Tomorrow Arnold will be leaving me!

Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

Hello Friends!

After a long wait, I am finally heading to the hospital tomorrow to evict Arnold from this body of mine.

I have told my sons that I look at it as an "all-inclusive" get away! Three nights-all expenses paid stay...all the ice-water I want to drink and jello to eat! Just wish there were palm trees...I LOVE palm trees.

Let's jammies and toothbrush are packed....I have watered the plants....made sure that the pets will be taken care of ....just need to remove the nail polish on my toes - go figure. One of my concerns is that I have to go there without any makeup on! The hospital has no idea what they are asking! Í don't want to scare the poor staff there! Another concern I have is that my surgery takes place at 11:50. Will the surgeon have lunch BEFORE he starts on me? I don't want him to be distracted by hunger pangs! It's not easy to eat while working, either. I hope he has a good night's sleep tonight and doesn't have a fight with his wife before he comes in to the operating room! I know that when I am angry, I work faster and harder, but am also a little rougher on things!

And then there is my roommate. This hospital does co-ed rooms! I found this hilarious. But it makes sense - speeds up the placement process when a patient is waiting for a bed to become available. But my worry here is that I will snore....and make other noises, if it goes as planned, Arnold will be removed via laparoscopy, they fill you with air, and - well, ahem, I am fearful I will be making sounds of a whoopie cushion! My face will be red - but then at least there won't be any need for makeup, will there?

All kidding aside, I look forward to feeling good again. I want to tell you all, that you are totally awesome and I thank you for all the support you have given me so far.

I should be home Thursday! I will post as soon as I can. Until then - let's kick some Cancer Butt!!







  • elpasorudy
    elpasorudy Member Posts: 84
    Good luck


    Hope all goes well with your surgery ... co-ed roommates. Now that is a new one.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!  Just think.. tommorow you will be cancer freeee!!!!

    Trust me I will be thinking of you especially during your surgery hours, and following.

    I never wore my own jammies after any surgeries, but did take my own robe.

    Here's to a recovery you can handle with many blessings for continued healing.

    Yes, let's pray for your surgeon to be in a good mood, nourished..just sayin

    Gentle hugs, Jan

  • mrs_blkjak
    mrs_blkjak Member Posts: 103
    Best wishes for a successful

    Best wishes for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery! 

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

    Best wishes for a successful

    Best wishes for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery! 

    JoJo.. hope it goes easy on

    JoJo.. hope it goes easy on you... remember, take the drugs..!!  Heal up.. and holler at us when you are up to it..!!  Hope this brings you ro NED forever..


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123
    good luck with the surgery; I

    good luck with the surgery; I can tell you that my husband had a laproscopic radical nephrectomy on 9/20 and was home on 9/23.

    his pain was under control with tramadol and tylenol and was able to drive and be Best Man for his best friend on 10/05.

    his surgery lasted a little over an hour and recovery took longer to manage his immediate pain.

    you will do fine and look forward to hearing from you when you're able. Goodbye, Arnold!!!!


  • srbelle1
    srbelle1 Member Posts: 123
    good luck with the surgery; I

    good luck with the surgery; I can tell you that my husband had a laproscopic radical nephrectomy on 9/20 and was home on 9/23.

    his pain was under control with tramadol and tylenol and was able to drive and be Best Man for his best friend on 10/05.

    his surgery lasted a little over an hour and recovery took longer to manage his immediate pain.

    you will do fine and look forward to hearing from you when you're able. Goodbye, Arnold!!!!


  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    I'm so glad I'm not the only

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who named their cancer!  It's just so much easier to raise Cain when you can call it an actual name!  Tell Arnold that all he needs to do is talk to Leroy about how tough we are!  I kicked his scrawny butt out on April 22, 2013 at about 8am.  And yes....sorry to tell you, but you WILL fart, and fart, and probably will cut a few that will have the nurses laughing down the hall, but it's much better for you for that gas to be on the outside than on the inside.  For you.....maybe not so much for the rest of the patients.  LOL. I'm sure they thought there was an elephant running around the hospital the two days I was there! :). If you get a coed roommate, make sure he is good looking.  Oh, and don't worry about no will look like the wreck of the Hesperus (which I've actually dove on!) no matter how much makeup you put on, for the first day.  You'll do great!  Before you go to sleep, tell Arnold to kiss your butt!!!  RCC chicks are tough!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    TillieSOK said:

    I'm so glad I'm not the only

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who named their cancer!  It's just so much easier to raise Cain when you can call it an actual name!  Tell Arnold that all he needs to do is talk to Leroy about how tough we are!  I kicked his scrawny butt out on April 22, 2013 at about 8am.  And yes....sorry to tell you, but you WILL fart, and fart, and probably will cut a few that will have the nurses laughing down the hall, but it's much better for you for that gas to be on the outside than on the inside.  For you.....maybe not so much for the rest of the patients.  LOL. I'm sure they thought there was an elephant running around the hospital the two days I was there! :). If you get a coed roommate, make sure he is good looking.  Oh, and don't worry about no will look like the wreck of the Hesperus (which I've actually dove on!) no matter how much makeup you put on, for the first day.  You'll do great!  Before you go to sleep, tell Arnold to kiss your butt!!!  RCC chicks are tough!

    I didn't wear makeup either



    Well it is already tomorrow. The first thing I remember was them shaving my chest and stomach. Then I was out for about 5 hours of surgery. When I got back to the room I saw familiar faces, but I was to out of it to engage in conversation. The next morning the catheder bunny came into remove something. And then I remember what Arnold S. went thru in the movie Junior. As a result of the passage of  11 and 1/2 years and Partsheimers I do not remember any pain from the surgery. Yeah.



