more and more test

brea588 Member Posts: 240

Well since last post on here i have been sent to a onc who only takes care of bone cancer patients and he said on ct scans I brought with me he didnt see hardly anything to make me have all this pain in my hip.  He said I surely was sore in all the hip area.  THe hot spot on pet scan showed on iliac creat.  I go tues and have bone scan and Jan 17 and have MRI of pelvic and hip and he said that should show if i have bone cancer.  I got my results back from genetic testing and of 14 panels, 13 was negative and 1 was positive that i have the gene that causes colon, kidney, prostate, breast, pancreatic cancer.  I said well Doc  one thing for sure    i cant have prostate cancer lol.Have already had kidney and colon.  My sons have to go asap and have colonoscopies and prostate checks and then every 3 years for scope.  My siblings have to do the same.  THe heart surgery I had Nov 6 i still have issues with.  Been having a lot of fluid in my legs.  I now have a heart monitor on for 30 days and on 2 fluid meds and I feel just  drained ( no pun intended) right now.  I have little energy, not able to walk very far, and I guess i am getting a little depressed, although i fight it hard.  Im on strong pain meds and doc even put me on neurontin just to see if some of hip pain could be from nerve pain.  Can see no difference since taking it.  I just want some of my life back.  I want to do some of the things i used to do before all this hip pain.  I love life and I will fight like crazy to get  back what I can.  I am very scared that I have bone cancer that is a big fear for me.  But I try not to look that far into the testing  just a gut feeling i guess.  So glad I can come on here and express my fears and concerns with you all.  A lot of people just dont understand.  Would appreciate your prayers.  Thanks   Sue


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hi Sue,
    You have done so well

    Hi Sue,

    You have done so well with ALL that has been handed to you. I don't know much about the technical end of things, but the tests showed you had that 14th gene - but bone cancer was not one of does that rule out the possibility of it being bone cancer?

    And of course you want your life back - and nothing to complicate it. You are more than entitled to feel that way.

    Vent away anytime you need to...that is what this place is for.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there!!!



  • a_oaklee
    a_oaklee Member Posts: 566 Member
    thinking of you

    Hi Sue.   I know cancer is surely scary and every ache and pain makes us think it is something related.  When my husbands kidney cancer was found it had already metastasized to the bones.  That was almost 2 years ago.  A few months ago his shoulder was aching really bad and it turned out it was just arthritis!  I really hope that maybe you just lifted something wrong and it's affected your back and hip, and that will heal.   I will be thinking of you and sending my prayers for you.

  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    a_oaklee said:

    thinking of you

    Hi Sue.   I know cancer is surely scary and every ache and pain makes us think it is something related.  When my husbands kidney cancer was found it had already metastasized to the bones.  That was almost 2 years ago.  A few months ago his shoulder was aching really bad and it turned out it was just arthritis!  I really hope that maybe you just lifted something wrong and it's affected your back and hip, and that will heal.   I will be thinking of you and sending my prayers for you.

    thanks for your comments

    JOJO and A-oakley  thanks for your  comments. Jo there is every reason i can have bone cancer also.  The RCC and colon cancer were each primary tumors.  My cancer cells are not dying off and that is why genetic testing was done.  My first onc ( which I love) sent me to university hosp for 2nd opinion with bone onc because she thinks I do have bone ca  but said bone ca was slower to show up on scans.  I hope she is wrong.  As far as arthritis  on ct scans i have moderate changes maybe some arthritis but not enough to cause the pain and problems I am having as far as sitting down and sometimes cant get up by myself.  I cant lay on my side anymore.  Will just be glad to find the problem and work on it.  But to take my mind off of this  last sun morn at 1 am  a bad storm came thru and caused severa thousands dollars of damage to out house and detached garage.  I was scared as could be. But we are ok and that is the main thing.  I have been blessed thru all the cancers as they were caught early and no spread.  Thanks for your prayers.

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    brea588 said:

    thanks for your comments

    JOJO and A-oakley  thanks for your  comments. Jo there is every reason i can have bone cancer also.  The RCC and colon cancer were each primary tumors.  My cancer cells are not dying off and that is why genetic testing was done.  My first onc ( which I love) sent me to university hosp for 2nd opinion with bone onc because she thinks I do have bone ca  but said bone ca was slower to show up on scans.  I hope she is wrong.  As far as arthritis  on ct scans i have moderate changes maybe some arthritis but not enough to cause the pain and problems I am having as far as sitting down and sometimes cant get up by myself.  I cant lay on my side anymore.  Will just be glad to find the problem and work on it.  But to take my mind off of this  last sun morn at 1 am  a bad storm came thru and caused severa thousands dollars of damage to out house and detached garage.  I was scared as could be. But we are ok and that is the main thing.  I have been blessed thru all the cancers as they were caught early and no spread.  Thanks for your prayers.

    Hi Brea, You have certainly

    Hi Brea, You have certainly had a lot to contend with, I can imagine the level of stress this is causing. Being able to have genetic testing will at least give you reassurance for your family. I was the first in my family to have kidney cancer, bowel cancer runs through my Mum's family, so I was interested to see that they are both from the same gene.

    Dealing with cancer is so hard! Constantly living with feeling you are under threat of reoccurrence is difficult enough, without the fear that comes with fresh anomalies! I will keep you at the center of my prayers Brea!


    Djinnie x

  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    Djinnie said:

    Hi Brea, You have certainly

    Hi Brea, You have certainly had a lot to contend with, I can imagine the level of stress this is causing. Being able to have genetic testing will at least give you reassurance for your family. I was the first in my family to have kidney cancer, bowel cancer runs through my Mum's family, so I was interested to see that they are both from the same gene.

    Dealing with cancer is so hard! Constantly living with feeling you are under threat of reoccurrence is difficult enough, without the fear that comes with fresh anomalies! I will keep you at the center of my prayers Brea!


    Djinnie x

    the stress

    Djinnie  thanks for your reply.  The stress level has been high for sometime now so I am just trying my best to take each day as it comes and thanking Jesus for it.  My stress level will be real high when that MRI takes place Jan 17  I am so claustrophobic lol  they have given me meds to take an hour before scan.  But 1 and a half hour is a long time in that tube, but meds will help.  Praying for you also. 

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    brea588 said:

    the stress

    Djinnie  thanks for your reply.  The stress level has been high for sometime now so I am just trying my best to take each day as it comes and thanking Jesus for it.  My stress level will be real high when that MRI takes place Jan 17  I am so claustrophobic lol  they have given me meds to take an hour before scan.  But 1 and a half hour is a long time in that tube, but meds will help.  Praying for you also. 


    Hi Brea, I know what you mean it is a long time to remain still and confined. Do they give you headphones so that you can lose yourself in some music?  


    Djinnie x

  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    Djinnie said:


    Hi Brea, I know what you mean it is a long time to remain still and confined. Do they give you headphones so that you can lose yourself in some music?  


    Djinnie x

    Music ha ha lol

    Djinnie they want let me have music,  they say i want to move my feet too much!!!!!   lol   as scared as i am in that thing i am surprised im able to move anything. I will be fine.  i had bone scan done today, that is not bad at all.   Hope all works out well for you next week.  Praying for you.

  • tonib
    tonib Member Posts: 33
    Will keep you in my thoughts

    Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!