First post surgery scan next week.

dme59 Member Posts: 62

Hello all. Hope all is well. I haven't been on here in a while, mostly due to a work schedule that was not favorable to spending a lot of time on the computer. It seems all I accomplished was going to work and then "passing out" in the recliner once i kicked my shoes off. Sometimes didn't have to remove the shoes. Anyhow, my first scan since my June surgery is coming up next week. I go Monday for the blood work to check kidney function and the Wednesday for a ct scan with contrast. It has been a crazy six months to say the least. The diagnosis, then surgery. Recovery, along with a bit of a roller coaster mentally. All in all, now I feel great and don't seem to have the fear of going for the scan like i did with all that I went through in May/June/July. Work is good. I am handling it well. I still get tired in the early evenings a lot, but pary of that could be due to not getting the excercise that I need. Again, due in a large part to work, but also admiting to some lazyness. Going to start work on a new year resolution a month early and that is more excercise and although eating habits didn't get horrible part 2 of the resolution is more common sense in the diet.

I plan on checking more frequently now that we should be getting back to a "normal" work schedule, but just in case I want to wish you all well and have a wonderful and happy holiday season.




  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    Fatigue is something us older guys deal with even 6 months after the Neph. Try taking a few weeks off to rest and rewind during the Holidays. With that little sucker going in we are hoping for nothing, but a little boy named NED.



  • jknorth
    jknorth Member Posts: 44
    Happy holidays you too.

    Just had my first followup this very morning. All I got was an ultrasound in the abdoman area and thats it, nothing else. Really not impressed how kind of cheap the canada medical system seems when everybody else I'm reading is getting bloodwork, CT's and looked at closely. I don't think its me. The ultrasoundologist said the CT's have more radiation thats likely why Im only getting a wimp scan done. Then she asked if the surgeon removed the stitches in me while doing the scan. Said I have no idea but now I'm guessing she saw something and I am now in slight panic mode for a week til I see the surgeon for the lowdown on this scan. Just wish she didn't ask me that. Cheers.

  • izzycohen
    izzycohen Member Posts: 80
    Wishing you NED.


    The first scan is probably a little anxiety provoking for everyone.  It certainly was for me.  As good as I felt and as optimistic as I was, I was still a little nervous.  I'm sure it will go well.

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    jknorth said:

    Happy holidays you too.

    Just had my first followup this very morning. All I got was an ultrasound in the abdoman area and thats it, nothing else. Really not impressed how kind of cheap the canada medical system seems when everybody else I'm reading is getting bloodwork, CT's and looked at closely. I don't think its me. The ultrasoundologist said the CT's have more radiation thats likely why Im only getting a wimp scan done. Then she asked if the surgeon removed the stitches in me while doing the scan. Said I have no idea but now I'm guessing she saw something and I am now in slight panic mode for a week til I see the surgeon for the lowdown on this scan. Just wish she didn't ask me that. Cheers.

    Wow JKNorth that comment

    Wow JKNorth that comment would bother me, too. I am waiting for my follow up visit with my uro-oncologist in St. Joseph's in Hamilton post surgery - with pathology results and curious what his recommendations will be for scans, etc. Let us know how your results go.


    Try not to worry - it won't change the results!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    Good for you, DME59!
    Try to

    Good for you, DME59!

    Try to be good to yourself. Staying in touch with this forum will be helpful.

    Take care and enjoy your Christmas holidays!



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Good for you, DME59!
    Try to

    Good for you, DME59!

    Try to be good to yourself. Staying in touch with this forum will be helpful.

    Take care and enjoy your Christmas holidays!



    good thoughts

    We always think good thoughts. Time spent worrying is time lost. focus on doing well. However, it is never fun. Remember you are not the first one doing this. We understand how you feel.

  • jknorth
    jknorth Member Posts: 44
    foxhd said:

    good thoughts

    We always think good thoughts. Time spent worrying is time lost. focus on doing well. However, it is never fun. Remember you are not the first one doing this. We understand how you feel.

    So far so good

    Just got back from my first followup scan and surgeon said they see nothing (even though it was only an Utrascan). Next one in 6 months will be a Cat as per the Oncologists one and only recommendation before he said see ya. I know my battle is no where near as tough as others but I will still sleep better tonight, even though its only been 6 months. So glad to see others have got some good news also, it makes it even better.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,049 Member
    jknorth said:

    So far so good

    Just got back from my first followup scan and surgeon said they see nothing (even though it was only an Utrascan). Next one in 6 months will be a Cat as per the Oncologists one and only recommendation before he said see ya. I know my battle is no where near as tough as others but I will still sleep better tonight, even though its only been 6 months. So glad to see others have got some good news also, it makes it even better.

    All sorts of stuff in there

    You will find out more about yourself than you possibly wanted to know.  I found out I had not one, but two, screws loose.  Or you could get a bit risque and say I was sc---- by the Dr's.

    Three weeks post, I developed problems and went to ER.  To rule out an obstructed bowel, ruptured incisions, hemorhage or whatever after having the kidney, nodes and half the liver removed and gall bladder, I was taken to X-ray.

    Observing the X-ray, upside down from the gurney and ready to roll over and barf on the tidy floor, the Tech asked if I had any loose metal in the peritoneum of my pelvis.  I grunted and said I didn't know.  He proceeded to point out the metal mending plate that was used to put my separated ribs back together (while they accessed the liver) and the 2 little screws that had backed out by themselves and had dropped into the pelvis by the urinary bladder.

    I had pancreatitis, was put on an antinausea med so I could start to keep food down, and healed up in another 3 weeks.  I pursued the loose screws question with my surgeon and others and was told the titanium screws wouldn't cause a problem.  And they don't even register on the HSA checks at the airport.

    So...jknorth, welcome to the survivor world of tests, waiting for results, and asking questions.  We've all been there.


  • dme59
    dme59 Member Posts: 62
    Scan results

    Got the results of my first round of follow up ct scan, chest x rays, blood work. All clear. Blood work shows my remaining kidney is functioning well. Had my testing done Dec.5 and didn't worry a bit about it until this morning. All day at work was tough but left the doctor office with a big smile. Thank God for great news.

    Everyone have a great new year.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    To everyone.


    Have a Happy NED Year.



  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    dme59 said:

    Scan results

    Got the results of my first round of follow up ct scan, chest x rays, blood work. All clear. Blood work shows my remaining kidney is functioning well. Had my testing done Dec.5 and didn't worry a bit about it until this morning. All day at work was tough but left the doctor office with a big smile. Thank God for great news.

    Everyone have a great new year.


    Great Result!

    That is FANTASTIC news Dan, I am so pleased for you! What a great start to the New Year!


    Happy New Year to you and your family:)


    Djinnie x

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    dme59 said:

    Scan results

    Got the results of my first round of follow up ct scan, chest x rays, blood work. All clear. Blood work shows my remaining kidney is functioning well. Had my testing done Dec.5 and didn't worry a bit about it until this morning. All day at work was tough but left the doctor office with a big smile. Thank God for great news.

    Everyone have a great new year.


    So happy for you Dan....a

    So happy for you Dan....a great way to see the old year out, and then bring the new year in. There are a few members who were expecting to hear results yesterday as well. I hope it is the same for them too.

    Have fun celebrating!



  • tonib
    tonib Member Posts: 33
    So happy for your good news.

    So happy for your good news. Happy New Year!