Safe to have baby after treatment?

Hello everyone.

Need your personal advice or experienced opinion.  Is it safe to start having baby after recovering from chemo and radiation therapy for head and neck cancer?  Would the treatment affect the health of the fetus due to genetic change or damage from treatments? 

I am 40 y/o male and 1 month out of treatment.  Planning to have a second child after a year of recovery.  My wife is concerned about any effect from the chemo and radiation treatments I received to my nose and neck region. 

Please advise.


Thank you.



  • meaganb
    meaganb Member Posts: 244 Member
    I went through radiation in

    I went through radiation in May & June 2012. I just had a baby in November. I did not recieve chemo so as soon as I was recovered & had a few clean scans my onc gave me the ok to try to concieve. I have heard there is a waiting period after you finish chemo though. Make sure you ask your Dr next time you see them but there shouldn't be any reason you can't have another child. Good luck!