Swollen Lymph Node in Groin and other pains



  • needadvice1911
    needadvice1911 Member Posts: 17
    Questions for the doc

    Hey everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I have a doc appointment on December 4 and have some questions for him but I want to know if I'm missing anything.  So after second ultrasound node in groin is will there however deemed benign, just large.  I still get pain in my hip thigh and groin in my right side. Recent blood work is all clear. I ha an ultrasound of abdomen. Top to bottom, left to right.  Beside my belly button on the right side, abdomen seems to stick out further than the left side. Can enlarged nodes do this or is there something else that causes this? There is no pain. Been this way for over two months.  Would the abdominal ultrasound detected a mass in the abdomen?  Also, would you suggest I demand a CT scan. I was supposed to have one in October but doctor that the ultrasound was good enough. I asked for an excision all biopsy of groin node. Doc said there is not enough evidence to warrant one at this time. Should I leave it at that or push harder?

  • Questions for the doc

    Hey everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. I have a doc appointment on December 4 and have some questions for him but I want to know if I'm missing anything.  So after second ultrasound node in groin is will there however deemed benign, just large.  I still get pain in my hip thigh and groin in my right side. Recent blood work is all clear. I ha an ultrasound of abdomen. Top to bottom, left to right.  Beside my belly button on the right side, abdomen seems to stick out further than the left side. Can enlarged nodes do this or is there something else that causes this? There is no pain. Been this way for over two months.  Would the abdominal ultrasound detected a mass in the abdomen?  Also, would you suggest I demand a CT scan. I was supposed to have one in October but doctor that the ultrasound was good enough. I asked for an excision all biopsy of groin node. Doc said there is not enough evidence to warrant one at this time. Should I leave it at that or push harder?


    Do whatever it takes to ease your concerns. Peace of mind is important. Do you have a dog? They are great source of comfort and joy. I seldom see my one grandchild but my dogs are always there for me! There is a song by the band "Carolina Chocolate Drops" in their album "Genuine Negro Jig"  in which the line "don't let worry in your mind" is repeated over and over. It costs .99 on iTunes and worth ten times that!

  • unknown said:


    Do whatever it takes to ease your concerns. Peace of mind is important. Do you have a dog? They are great source of comfort and joy. I seldom see my one grandchild but my dogs are always there for me! There is a song by the band "Carolina Chocolate Drops" in their album "Genuine Negro Jig"  in which the line "don't let worry in your mind" is repeated over and over. It costs .99 on iTunes and worth ten times that!


    The title of the song is "trouble in your mind" not "worry in your mind". Sinh loi

  • needadvice1911
    needadvice1911 Member Posts: 17
    back from the doc. Good news, I think

    I just came back from the doctor. He walked me through my blood work, explained the levels and all mine were normal.  Second we went over sonogram results from October 17.  Liver, Billary Tree, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, aorta, IVC, all normal.  Groin sonogram results as follows: 
    Rest:  No peritoneal Contents. 
    Valsalva:  No change in the appearance of soft tissue. 
    Additional Comments:  well defined hypo and hyperecholic masses anterior to the neurovascular bundle with thin cortical mantles as follows:  Right - 16.3mm x 11.7mm x 3.3mm and 11.1mm x 11.0mm x 4.0mm.  Left - 10.3mm x 8.8mm x 4.0mm. 
    Interpretation - 1) Normal Studies.  2) Normal appearing bilateral groin lymph nodes likely of no clinical significance.  3)no sonographic evidence of  a groin hernia. 

    So, those are the results.  My doctor says that because the enlarged node on the right is next to a bunch of nerves and presses against them causing my pain/discomfort up and down my right side.  The second node on the right was measured against a node on the left to say they are similar in size and normal.  I asked him if I had lymphoma and he said based on these results he would have to say no.  He also mentioned that the node is a bit smaller now than it was in july.  He suggests to give it time to go down.  if it does not in a few months, he would not oppose removing it to relieve pressure on the nerves.  What are your thoughts?  Does this seem accurate to you?

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Congrats !


    It sounds like you have been very throughly checked and the opinion of your doc and the test evaluators is all that you have no cancer.  If it were me, I would let that be the end of it, unless some significant change occures. 

    My view: Be glad, and let it pass,


  • needadvice1911
    needadvice1911 Member Posts: 17

    Congrats !


    It sounds like you have been very throughly checked and the opinion of your doc and the test evaluators is all that you have no cancer.  If it were me, I would let that be the end of it, unless some significant change occures. 

