'm beginning to realize that it won't be the end of the world if my scan is not NED (learned a new word yesterday).  I think I am more preoccupied with making a decision on retirement which will most likely be sometime this year.  My prognosis could definitely influence my decision.

    Good luck on your scanathon. 

    Good luck wth your scan!

    We will be keeping our fingers crossed for you!



  • izzycohen
    izzycohen Member Posts: 80
    Good luck with your scans.

    Thinking of you.  May all your scans be N.E.D.

