OT - A Day That Will Live In Infamy - Dec. 7, 1941

Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member

Today is the 72nd anniversary of the 'Day That Will Live In Infamy'.  Let is never forget!


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    "The Day that Will Live in Infamy"

    This day is fading into the pages of history.  Younger generation, don't know what it means until you explain it.  When I worked I always put a display of books that showed the devastation of that day.  Most students never asked about them which I found sad that they had so little curiosity.

    We, of a certain generation know the meaning, the pain, the shock of those words.  I wasn't born yet being a baby boomer but I heard stories of the brother on the Arizona, another brother that went down on his ship and people of the greatest generation talking about that day.  Their 911.

    Thanks for posting it and the reminder of such a sad day for so many Americans.