    My view: Be glad, and let it pass,


    Thank you

    Max and Everyone else here,

    you are all so kind, brave, and strong.  Thank you for helping me though this.

    God bless you all.



  • nigela
    nigela Member Posts: 1
    need advice 1911=how are you?

    similar symptoms so wanted to check

  • Ilovetotravel
    Ilovetotravel Member Posts: 18 Member

    Different Take...


    I will play devil's advocate here and sound a little differnt that my friends who earlier posted in response to you.  I would make an appointment with an oncologist. If your insurance situation requires a referral (some oncologists in some areas require referrals, and some do not) then ask your doc, with all due respect, for a referral.  If he will not, get a referral from a different doctor.

    If you roam around this site, you will see that virtually everyone got diagnosed with lymphoma in differing ways.  Sometimes it is blatantly clear, immediately, that it was lymphoma, but many other people are treated for non-cancerous diseases for some time before finally getting a correct diagnosis.

    What passes for "bloodwork" can vary widely also.  Did you receive a full CBC and Metabolic Profile ?  The average CBC "package" does not contain many specialty tests used to track lymphoma. It varies by the lab selling the tests, basically.  The labs run on you may have been very complete and thourough, or may not be so thorough.  Ask the doc that question, or look at the results yourself -- the headings will ordinarily say what tests or sorts of tests are included.  But: even people with late stage disease sometimes have labs results that are near-normal.  I was one such person, and in fact, my WBC counts were NEVER abnormal, prior to receiving chemo infusions.  Also, I NEVER felt a node ANYWHERE prior to diagnosis. My cancer was caught via a CT, which I was given due to chest pain, which the doctors thought was angina.  It was instead massive nodes pressing agasinst the wall of my heart.

    I have NO medical training, but I have never heard any doctor claim that he can look at an exposed node and tell if it is benign or cancerous.  A surgeon who has cut out a biopsy node cannot even know that -- it has to be sent to a lab for analysis by pathologists.  In fact, the ONLY definitve diagnosis for cancer is a pathology report from a biopsied sample.   Clinically, I first presented with huge nodes across three quadrants of my body. The surgeon looked at the CT with me and said:  "I am not an oncologist, but I do a lot of cancer surgery. This is UNOFFICIAL, but you are torn up with lymphoma.  But we must do a biopsy to confirm ." He was absolutely correct.  He said that he only other thing that looks similiar on a CT to what I showed is end-stage AIDS, but I was at no risk for HIV, and have always tested negative.

    So, I would request a referral, or at least further testing.  I would rather spend a little more money on insurance copays and deductables, to be sure.

    Just my view of what you described.  Please do send us anything further that you learn.


    My lymphoma was found with a

    My lymphoma was found with a CT scan. It was also caught at the same time they diagnosed me with colon cancer.

    My surgeon ordered  a CT scan before he did my colon cancer surgery. I had enlarged lymph nodes in my chest. He had to rule out metastasis cancer of the colon. 

    So the next test was a Pet Scan. cancer lights up with that type of test.

    After the pets scan lit up in that area. The next test was a CT guided biopsy of the swollen lymph node. The lymph node that is enlarged is next to my Aorta. 

    That is how they determined I have lymphoma..

    My blood work has been perfect even having been diagnosed with two cancers, GERD and H-pylori. 

    Now I was having chest pains and a burning sensation down my throat all thought to be caused by GERD. This was my first sign I was sick with something.

    I also went to three doctors for different opinions.  I will admit something told me there was more wrong than what the first two doctors Said.

    So go get more opinions. 

    I wish you best

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    My lymphoma was found with a

    My lymphoma was found with a CT scan. It was also caught at the same time they diagnosed me with colon cancer.

    My surgeon ordered  a CT scan before he did my colon cancer surgery. I had enlarged lymph nodes in my chest. He had to rule out metastasis cancer of the colon. 

    So the next test was a Pet Scan. cancer lights up with that type of test.

    After the pets scan lit up in that area. The next test was a CT guided biopsy of the swollen lymph node. The lymph node that is enlarged is next to my Aorta. 

    That is how they determined I have lymphoma..

    My blood work has been perfect even having been diagnosed with two cancers, GERD and H-pylori. 

    Now I was having chest pains and a burning sensation down my throat all thought to be caused by GERD. This was my first sign I was sick with something.

    I also went to three doctors for different opinions.  I will admit something told me there was more wrong than what the first two doctors Said.

    So go get more opinions. 

