OT Vein procedures

Lynn Smith
Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member

Has anyone had procedures for varicose veins.Mine are pretty bad but since BC I have problems wanting to do this.I didnt ask my doctor.I think they might feel no problems but honestly it's chemical injected in your veins.  Not sure it goes through the rest of the body but it causes the vein to collapse is my understanding.

I had it done years ago but it was before my cancer.Now I worry about every chemical.I remember my vein doctor telling me his mom had breast cancer.

I read up on alot of things and read up on this but OMG it was so complicated.What's in that solution is unreal.Something you've never heard of and it doesn't sound good.

Anyone had it done since cancer dx and surgery???

Lynn Smith   


  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member

    Hi Lynn,

    I have had all of the vericose and spider vein procedures.. stripping and ligation years ago but they don't do that anymore.. I have also had the following procedures:

    Endovenous Laser Therapy

    Ambulatory Phlebectomy/Microphlebectomy

    Ultrasound Guided Sclerothrapy

    The only solution that was used on me was a saline.. but no problems.. been doing them for about 25 years.. Good luck!




  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    This is helpful

    This is helpful.I guess you have things  done since your dx with BC. 

    Went to a  few doctors but they wanted to do more invasive things.I want the simpler.Found a doctor and liked him but one certain area he said he wanted to do laser.Put I guess a light there and take the vein out. I stopped him there.It's stripping.I told him years ago my aunt had her veins stripped and told me NEVER let them do that to you.She had problems after that and didnt want me to go through it.So this new doctor changed and told me Scletherapy.I looked at him and said "You read my mind".That's just saline and I had that many years ago.Just don't want any cancer causing things.I've had enough of cancer and enough scares with it in my lifetime.Numerous breast tumors since 20 but all benign till I was 62.A scare with colon cancer and had surgery for that.No cancer was found there.Just don't want alot of invasive things done.   

    The one area of my leg is a concern for him but if he does all the rest of the varicose veins but that area it will help.Around my ankle are some bad places.Many times I just bumped myself.Seemed like this started after I had my total hyseroctomy.

    They called to cancel for next week and I will call to reschedule.Just need to get some blood work done and a urine check up after a infection I had a few weeks ago.    

    Thank You for the other procedures I didn't know about.Will read up on them better.

    Lynn Smith       

  • Dot53
    Dot53 Member Posts: 239 Member

    This is helpful

    This is helpful.I guess you have things  done since your dx with BC. 

    Went to a  few doctors but they wanted to do more invasive things.I want the simpler.Found a doctor and liked him but one certain area he said he wanted to do laser.Put I guess a light there and take the vein out. I stopped him there.It's stripping.I told him years ago my aunt had her veins stripped and told me NEVER let them do that to you.She had problems after that and didnt want me to go through it.So this new doctor changed and told me Scletherapy.I looked at him and said "You read my mind".That's just saline and I had that many years ago.Just don't want any cancer causing things.I've had enough of cancer and enough scares with it in my lifetime.Numerous breast tumors since 20 but all benign till I was 62.A scare with colon cancer and had surgery for that.No cancer was found there.Just don't want alot of invasive things done.   

    The one area of my leg is a concern for him but if he does all the rest of the varicose veins but that area it will help.Around my ankle are some bad places.Many times I just bumped myself.Seemed like this started after I had my total hyseroctomy.

    They called to cancel for next week and I will call to reschedule.Just need to get some blood work done and a urine check up after a infection I had a few weeks ago.    

    Thank You for the other procedures I didn't know about.Will read up on them better.

    Lynn Smith       




    The laser is NOT the same as stripping.. I have had the stripping and they don't do that anymore.. basically, they make a very small opening and insert the laser device which is tiny, then they laser the vein to close it. That is it.. no stitches.. very easy.. I recommend a cosmetic dermatologist for these procedures.. for any of the vein procedures you will need to wear compression stockings for a couple weeks afterward..




  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Dot53 said:




    The laser is NOT the same as stripping.. I have had the stripping and they don't do that anymore.. basically, they make a very small opening and insert the laser device which is tiny, then they laser the vein to close it. That is it.. no stitches.. very easy.. I recommend a cosmetic dermatologist for these procedures.. for any of the vein procedures you will need to wear compression stockings for a couple weeks afterward..




    Thanks for the info

    My Mom has this problem as well as I will. This discussion really help me to educate myself.

    Thank you for posting this topic

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    When the

    When the doctor looked at the upper part of my leg he said he didn't like the looks of it.About 7 veins that stick out.He said he could put a laser light and pull the vein out.Didn't say seal it.That's when I stopped him and said no stripping.He didn't tell me it wasn't stripping.He just changed to the saline procedure after that conversation  

    Just to many chemicals out there and you have to be sure.I told my dentist I may someday want dental implants.He told me not at this time.Talked like possibly in the future but a 2 year survivor was not a good idea.I'm a 4 year survivor now and still wonder if I would ever do that.  

    I'm a short and thin but on my feet alot.That's why the bad vein problems.Never sit much. My mom had bad veins but she was somewhat on heavy side.My sisters were heavy but had no problem with their legs.

     About 1 year ago I brought some support hose but I've lost weight and think I should be re-fitted.It's probably important to have the right size in this type of procedure. Something else I need to talk to the doctor about.

    Lynn Smith