suggestions for hospitals or doctors

I am a throat cancer survivor from APril 2011 [surgery, radiation, and 2 doses of chemo]. My brother in law in Chicago had treatment [not sure what type] for prosate cancer April 2012. He has been doing fine until late Septemebr 2013. His PSA level has come back. He is not pleased with his Chicago doctor who seems to be in a rush all of the time. He is looking into Johns Hopkins. I am suggesting Cleveland Clinic or University Hospitals CLeveland as alternatives.

Does anyone have any suggestions of hospitals or doctors in Chicago or other parts of the US? Thanks, Homer


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Choices should be based on the Patient status

    Hospital and Doctors are chosen according to the needs and the status of a patient (your BIL). Modern, specialized centres for prostate cancer (PCa) treatment are the best choice. Survivors in this forum have wrote about Johns Hopkins, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson, etc. In this link you got the list of the so considered "top" in cancer care, by speciality;

    In advanced cancer cases or when in doubt of the status, medical oncologists specialized in PCa may be the best choice. For systemic cases doctors like Dr. Charles “Snuffy” Myers, Stephen B. Strum, Dr. Mark Scholz, Do. Richard Lam, etc are often commented as the best because they all have years dedicated in PCa researches. One should also consider to be followed by a doctor that is able in introducing the patient into clinical trials where one can avail of the newer drugs.

    Best wishes and luck for you both.

    VG  Wink

  • jim1530
    jim1530 Member Posts: 11
    I am not sure who your

    I am not sure who your brother-in-law in seeing in Chicago.  But I would suggest either the University of Chicago or Northwestern Memorial.  I have seen a Dr. Stadler for a second opinion at University of Chicago.  (I have a probable biochemical recurrence of my prostate cancer.)  Dr. Catalona is a world famous surgeon at Northwesrtern Memorial.  Good luck to you and your brother-in-law.