Dad is 100% cancer free



  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    sin9775 said:

    So Glad For Your Dad


    I am so glad to hear the news about your dad.  My brother gets his first scan post tx on Nov. 7!  I am suffering from a bit of scanxiety, but he is not!  Go figure!  I hope to be sharing the same good news a week from now.  May God bless your dad with continued NEDs.


    Thanks so much Shawn!  It's

    Thanks so much Shawn!  It's nice to hear from you btw!  I too suffered from scanxiety for dad, but he seemed to handle it well.  We got his results two days later and he was in the clear!  I hope hope hope and pray that your brother gets the same great news!  Please keep us posted!  I was a little scared not knowing if the chemo/radiation was doing its job but I am hopeful that you're brother will get the NED results we all want to hear!  Praying for you guys.  How is he doing??

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Duggie88 said:


    That is GREAT NEWS. I am so happy for your dad and your whole family. You're one hell of a daughter in standing right beside your Dad during his fight. Ther is now an unspoken special bond, trust me I know.

    That salty thing is perfectly normal. Even when I ate ice cream (with no pretzels) I had an overpowering salty taste in my mouth.

    Enjoy the day


    Thanks Jeff, all of your

    Thanks Jeff, all of your posts have made me cry today...I just feel so sensitive...maybe its all the stress built up over these past seven months or so...but it's just amazing to have all your support and kind words.  I have been with dad each day this weekend as my mom was out of town.  He changed my oil so that kept him busy awhile and I made him some egg salad.  Friday we watched Stepbrothers together.  he giggled quite a bit and that was so lovely to see. 


    I hope that dad recovers from the salty thing...he loves ice cream and I know he is wanting to eat things that he still trys but cannot yet. 


    Hope you are having a great day as well!

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Grandmax4 said:


    was the first taste that came back to me, it will eventually fade to normal...the faith with which you stood by and encouraged your Papa is so touching. I'm a veteran of The James also, their care and dedication is awesome..I go on the 23rd for my 2 year check-up, I feel like it's going to be NED again, but, there's always that little area of doubt ( devil get out of my head)

    Thanks for the kind


    Thanks for the kind words.  I have high hopes that you will be NED, you will have to keep us all posted!  The James is wonderful... I would recommend it to anyone.  While my dad was going through all of this, the nurses were so kind....they would constantly ask him and my mom if he was having any depression, how he was feeling etc.  They are just so great and me and my family were so blessed to have my dad get treatment there.  I simply cannot say enough nice things about them!  Glad to hear that that salt taste will fade...hopefully sooner than later!  Thanks again!

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472


    That is absolutly wonderful news!!!!!

    Thanks Ben!  I hope that this

    Thanks Ben!  I hope that this good news can inspire some that are going through this that there IS hope! 

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472
    Hondo said:

    Hi Cherie


    Glad to hear the good news about your dad, take care of him and hug him every time you see him. I love when I am with my grandchildren, I sit down on the floor and just play there games. Holding them and loving them thanking God that I am a part of there lives.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

    Thanks Tim!  That I gladly do

    Thanks Tim!  That I gladly do everytime I see him...even prior to cancer.  I have always been so close to both of my parents... they are just wonderful people who would do anything for anyone...even ppl they don't know! They are absolutely hands down the best parents I could have ever asked for!

  • CherieLW
    CherieLW Member Posts: 472

    Oh so grateful!  Let the


    Oh so grateful!  Let the good times, grand life and healing begin!  Cherie,  I am so happy for you aNd your family.  May you each be incredibly blessed.  You've been such an intricant part of this for your dad.  Hope you too are doing that dance with your Dad!  


    Thanks so much for


    Thanks so much for all the kind words!  I have done the dance about ten times!  I'm tickled pink!  I wish there was a way to repay all the people that were involved in my dad's recovery process!  Best of luck to you!

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    can you taste that?


    I truly love the saltines of foods, mostly a good steak.

    Ice cream is one of the most missing tastes for H&N veterans.  I have taken to buying vanilla cones quite often so I’ll know when they are back on line.  I did have an Orange Cream Milkshake at Carl’s Jr. and it was very good (the taste buds are working overtime to be in working order).

    At 19 months post I taste improvements all the time and I eat anything I want.

    Good luck Cherie’s Dad!


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    great news!

    Hi Cherie,


    I'm glad you dropped in for an update. Always nice to hear back from those who have been to hell and back. Sounds like your dad is doing well and cruising on the recovery road. As you have experienced, improvements come more slowly but they do come along and add up over time.

    Just recently something happened to me, something not discussed all that much here. About a month after my first clear scan (end of August), I had a strange emotional experience where I felt overwhelmed by something. It was a brief incident and took a few days to sort out what happened. It was the realization the cancer was dead and I was going to live. Over the course of the next month post scan, my focus and vision was able to look and plan further ahead. Even though I had convinced myself I was going to be fully cured, there must have been some doubt lurking around the subconscious and it took awhile even after the clear scan report for it to bubble and dissipate. Just mention this as healing takes place both in the body and the mind.

    Sorry to hear about the delay in graduation but after all you have been through you are very close to a major milestone in your life. Best to you all. don


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    CherieLW said:

    Thanks so much Tracy!  I hope

    Thanks so much Tracy!  I hope you don't mind but I shared your pics of your jaw replacement with dad... I think when he gets down, I have to show him look...some have it worse and are still keeping such a postiive outlook.  You are an inspiration to me and always have been since day one of following your progress.  Thanks so much!!!  Thanks to everyone for all the support... I think I would have gone crazy if not for you all.. 

    Not at all!!!

    Share away!!  I posted it in hopes it may help someone :)  

  • Ruben and Jude
    Ruben and Jude Member Posts: 155
    That's the best news ever!! 

    That's the best news ever!!  Congratulations sweetheart to you and your family.

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Wonderful news !


    These posts are so fantastic to read !  I'm almost 2 yrs. out, and spices (salt and pepper) ect. still kick my butt !  Tell your Dad wonderful job !  Hugs sent !  Katie