Bone cancer of the jaw

shawnmcc Member Posts: 39

I was wondering if there is any way if you have bone cancer of the jaw not to have your jaw removed like this person at this website This lady has it on the left side mine is on the right side and it is identical to her exray in every way down to the cracks in her teeth. Which is the funniest coincidence. 


  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    I'm not sure

    I had a 4cm mucoepidermoid tumor in my lower left mandible.  I did NOT have the bone from my leg removed, but a metal plate put in to act as my jawbone instead.  I have pictures of the before/after xray that I'll share with you below.  I have had no issues with the plate and am 4 months cancer free :)  I had two surgeries to remove the tumor, jawbone, put in the plate and make sure all cancerous cells are gone in March 2013.  I also had 30 rounds of rads.



  • shawnmcc
    shawnmcc Member Posts: 39

    I'm not sure

    I had a 4cm mucoepidermoid tumor in my lower left mandible.  I did NOT have the bone from my leg removed, but a metal plate put in to act as my jawbone instead.  I have pictures of the before/after xray that I'll share with you below.  I have had no issues with the plate and am 4 months cancer free :)  I had two surgeries to remove the tumor, jawbone, put in the plate and make sure all cancerous cells are gone in March 2013.  I also had 30 rounds of rads.



    Thanks for your answer. So

    Thanks for your answer. So your cancer hasnt spread then. I am glad to hear your ok. If that is the case since my 4 cancer has spread to more then one part of my body they most likely will leave my jaw since the reason the removed yours is to prevent the spread. My gum has already started to break down and I have lost just about the same amount teeth as you. Hope fully I can find out what kind of cancer it is with a oral surgeon and biopsy soon.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839
    shawnmcc said:

    Thanks for your answer. So

    Thanks for your answer. So your cancer hasnt spread then. I am glad to hear your ok. If that is the case since my 4 cancer has spread to more then one part of my body they most likely will leave my jaw since the reason the removed yours is to prevent the spread. My gum has already started to break down and I have lost just about the same amount teeth as you. Hope fully I can find out what kind of cancer it is with a oral surgeon and biopsy soon.

    Mine was MEC

    and was very localized.  The tumor was still growing and had broken through the jawbone.  That's why they had to remove get the entire tumor out.  My nodes were clear, though.  I had oral surgeons give me different advice and answers so I finally went to Levine Cancer Institute and they referred me to their ENT surgeon.  He is the one who finally got a game plan, answers, and put things in motion.  Ended up that I didn't need an oral surgeon at all :) I hope you can get some answers very soon. Keep me posted!! 

  • txpipeliner
    txpipeliner Member Posts: 33
    cancer of jaw bone

    i had my jaw bone  and half of my palate on rite side of mouth removed on 2-30-14 i am fixing to start radiation treatments this week comeing up. i will be meeting with the DR. to find out whats in store for me. has anyone else had the same as me, if so what can i expect.

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    cancer of jaw bone

    i had my jaw bone  and half of my palate on rite side of mouth removed on 2-30-14 i am fixing to start radiation treatments this week comeing up. i will be meeting with the DR. to find out whats in store for me. has anyone else had the same as me, if so what can i expect.

    Head and Neck

    You might want to check out the Head and Neck group.  It is more active and many people there have gone through similar treatment.

  • shawnabs
    shawnabs Member Posts: 1
    New to this site

    I have a couple quetions and I am hoping that some of you would be willing to answer. I am 34 yrs and I  have not been diagnoised with jaw cancer yet but am waiting on a doctors appointment. I have been feeling really ill for almost two years. Really run down off balance weak muslce loss just things like that. Recently I started having a tremdous amout of pain in my lower right jaw and there are a few knots or lumps along my jaw under and behind my ear. It hurts to swallow or talk and I now have a back tooth that is extremely loose for no reason. I went to the denist thinking that maybe I had a bad tooth but she couldn't find one. She is sending me to a specialst. Another weird symptom is my lower right jaw and lower right half of my lip went compeltely numb for hours. It was as if I had just got a numbing shot like a denist would give. This pain is the worst I have ever had to endure in my life. It is not letting up. I am wondering if this sounds familar to any of you that has been diagnoised with jaw cancer? Or if you dont mind could you please explain to me how you  felt and found out that you had cancer?

  • Glenbucket
    Glenbucket Member Posts: 2
    shawnabs said:

    New to this site

    I have a couple quetions and I am hoping that some of you would be willing to answer. I am 34 yrs and I  have not been diagnoised with jaw cancer yet but am waiting on a doctors appointment. I have been feeling really ill for almost two years. Really run down off balance weak muslce loss just things like that. Recently I started having a tremdous amout of pain in my lower right jaw and there are a few knots or lumps along my jaw under and behind my ear. It hurts to swallow or talk and I now have a back tooth that is extremely loose for no reason. I went to the denist thinking that maybe I had a bad tooth but she couldn't find one. She is sending me to a specialst. Another weird symptom is my lower right jaw and lower right half of my lip went compeltely numb for hours. It was as if I had just got a numbing shot like a denist would give. This pain is the worst I have ever had to endure in my life. It is not letting up. I am wondering if this sounds familar to any of you that has been diagnoised with jaw cancer? Or if you dont mind could you please explain to me how you  felt and found out that you had cancer?

    Cancer of the Jaw

    Hi, I was diagnosed with mandibluar osteosarcoma 43 years ago and I'm still here following surgery and radiation. First things first. Not all lumps and bumps are cancer. Cancer of the jaw bone is quite rare but possible but don't jump to any conclusions. My tumor touched a nerve and I felt a shot of intense pain right througn my jaw and up the side of my head but that only happened once. After that it was like a bad tooth ache. I went to my Dr and he thought it was an abcess and sent me to an oral surgeon. He too thought it was an abcess and gave me antibiotics which of course did nothing. Finally he lanced the bump and took a biopsy and the truth was discovered. After a few radiation  treatment the tumor shrank by half but was not going to die so surgery was next. I had to have a radical head & neck resection but it saved my life. Later on had some reconstructive surgery and I haven't looked back. Please wait for the diagnosis to be confirmed. there are a lot of things out there that it could be other than cancer. And even if it is I am living proof that it CAN be beaten!! Good Luck.

  • hardeep
    hardeep Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2017 #9
    cancer in jaw

    i have had jaw replacemt and neck dissection to remove nymph glands operated on october 2016 still recovering  just wanted to know how many months before the pain stops and they operate again to put dentures in