ramped up pain in port area and in cancer area ramped up after one day.

muffingranma Member Posts: 107
Hi I need help, sorry for asking so many questions? I had a port or shunt not sure of the right word. But Tuesday morning  around seven AM  I went to the hospital and had the port put in, then around noon they brought me back from surgery or the recovery room. gave me lunch. Then at twelve thirty they took me downstairs and gave me my first dose of chemo. I came home around six thirty that evening. I was really tired. The cancer is spreading all over my left chest area and up toward my neck. The doctor sent me a picture of the cancer by e-mail so I and he can watch for changes, so they can try something different in three weeks if no change or change for the worse. I sent my friend and my sister a copy of the picture of the cancer so they can help me. I see it every day, so its hard for me to judge. They said they would and wanted to see what that kind of cancer looked like. He is saying there isn't much more they can do. My question is the cancer on my left side is hurting really bad and up toward my neck just all over the left side, and also the port area is bandaged up but it seems swollen and hurts very bad even up that side of my neck. is this normal after having the port and first chemo treatment. I would appreciate any help you could give me. The pain wasn't this bad till the chemo treatment and the port. I appreciate every ones help. It has been a horrible year. Nothing has went right from the start and going down hill. I want to stay strong for my family till after Christmas if possible. I just don't know about the ramped up pain in the cancer area and the port area. Thank you so much for any help you could give me. God bless you all, and for those who does not believe in God I respect any help you could give.


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Pain and being swollen from port surgery for 3 days is normal hopefully you will feel better intwo ddays hugs 

  • muffingranma
    muffingranma Member Posts: 107


    Pain and being swollen from port surgery for 3 days is normal hopefully you will feel better intwo ddays hugs 

    Thank you

    Thank you so much that was very helpful. I just hope this chemo works, because I don't want to face the day they say they can do no more. It is spreading fast and to look down and see it is worse. Thank you so much again.

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    Thank you

    Thank you so much that was very helpful. I just hope this chemo works, because I don't want to face the day they say they can do no more. It is spreading fast and to look down and see it is worse. Thank you so much again.

    sending good thoughts

    I have no medical advice or hints -- just want you to know I'm thinking of you and your family and sending good thoughts and hope hope hope.



  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    I think my port area was sore

    I think my port area was sore sometimes for no apparent reason and sometimes after chemo injection.  But incase of infection tell your oncologist if no better soon.  If I recall some time ago some ladies port hadn't taken the chemo correctly and it touched areas it shouldn't have which caused pain.  Sorry your cancer has spread.  They must be able to answer your questions, you are going through enough and need that pain lessened and made bearable at worst scenario, and an explanation too.  Please tell us what happens.  Take care.