Still plodding along, fourth year in remission.

Sonia32 Member Posts: 1,071 Member

I haven't posted an update in ages, and I am sure most of you will have forgotten me Tongue Out


To the newbies I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in February 2009, 10/11 lymph nodes infected. Had my final dose of chemo in December 2009. My marriage crumbled because of my ill health and depression in the same year, so I lost that, but I got my family through this site.

I never say I am cured, always say in remission, because you never know when this evil monster will decide to come back.

Trying to live each day as it comes. I had a lot to deal with the loss of my marriage, my old self really, but this disease put me on a path which I am grateful for in a way. Might sound strange, but I appreciate everything around me, and I do things I would never have done before. For example back in May I climbed the second highest mountain in the UK. It was just a spur of the moment decision my bf and I decided to do. It was so hard, and I thought to myself I am going to do this, and with the thoughts of those who we lost over the years (including my own mum) I pushed myself and got to the top.

I have done so much walking this year (something I would never have done in the past), a few weeks ago my bf, dog and I walked seven miles, he knew we were walking far but I didn't. And glad I didn't because I would have groaned, but I did it.


I am training to be a teacher, in my final year of my course which will qualify me as one, I have also done tv extra work on a lot of shows. The latter was just to earn money as I am still a student. Again something I would not have done. Did tv and radio interviews over after effects of being a long term ex patient. Had a marie claire article back in May :-)

I think the reason for my post is for the newbies I promise you there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but It sometimes seem so far away while you are under treatment. Those of you stage 4, just diagnosed you are among many I know who are still fighting this disease so many years later so it is not the end.

I still suffer from side affects, such as depression and stomach issues. But those who I have known and lost from this board have taught me a hell of a lot, that you keep going and fight.

Anyway rambled enough :-) hugs to all.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Great post Sonia and

    Great post Sonia and ongtatulations on 4 years NED. I too don't like the owrd cure. In fact I was talking to my wife about that last night. I too have changed a lot and have done a lot of things that I probobly wouldn't have done if it weren't for the cancer diagnosis. I am grateful for that. I am not grateful for cancer but grateful I found some good in it all and I consider that a slap in the face of cancer.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member

    Four years is a big achievement, and it sounds like, despite all the challenges, you've really risen to the occasion and led a very enriched life.  You can definitely be proud of yourself for that, as it's not easy.  I need to use your inspirational story to work a little harder on my own life, get back out doing things.  Returning to "civilian" life after you've been in the cancer trenches is not a simple thing, and I think the combination of physical and emotional fall-out is huge, way more than our doctors tell us.

    And I don't use the "c" word yet either, as I come up on two years, even though my surgeons have.  I'm too superstitious, feel like if I say it, it won't be true.  And of course, with cancer you never know, but 4 years is a solid start!

    Hugs to you~AA

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    And yes, I remember you as I'm sure others here do too.

    What a journey, eh. I am so glad to hear that you have pushed forward and tried so many new things. You are a good example for me, who, once I get past this dratted neuropathy and frequent runs to the loo, will get out more and do more and maybe even try something that I thought I couldn't do before. Heck, if I fail, at least I can sat I tired. 

    May you enjoy another four and even forty years of remission. 

    Thank you so very much for sharing your sucesses. 

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Good for you!! So glad to

    Good for you!! So glad to hear these stories!  It is inspirational!

    Congrats to you and continued NED! Cool

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    Good for you!! So glad to

    Good for you!! So glad to hear these stories!  It is inspirational!

    Congrats to you and continued NED! Cool


    So nice to hear from you & so proud of you for all your accomplishments. I'm glad you are enjoying life.

    What age children do you want to teach when you get your certificate? I think the little ones would be so fun & they are eager to learn.

    Keep climbing those mountains, girl. You never know what's on the other side of the hill.

    Luv Ya,


  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    G'day mate
    It is good to see your post and to find you still ca free. Four years is a mighty milestone and I wish you many more. I don't think life after ca ever gets much easier but we continue to get tougher mentally. I am nearly to my sixteenth ca aniiversary. I am due for a scope this month. I am a bit nervous as it has ben three years ,the longest break I have had between scopes. I am not sure yet whether I will be having it yet. As I have a flu and have just spent a few days in hospital. I was dxed with normal asthma, bronchial asthma and cardiac asthma. They found some troponin in my blood which usually indicates a heart attack but there is no physical indication of heart damage though I have congestive heart failure. They were so worried about my heart I think they forgot the flu. It is a bad one ,I think type A and the way I feel I may be heading for double pneumonia. I don't think they will do the scope till I am a lot better. Hugs to you Sonia, stay well, Ron.
  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member

    Congratulations i'm glad you are doing so well.I'm glad you are up and about,going to school,and working.We are always here when ever you need anything just let us know.Good luck,and keep on fighting.

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    Good to hear from you


     Glad to hear from you have missed your posts.  I am stage 3b signet cell Dx'ed 1/13/12.  Coming on 2 years NED soon.

    Glad to see you are still doing ok.

    Sorry about your marriage but he should have stayed by you.  You needed him to step up not step away,  I know that cancer can really really affect a marriage.

    You sound like a much stronger person now.

    Keep us posted.

  • So Worried
    So Worried Member Posts: 111 Member

    Thank you for such an inspiring and beautiful post. May you be NED forever!!! 

  • So Worried
    So Worried Member Posts: 111 Member


    Four years is a big achievement, and it sounds like, despite all the challenges, you've really risen to the occasion and led a very enriched life.  You can definitely be proud of yourself for that, as it's not easy.  I need to use your inspirational story to work a little harder on my own life, get back out doing things.  Returning to "civilian" life after you've been in the cancer trenches is not a simple thing, and I think the combination of physical and emotional fall-out is huge, way more than our doctors tell us.

    And I don't use the "c" word yet either, as I come up on two years, even though my surgeons have.  I'm too superstitious, feel like if I say it, it won't be true.  And of course, with cancer you never know, but 4 years is a solid start!

    Hugs to you~AA


    And I don't use the "c" word yet either, as I come up on two years, even though my surgeons have.  I'm too superstitious, feel like if I say it, it won't be true.  


    I am the same exact way!!! It's my hubby, not me....but I hardly ever, ever say that word. I even asked the Dr. if they were POSITIVE he had it.... they kept thinking/saying he had a bad case of Crohns and was misdiagnosed for 2 years. So I kept thinking maybe they made a mistake and it REALLY is Crohns :)  they looked at me and said "YES, we're sure"  grrrrrrr