  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    Good luck! And no junior mints in the observation deck

    The last thing I remember was a seinfeld reference to my Dr;  The next thing was the nurse in recovery saying "you had surgery.  You are in Fairfax Hospital".  That would have been confusing if I was not in Fairfax.  but it was reassuring. 

    Then, I remember pain, and I was hot.  They could not get the room cool enough.  Apparently, I froze out my roommate.  (the hot may have been from a fever...I ran 102 for three days, spent 4 in the hospital). 

    Take it easy!

  • gingersnaps
    gingersnaps Member Posts: 67 Member
    dhs1963 said:

    Good luck! And no junior mints in the observation deck

    The last thing I remember was a seinfeld reference to my Dr;  The next thing was the nurse in recovery saying "you had surgery.  You are in Fairfax Hospital".  That would have been confusing if I was not in Fairfax.  but it was reassuring. 

    Then, I remember pain, and I was hot.  They could not get the room cool enough.  Apparently, I froze out my roommate.  (the hot may have been from a fever...I ran 102 for three days, spent 4 in the hospital). 

    Take it easy!

    wishing you a fast recovery

    I hope you come around fast and you will have the wonderful feeling of being cancer free. My son had his surgery on Monday morning and it took about 3hrs he wanted only his wife with  him,didn't want his mom staring down at him so we went back to the hotel for awhile. When we came back in a couple hours he was already looking better. Went home Thursday and was up making pizza pockets on Friday. God is good and his love endures forever. 

  • Frank302
    Frank302 Member Posts: 71
    Best wishes Jojo

    I had a laparscopic left nephrectomy two and a half years ago and spent only one night in the hospitol and five days on pain meds with a rapid and trouble free recovery . I'm sure all will go well for you .


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Frank302 said:

    Best wishes Jojo

    I had a laparscopic left nephrectomy two and a half years ago and spent only one night in the hospitol and five days on pain meds with a rapid and trouble free recovery . I'm sure all will go well for you .


    hit the road Arnold!

    Drag it maggott! Maybe they are putting you in a room with a guy because you will be farting alot and they want him to feel at home. Just one of the guys. He'll never recognize you out in public if he meets you when you haven't any make up on. So just talk in your barritone and only go by Joe. Good luck!

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    foxhd said:

    hit the road Arnold!

    Drag it maggott! Maybe they are putting you in a room with a guy because you will be farting alot and they want him to feel at home. Just one of the guys. He'll never recognize you out in public if he meets you when you haven't any make up on. So just talk in your barritone and only go by Joe. Good luck!

    Well, on a side note.. less

    Well, on a side note.. less than one day after surgery.. I (as all of you) had a lot of gas to expell.. I asked the Nurses to leave the room (they are not leaving when you are in the ICU) the one just said...  "Let er rip..!".  I suspect every fart was recorded in my records...  Same with my first B.M. I saw the nurse try to quantify the size, testure, etc and make notes in to the computer all about it..  Those Nurses are pure Angels..!! (especially the one that wiped my bottom..).


  • izzycohen
    izzycohen Member Posts: 80
    Good Luck JoJo

    I'm sure it will go well.  For some reason it took me a couple of days to be able to expel the gas.  Nurses wouldn't let me go home until I did.  My son was amused.  Thinking of you.



  • Minnesota Girl
    Minnesota Girl Member Posts: 119
    By now you've probably breezed through it

    and are provided breezes throughout the hospital ward.

    Seriously - here's hoping you are CANCER FREE by the time you read this!!!!!!!!

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member

    By now you've probably breezed through it

    and are provided breezes throughout the hospital ward.

    Seriously - here's hoping you are CANCER FREE by the time you read this!!!!!!!!

    Potty Humor

    After teaching kids, working with youth groups, and going thru "that" phase with first the boy and now the girl grands, I'm now aware that we never outgrow potty humor. It's good to have something to laugh about.

    And here's another thing to look forward to...CT's, especially if you have pre and post hydration with the barium sulfate.  Wear panty liners, take diaper wipes and carry rash ointment to the appointment.  What the barium sulfate does to you could almost be called criminal; but it it catches anything on the CT, it's worth the annoyance.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    You learn something new everyday. TMI.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    icemantoo said:




    You learn something new everyday. TMI.



     Thanks for the words of

     Thanks for the words of encouragement!  Arnold has LEFT THE BUILDING!  They said it was a difficult case and they filmed it. Canyou believe wiyh all that worry I have yet to let it rip??home tomorrow.  Hurray! 



  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

     Thanks for the words of

     Thanks for the words of encouragement!  Arnold has LEFT THE BUILDING!  They said it was a difficult case and they filmed it. Canyou believe wiyh all that worry I have yet to let it rip??home tomorrow.  Hurray! 



    JoJo..WOW.. that was fast..!!

    JoJo..WOW.. that was fast..!!  OK, for me, that first release.. well... it sure seemed like more than gas was gonna fly...!!  Oh my... sorry.. Glad to hear the deed is done.. now rest up.. I suspect the total effect will show up soon enough...


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    JoJo..WOW.. that was fast..!!

    JoJo..WOW.. that was fast..!!  OK, for me, that first release.. well... it sure seemed like more than gas was gonna fly...!!  Oh my... sorry.. Glad to hear the deed is done.. now rest up.. I suspect the total effect will show up soon enough...


    Yes want to rest up. I have

    Yes want to rest up. I have to tell you something funny. hubby posted my progress on facebook...I have family in Europe that we wanted to let them know about my progress... ..he wrote that I was doing laps in the hospital. ..since English is not their first language....they thought he said I was doing lap dances! Lol.