Getting the port out

next Monday.....yup, after a year and 3 months, all the mechanical parts of treatment will be gone in less than a week. big question..........does it hurt?  I'm nervous, and I have no clue if this is going to be like getting my PEG removed, or if it's numb and there is nothing to feel.  Once this thing is gone, my Oncologist visits will be down to every 3 months, instead of every month....whoo hoo!! Laughing 




  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    piece of cake

    The area was kinda sore for awhile afterwards, but it is nothing.  You've done way more than this, and its a cause for celebration!  The removal of my port was without a doubt the most significant day of my entire treatment...



  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    It was a non-event

    I was really suprised that it was so.... well nothing.  One minute it was in, the next gone.  No pain at all.

    You got this covered, no sweat.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Happy Camper


    The last vestiges of treatments, goodbye!

    Pain free, Port free, Phrannie free.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Don't Google It.... LOL, don't do what I did and Google it, they have some YouTube videos... It looked much worse than it was, LOL.

    Like mentioned, it's not bad, 10 - 15 minutes in the office for me.

    Numbed it with a few stick of the novacaine needle (worse part of it), then let it numb up. Then a small incision, a few tugs and it was out. Then atually a few dissolving sutures, and a little super glue... Easy Peasy...

    Here is what it looks like and the size of it is about the size of a quarter...


    Like you, my MD likes to leave it in for awhile... It was nearly 2 1/2 years post Tx before I became De-Ported...


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    Don't Google It.... LOL, don't do what I did and Google it, they have some YouTube videos... It looked much worse than it was, LOL.

    Like mentioned, it's not bad, 10 - 15 minutes in the office for me.

    Numbed it with a few stick of the novacaine needle (worse part of it), then let it numb up. Then a small incision, a few tugs and it was out. Then atually a few dissolving sutures, and a little super glue... Easy Peasy...

    Here is what it looks like and the size of it is about the size of a quarter...


    Like you, my MD likes to leave it in for awhile... It was nearly 2 1/2 years post Tx before I became De-Ported...



    You're finally getting your body back! That's how I felt when the last foreign object was removed. I had a Hohne cathether instead of a port so I can't relate to the removal but I know you can do it with ease. Happy for you!

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    Woohoo!!! Deporting time!

    I am so happy for you!  I know you remember how much more normal you felt after getting the PEG'll be feeling great once you get de-ported!  I am so excited for you!!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    wow P, that's great!!  you

    wow P, that's great!!  you will really think you're normal  congrats.  i don't know if it hurts b/c i never had a port.  i pray its a breeze and NO pain at all.

    God bless you,


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Hey P!

    Obviously I have no experience with this, BUT, wanted to let you know that I think that you are an incredibly strong person. If you don't get through this just fine...I'll eat my shoe, and as a fellow horse friend, you know, my shoes are pretty gross! Go get 'em!


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Never ported

    I was never ported but after all you have been through with treatment, things should be AOK!  By the end of treatment I hardly had a vein left to use in either arm or hand.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You guys are SO MUCH my buds...

    who needs taste buds, huh? Smile  I've been chuckling all afternoon about being "deported".... can hardly wait to tell my fiends here that I'm being deported on Monday....LOL.  I would have walked on fire to get my PEG out, I just hated that thing.....but this well-used little piece of equipment hasn't caused me any consternation....I don't have to find a home for it every day getting dressed, I don't roll over on it at night, and the dog doesn't want to play with it (remember Lola thought her mom had a built in toy) ha!. 

    There's no way they can puncture a lung taking it out, is there (like they did when they put it in)???.....


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    You guys are SO MUCH my buds...

    who needs taste buds, huh? Smile  I've been chuckling all afternoon about being "deported".... can hardly wait to tell my fiends here that I'm being deported on Monday....LOL.  I would have walked on fire to get my PEG out, I just hated that thing.....but this well-used little piece of equipment hasn't caused me any consternation....I don't have to find a home for it every day getting dressed, I don't roll over on it at night, and the dog doesn't want to play with it (remember Lola thought her mom had a built in toy) ha!. 

    There's no way they can puncture a lung taking it out, is there (like they did when they put it in)???.....



    All you need is a chain and you got a nice heart necklace. I think I'll make mine into a key chain. Happy for you P! 

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    You guys are SO MUCH my buds...

    who needs taste buds, huh? Smile  I've been chuckling all afternoon about being "deported".... can hardly wait to tell my fiends here that I'm being deported on Monday....LOL.  I would have walked on fire to get my PEG out, I just hated that thing.....but this well-used little piece of equipment hasn't caused me any consternation....I don't have to find a home for it every day getting dressed, I don't roll over on it at night, and the dog doesn't want to play with it (remember Lola thought her mom had a built in toy) ha!. 

    There's no way they can puncture a lung taking it out, is there (like they did when they put it in)???.....


    P, must b a week for

    P, must b a week for deporting!  right after reading your post and feeling so happy for you, my sil called to tell me she's get'n her port out Friday.  like you, she is extremely happy and i am for her as well.  so, happy deporting to both of you!!

    God bless you,


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Mental Milestone

    Phrannie, that is great news. What a way to say good bye and F U to the beast. Not to mention that if you travel allot, you will no longer have to explain to the TSA peeps that " it's a med port, not a detonator."

    DO NOT actually say that to the TSA as they did not think too much of my sick sense of humor.



  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    at first I thought

    aha, Phrannie's serving some wine~~but,yea,you know

    Anyhoo, congratulations...


  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349

    One more milepost on the road to 'abi-normal'

    I had mine removed on an emergency basis, it caused a clot in my right jugular vein.

    It was pretty easy, change into a gown, prep the area, couple of shots of novacaine and out it came.  No stitches either, just the crazy glue.  Some soreness afterward, but no real problem.

    Hope your deportation hearing goes well, watch out for immigration.


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Well crap....

    got up early so I would take a shower and get the dogs walked early.....I ran out the door at 10:00 to warm my car up, and as I walked in the door, hubby says..."might as well turn your car off, your Dr.'s office just called and said the surgeon won't be in today".  All dressed up (all revved up, actually) and no place to go.  They rescheduled for Dec. 3rd at 9:30.  Frown 


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

    Well crap....

    got up early so I would take a shower and get the dogs walked early.....I ran out the door at 10:00 to warm my car up, and as I walked in the door, hubby says..."might as well turn your car off, your Dr.'s office just called and said the surgeon won't be in today".  All dressed up (all revved up, actually) and no place to go.  They rescheduled for Dec. 3rd at 9:30.  Frown 





  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    delayed de-PORTing


    I know a guy who removes PORTS, just say the word and I will hook you up.  His name is John.

    Looking forward to Tuesday, December 3rd at 9:30am (Montana time).


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    Sorry for the delay.  I forgot to ask, are you from Canada or Mexico?

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    Well crap....

    got up early so I would take a shower and get the dogs walked early.....I ran out the door at 10:00 to warm my car up, and as I walked in the door, hubby says..."might as well turn your car off, your Dr.'s office just called and said the surgeon won't be in today".  All dressed up (all revved up, actually) and no place to go.  They rescheduled for Dec. 3rd at 9:30.  Frown 



    I'm so sorry!!!!!