    I wish you best


    Your story is rare and remarkable.  Discovering two distinct cancers, and at the same time; I cannot recall a similiar case here right off.

    It seems you have properly insisted that this be verified: that it is not lymphoma gone into the colon, or colon cancer in the lymphatic system, either of which is more intuitive that two unrelated cancers emerging simultaneously. But, the lymphatic cancer being in fact lymphoma is probably a good thing, since lymphoma is much more easily treated than metastatic colorectal cancer.  How did your surgery on 1/11 go ? (mentioned on your Bio page).

    I have severe reflux too, caused by a quite large hiatial hernia. My surgeon is treating me with meds also, and has recommended against surgery.  I have had doctors thinking that I was having angina attacks more than once in the ER, but it was reflux scalding the tube; the spasms feel exactly like a heart attack. Scary stuff.

    You are on an older thread that has been dormant for over two years. You may want to start a new thread, since your time here is just getting started.

    I hope the site is of benefit to you, and that you continue to write,


  • Ilovetotravel
    Ilovetotravel Member Posts: 18 Member


    Your story is rare and remarkable.  Discovering two distinct cancers, and at the same time; I cannot recall a similiar case here right off.

    It seems you have properly insisted that this be verified: that it is not lymphoma gone into the colon, or colon cancer in the lymphatic system, either of which is more intuitive that two unrelated cancers emerging simultaneously. But, the lymphatic cancer being in fact lymphoma is probably a good thing, since lymphoma is much more easily treated than metastatic colorectal cancer.  How did your surgery on 1/11 go ? (mentioned on your Bio page).

    I have severe reflux too, caused by a quite large hiatial hernia. My surgeon is treating me with meds also, and has recommended against surgery.  I have had doctors thinking that I was having angina attacks more than once in the ER, but it was reflux scalding the tube; the spasms feel exactly like a heart attack. Scary stuff.

    You are on an older thread that has been dormant for over two years. You may want to start a new thread, since your time here is just getting started.

    I hope the site is of benefit to you, and that you continue to write,


    Still trying to figure out this site

    thanks for responding and asking, 


    Ahhh yes according to a few different doctors I am being told my case is Rare  but not unusual....

    oh I been having a gay old time since last September. Which started with acid reflex. which then required a edoscope down my throat. And of course I was at that time offered a colonopspy. I did both never had either before. I'm no spring chicken. And yea they found H-pylori in my tummy,  upgraded acid reflex to GERD and a ulcer in my colon with a precancerous polyp. 

    Saw a second GI doctor who tried to remove the ulcer by EMR. He couldn't. 

    Saw a surgeon he recommended and I said if this is precancerous should we do a CT Scan? He said No we only order them when the path report is cancerous. I go well you and I both know if the two dr donot hit the spot where the cancer is, it could very well be? He yes but you have two GI Dr's both say you dont have cancer.  I can offer you a choice of two surgeries. One I remove your cecum and two I remove that an some lymph nodes, along with about six inches of your colon.  He told me to go home and think about Which surgery I wanted.

    Well I thought about it and decided to see a third GI Doctor at Mayo Clinic. who offered to try and do an EMR again, to remove the ulcer/polyp. He took one look and knew it was cancer. Took some more tissue and it can back Adenocarcinoma. It was rising in a serrated Adenoma. 

    He referred me to surgeon who ordered a CT scan and that was when they found the Swollen lymph nodes in my chest. 

    I was offered the option to have two more tests before my surgery. I accepted cause your right,  better to have lymphoma than a stage 4 cecum cancer...the pet scan and ct guided biopsy, Confirmed follicular lymphoma 

    so my colon surgery was back on 1/11/16 ..they did the surgery and killed off the colon cancer. Said they got it all. I would not need any more treatments it was gone. Surgery was ok till day 3, when i couldn't eat or drink anymore and they had to jump start my colon again. once that started working I got dehydrated and ended up with a 7 day hospital stay. 3 1/2 weeks later, well I am learning, what I can and cannot eat anymore.

    But I won't lie my mind is tad messed up. I can't figure out what ache and pain i should be concerned with or not? They shouldn't of never told me about the lymphoma.. Cause I honestly think my lymph nodes are swelling. And when I read about lymphoma, well I start feeling every symptom. I hope it is all in my darn head. 

    I am thinking every little weird symptom is a sign of lymphoma. So I am very freaked out. I just ordered a book called living with lymphoma. I am hoping that helps answer some questions. Cause you could make yourself nuts reading all this stuff online. I think I'm almost there. This two for one cancer special tests your strength.