a cold!

Or at least so I think, we travelled to Florida last week and my wife brought home a cold, which she promptly gave to me.   This is my first illness since treatments (last rad was July of 2012) and I don't recall any of the doctors telling me anything about getting a cold or flu and if there is a challenge getting rid of the cold.


I don't think there is, and doing research on line showed a thread about getting the flu shot, but nothing about upper respiritory infections in head and neck patients. 

I'm going to call the MO in a while to see if there is anything to be concerned with.

Any information that my H&N family might lend would be greatly appreciated




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I haven't heard of anything

    a person needs to do special for a cold, after treatment is over (only thing I ever heard at all, even during treatment....was to not spread the wealth).  I'd think you just treat it as you would have in your pre-abinormal days.....take aspirin, drink fluids and rest.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Peter !

    My immune system is fragile due to lung issues.  But my primary is aware of this.  I try to avoid sick people, but that's not always possible is it ?  I think that most of us resume as anyone else when we are feeling sick.  Chicken soup, vics on the chest and rest.  But if this lingers get into your primary for meds.  Hope you get the positive answers from your primary.  Katie

  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    some thoughts

    i live in NY- i never really took precautions to protect myself from colds -i am 55 and could count on one hand the amount of sick days i have taken during my carreer - except for when the Big C hit last year. last year when i was first out of treatment i didnt know if i was sick or just recovering - looking back i think i cought a cold.i remember goinng for my treatment the day of huricane sandy. this year i got a flu shot, wash my hands constantly, always have a hand sanitiser close by, dress warmly esspesially head ,neck and chest- i can always take something off. i take a comuter train to work and sometimes i feel i am in a rolling petree dish- if someone is coughing i will get up and move to another location. i am a year out of treatment and i still battle with the fatigue at times - i need all my strength and cant afford to get sick. i work long hours and i definately need more rest than i use to need. i take a multy vitamin, vitamin c and make a vegy /fruit mix with my nutra bullit every day i add flax seed nuts and a whey isolate protein and i work out 4 or 5 times a week. but again at the gym i am especially causious - i wipe down the equipment before i use it and afterwoods - i sanitise my hands after using equipment and weights before i bring my hands to my nose or mouth. Good luck!
