blood in semen


Hello, I'm new to this forum. My best friend was recently diagnosed with spinal and testicular cancer (I don't know the specific details but I know it's mastecized and tumors are inoperable). He has had many weird symptoms and I've been trying to note them down but recently he has had spontaneous erections pretty much every hour on the hour with some ejaculation and some blood in the semen. I know this may be too personal but it's worrisome. I tried to make sense of it as best I can but I know when I do that I tend to undermine the urgency of things. Has anyone experienced this? How? Why? Is it urgent?


  • Saveworld
    Saveworld Member Posts: 14
    sorry but never heard

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend and sorry no one replied you till now. I've never heard or read anything about it. Not sure if anyone else has had.

    But the doctors are saying ,has it metasized to other organs too? did they say why is inoperable.


    Hope is he doing now... plz be with him and try to give support as much possible. Your presence is just needed and that is what he needs now and someone who listens to him. People take all these illness in a different way ammd many just need only the presence of other and silence.