Day 1 of 2nd go round

hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

Had my CT scan and Hohn cathether, instead of port, put in yesterday. Showed up for 7 hour chemo today but the back-up doctor was nearly 2 hours late! We had 10 inches of snow 3 days ago but roads good enough for her kid's school to be in session today. She claimed her 15 minute trip, to drop off kids, took nearly 2 hours. Come on.... Anyway, once the show got on the road without her, I ended up there 8 hours and only got one. Was scheduled for Ebitux and Taxol. One required a test dose for reaction and 1 hour wait time. I had no reaction so proceeded but now need to return tomorrow for 3-4 hours to finish. Right now, I feel good :-) Hated to see the place got packed. One man was on his 198th chemo session! He has been going 6 years 2 tx then 2 weeks off. It's doing it's job. Another with colon cancer (now mets) said it has been nothing but a pain in the a** since he got it...and yes, mine has been nothing but a pain in the neck. Enjoyed the sense of humors but mostly the 90 year old woman...OMG, I would have guessed her at 75. She has survived breast cancer, then kidney cancer and now has pancreatic cancer. Talk about a tough cookie, she was such an inspiration and joy to meet. The guy who did my CT scan was just telling me, he has been doing it 30 years and there are so many advancements including for pancreatic cancer. I would have thought, at 90, just put me on the front porch with a cigarette in my mouth, but not this lady. She was so full of life and the fight for more. She is beautiful and her apprearance was flawless, saying she was a bit disappointed that neither of her prior cancers had generated any weight loss for her. Such an inspiration. Haven't seen my CT scan results yet. Will finish up part II tomorrow and hope I feel as good as I do right now.  The journey continues.....



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    Nice to get started, but did you hear that correctly, 198 chemo sessions.  Oh my, my and the problems I have.  When you are dealing with cancer, you do not have to look far for worse.  I am very grateful for my current status.  You have humbled me with the spirit of so many others.

    You hang in there and I promise to take a drag with you when we are 90+.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    I'm thinking you'll be one of those 90 year old women sitting on the front porch (without a cig, of course).....full of kick and fight....and of course "class".....I'm sorry you have to go there again tomorrow instead of getting it all done in one day.....but you might meet another bunch as lively as todays....Everybody in my chemo class slept through the whole thing!!

    Hope that tomorrow is a snap, and you're out of there and feeling good.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    When I'm having a really difficult day, I see something you post and it just brightens my whole outlook.  I think that we can generate hope and light around us.  And girl you do just that !  Yes, there is alot of amazing warriors in our mist.  And you just brought a few to light for all of us with your words Candi.  Thank you !  I pray that your tx's have few if any reactions.  I'll be keeping you in my thoughts dear lady !   Katie  

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    I always felt during treatment that as long as I have to go through this crap no need to have a crappy time. Then there were bad days sitting at the hospital reliving Bill Murray and groundhog day and yes having an inner pitty fit and then they would wheel a child through with no hair, unresponsive, more wires and tubes than a BMW and then I would think you F'en ****, and then I would leave my little self induced pitty party.

    Got to know some great individuals through my battle and for the hospital staff, I wasn't just a number which really impressed me the most.


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    Boy the first day makes a lasting impression

    doesn't it?  Fortunately, after the erbitux test, the rest of your treatments will be much faster.  I remember my first chemo day vividly.  Something was really off with the staff of the chemo center.  They were up tight, curt, discourteous and unhelpful.  I had to just bite my lip to not lock horns with one of them.  In the long run, they turned out to be just fine.  Don't  know what the problem was that day.  They were either overloaded, or had just gotten chewed out in a staff meeting or something, but it was a universal "bad day" not specific to me.  Here's to an easy time with your therapy.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    candi, sorry it got off to a

    candi, sorry it got off to a slow start but glad you are starting.  you can meet the most amazing people thru this tx and they do brighten you day.  i'm glad you are doing just that.  i'm sure you brighten their day as well.  hang in there and we are all praying for you.  keep us posted on your progress.

    God bless you Candi,


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying all goes well. I see

    Praying all goes well. I see you haven't posted the second day results; hopefully you are not suffering. Praying for a miracle.


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    jim and i said:

    Praying all goes well. I see

    Praying all goes well. I see you haven't posted the second day results; hopefully you are not suffering. Praying for a miracle.


    Thanks all

    Love your never ending support. Yesterday, Saturday, was a great day. I thought, wow, this is going to be a walk in the park. Today, not so muchFrown My Mom, 88, has been back in the hospital and I have been told that it wouldn't be in my best interest to visit because of the germs. Missing her and hope she is home Wednesday as planned. I know I am blessed to still have my Mom with me. No matter how old I get, she always makes me feel better when I'm sick. Mom's have a way of doing that, even when they are absent, those hugs in your mind last a lifetime. I know with my chemo/rads, I got knocked down and had a hard time getting back up but, from what I understand, with just the chemo, it's going to be more of a yo-yo thing with good and bad days. Guess that beats all bad ones. My intention is to continue working Mon-Wed. with tx on Thursdays then Fri.-Sun. to recoup. I enjoy my job and they are very understanding if I can't show. Already anxious for Thursday to get here to get another tx under my belt and behind me. Hoping 5 more but maybe 8. Got me a wig, a couple of hats and scarves waiting in the wings. A friend with breast cancer told me Raquel Welch makes a nice wig so I went with one of hers. I expect to keep my hair another week or two. My best to everyone this week and again, thanks for the support.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hwt said:

    Thanks all

    Love your never ending support. Yesterday, Saturday, was a great day. I thought, wow, this is going to be a walk in the park. Today, not so muchFrown My Mom, 88, has been back in the hospital and I have been told that it wouldn't be in my best interest to visit because of the germs. Missing her and hope she is home Wednesday as planned. I know I am blessed to still have my Mom with me. No matter how old I get, she always makes me feel better when I'm sick. Mom's have a way of doing that, even when they are absent, those hugs in your mind last a lifetime. I know with my chemo/rads, I got knocked down and had a hard time getting back up but, from what I understand, with just the chemo, it's going to be more of a yo-yo thing with good and bad days. Guess that beats all bad ones. My intention is to continue working Mon-Wed. with tx on Thursdays then Fri.-Sun. to recoup. I enjoy my job and they are very understanding if I can't show. Already anxious for Thursday to get here to get another tx under my belt and behind me. Hoping 5 more but maybe 8. Got me a wig, a couple of hats and scarves waiting in the wings. A friend with breast cancer told me Raquel Welch makes a nice wig so I went with one of hers. I expect to keep my hair another week or two. My best to everyone this week and again, thanks for the support.

    candi, sorry you have to deal

    candi, sorry you have to deal with your mom being sick on top of everything else you have going on.  praying she comes home wed. like you mentioned.  you sound like you are doing ok, i hope it stays that way for you.  don't try to overdo.  if you aren't able to work mon-wed, maybe make it mon and tues.  your body will tell you when it needs a rest, you will just need to listen.  praying for a smooth tx with very few, if any, side effects.  keep us posted on your progress and hang in there.

    God bless you, Candi.


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Good luck today!

    People can be so amazing when faced with a real challenge. I enjoyed reading about the people you were able to meet. I'm sorry for you having to wait another day to finish up...I hope today goes well for you!
